The seven tones are: • Low Fall: the voice falls during the word from a medium to a very low pitch. • High Fall : the voice falls during the word from a high to a very low pitch. • Rise-Fall: the voice first rises from a fairly low to a high pitch, and then quickly falls to a very low pitch. • Low Rise: the voice rises during the word from a low to a medium pitch or a little above • High Rise: the voice rises during the word from a medium to a high pitch. • Fall-Rise: the voice first falls from a fairly high to a rather low pitch, and then, still within the word, rises to a medium pitch. • Mid-Level: the voice maintains a level pitch between high and low, neither rising nor falling.
HEADS There are four different types of head: — the low head ( , Someone’s , bound to , come a, long , soon. ), — the high head ( ‘ Plenty of people ˚ don’t really ^ care. ), — the sliding head ( ↘ Everyone’s ↘ bound to ↘ tee it ˇ sometime. ) , — the rising head ( „ How did you „ manage to do ‛ that? ).