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  • Количество слайдов: 11

The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 -37) – She chose to reach out to the prophet when the “rest of the nation” was following after idolatry. Ø Cared for the prophet Ø Recognized him as “a holy man of God” (v. 9, 16, 22) Ø Saw needs and wanted to fulfill them Ø Knew God was still on the throne – Understood the place of the prophet (as the authority & mouthpiece of God) and wanted to do all she could to help truth, further truth and hold only to the truth – God was the focus (& measure) of all that she did.

The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 -37) • Hospitable (2 Kings 4: 8) – She persuaded/constrained him to eat – He stopped to eat as often as he passed by – Hospitality is just as much needed today: Ø Rom. 12: 13; 1 Pet. 4: 9; Heb. 13: 2; 3 Jn. 5 -8; Tit. 1: 8 Ø Promotes increased love among brethren Ø Demonstrates genuine interest in people Ø Tool for evangelism Ø Become better acquainted with people Ø Helps to focus on others rather than self

The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 -37) • Hospitable (2 Kings 4: 8) • Generous (2 Kings 4: 9 -11) – She persuaded her husband to add a room to their house so this Man of God would have a convenient place to stay on this road he frequently traveled. – She recognized she was but a steward of the things they had in their possession from God (cf. 1 Co. 4: 2). – Generosity is not determined by the amount one possesses (not a big house with extra rooms but had servants, 4: 19, 22) but by the way he uses what he does possess (cf. 2 Cor. 8: 2, 12).

The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 -37) Hospitable (2 Kings 4: 8) Generous (2 Kings 4: 9 -11) Self-starter (2 Kings 4: 9 -10) – No one told her to do what she did. She saw an opportunity to be of service to the man of God, and she acted without being asked. – She enlisted the help of her husband to help her do what she wanted done. – What is there that we can & should be doing in the kingdom of God but are waiting to be asked?

The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • • • Devoted to truth (2 Kings The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • • • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 -37) Hospitable (2 Kings 4: 8) Generous (2 Kings 4: 9 -11) Self-starter (2 Kings 4: 9 -10) Practical (2 Kings 4: 10) – She wanted to make a “little chamber” with only the basic necessities that would be practical and helpful (not an elaborate suite). – Her purpose was to be helpful (not put on a show). – We don’t have to be lavish in helping others. We can be simple & ordinary and still be meaningful.

The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 -37) • Hospitable (2 Kings 4: 8) • Generous (2 Kings 4: 9 -11) • Self-starter (2 Kings 4: 9 -10) • Practical (2 Kings 4: 10) • Content & trusted in God (2 Kings 4: 12 -13)

The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Content & trusted in God (2 Kings The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Content & trusted in God (2 Kings 4: 12 -13) – Elisha wanted to reward her for her kindnesses – She was not interested in the king, the captain of the army or anything they had to offer (as the rest of the nation was and would have been) – She recognized that life is not about “getting what you can get”—it’s about listening to the prophets and living & faithfully serving God (therefore, she had what she wanted) – This woman was different, set apart.

The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 -37) • Hospitable (2 Kings 4: 8) • Generous (2 Kings 4: 9 -11) • Self-starter (2 Kings 4: 9 -10) • Practical (2 Kings 4: 10) • Content & trusted in God (2 Kings 4: 12 -13) • Tremendous faith (2 Kings 4: 18 -36)

The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Tremendous faith (2 Kings 4: 18 -36) The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • Tremendous faith (2 Kings 4: 18 -36) – When her son died: Ø She put her son in the prophet’s room (not his own) Ø She asked her husband that she might go and find the prophet of God Ø She went in person to find the prophet of God (not the king or a physician or anyone else) Ø She told the driver to drive as fast as he could Ø She said and believed, “It is well. ” Ø She bypassed the servant to go straight to the prophet of God Ø She would not leave the prophet of God’s side Ø She and the prophet prayed to the Lord

The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: The Shunammite Woman: A Great Woman • • Devoted to truth (2 Kings 4: 8 -37) Hospitable (2 Kings 4: 8) Generous (2 Kings 4: 9 -11) Self-starter (2 Kings 4: 9 -10) Practical (2 Kings 4: 10) Content & trusted in God (2 Kings 4: 12 -13) Tremendous faith (2 Kings 4: 18 -36) Appreciative (2 Kings 4: 37) – She fell down at the prophet’s feet – She felt & acknowledged sincere gratitude