The Seven Dimensions of Culture
Universalism – Particularism Kazakhstan United Kingdom They assume that Bonds of particular relationships (family, their standards are friends) are stronger the right standards, than any abstract rules. Response to a situation and they attempt may change according to to change the attitudes of others circumstances and the people involved. to match theirs.
Individualism – Communitarianism Kazakhstan a modern society such as Japan has a strong communitarian orientation, which forces one to question this convention. The group comes before the individual, and people are mainly oriented towards common goals and objectives. In a predominantly individualistic culture, people are expected to make their own decisions and to only take care of themselves and their immediate family. Japan
Neutral – Affective United Kingdom Kazakhstan In cultures high on In emotionally neutral affectivity, people freely cultures, one carefully express their emotions: they controls attempt to find immediate emotions and is reluctant to outlets for their feelings. In an show feelings. Reason affectively oriented culture, dominates one's interaction it is accepted to show one's with others. In a neutrally feelings spontaneously. oriented culture, people are taught that it is incorrect to overtly show feelings.
Internal – External Switzerland Kazakhstan In People who have an contrast to this, cultures with an internally controlled externally controlled (or mechanistic organic) view of nature (or mechanistic) view of which assumes that man is nature - a belief that one controlled by nature - orient can dominate nature their actions towards usually others. They focus on the view themselves as the point environment rather than on of departure for determining themselves. the right action.
THE END! Thank you