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“The Secondary Competency Certificate Programme (SCCP) A school-to work linking programme” Motto: Creating an Alternative Pathway in Education SCCP UNIT January, 2014
Implementation September, 2009, implemented at the Grade 10 Level (Form 4), in 22 Secondary Schools and 7 Practical Instruction Centres (PICs). September, 2010, in addition to the Grade 10 Level , the programme was introduced at the Grade 9 Level (Form 3) in 34 Secondary Schools and 10 (PICs).
Presently the SCCP is conducted At the Grade 9 and Grade 10 levels, in: 50 Secondary Schools, and 10 Practical Instruction Centres (PICs), in Regions 1 -8 and 10 of Guyana and the Georgetown Education District.
The SCCP - Utilises the Competency-Based Modularised Education and Training (CBMET) approach for its delivery. - Use Modules that are developed from industry supported National and Caricom Regional approved Occupational Standards are: • Competencies required for effective workplace performance • Produced in collaboration with industry experts, teachers and other education professionals
CBMET Is an approach to vocational education and training that places emphasis on what a person can do in the workplace as a result of completing a programme of training. Uses a modular format for the design, development and presentation of instructional materials.
Purpose of the SCCP To offer students in the Secondary School system technical competence, and serves as an alternative pathway for the acquisition of knowledge, desirable attributes and skills for continuing education, further training and the world of work.
General Objectives Provide an opportunity for secondary school students to develop technical competencies, functional literacy and numeracy at Grade 9 and Grade 10, Equip students with life, citizenship and vocational Expose students to a modularised career education skills to support national development, programme with emphasis on supervised work experiences/attachments and/or individualised work – related projects.
Core Subjects – offered at the Grade 9 and Grade 10 levels Language and Communication, Mathematics, General Studies, Integrated Science.
Electives (Technical Subjects )- offered at the Grade 9 and Grade 10 levels Industrial Technology – Carpentry , Joinery, Home Economics– Catering, Garment Construction, Visual Arts – Art, Fabric Decoration. Agricultural Science – Crops and Soils. Electrical Installation, Masonry, Sheet Metal Work, Welding. Household Management.
The programme has no stipulated starting or finishing point due to students being given the opportunity to work and acquire relevant skills and competencies at their own pace. The programme may start in September of a school year, but may not be completed at the end of the school’s academic year. Students are given additional time to complete the programme at their own pace. A student must successfully complete the Grade 9 programme before moving on to the Grade 10 programme.
Student Activities Each student must successfully complete: The four core subjects, One elective, A portfolio for each core subject and elective, A project for each core subject and elective.
Essential Features of the SCCP Continuous assessment Competency based objectives Modularised curriculum End of cycle certification
Grading System – Core Subjects , Electives, Portfolios & Projects A = 81 – 100 %, B = 61 – 80 % C = 41 – 60 % (The minimum acceptable grade) Below 40 % = NRY (Not Ready Yet) NRY means that the student has not acquired the minimum level to be termed as competent at the minimum acceptable grade. Any student whose submitted work is graded as NRY, must complete a reassessment/ reassessments until required competence is achieved, at least the Grade “C” level.
Assessment Student performance - Assessed via: Observation Schedules Oral questioning Written tests Practical assignments/experiments Appraisal of student’s portfolio Project - Product / Presentation
Assessment is continuous – a student - must complete successfully each assessment of a particular module with at least a “C” grade, to be considered as“Competent “ and to be able to move on to another module. - - is reassessed as many times as it takes to gain at least a “C” grade, to be termed as“Competent”. - Is termed as “Not Ready Yet” if he/she at any assessment achieves a score that is less than that for a “C” grade.
Portfolios and Projects A student must also attain at least a Grade “C” for every portfolio and project , for the four core subjects, and the chosen elective to be considered for the award of the SCCP (Grade 9) Certificate or the SCCP (Grade 10) Advance Certificate. All needed tools, machines, equipment , materials, and textbooks (for electives) are provided , to assist the students to acquire the relevant skills and competencies.
Levels of Competence • Pre–Trade : Trainee Operator • Level 1 : Semi –Skilled Operator (Grade 9) (Grade 10) Limited technical knowledge to perform simple , routine, predictable and procedural tasks, with strong emphasis on the use of hand tools. Knowledge and skills in the performance of routine or predictable work activities.
Certification facilitates Employment – both Private and Public Sectors. Access to Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) programmes, upon successful completion of the Grade 10 programme. Access to the Level 11 programmes of Post Secondary Institutions, upon successful completion of the Level 1 programme. Entry requirement for apprentice training.
Technical & Vocational Education & Training Industry Grading Education Level 5 University Level 4 Technical Institute Level 3 Level 2 CXC Employment GITC/CSHE SCCP Grade 10 _ Secondary School SCCP Grade 9 Secondary School Apprentice ship Level 1 Pre trade
INPUTS Teaching/Learning Manuals for the four (4) Core Subjects and twelve (12) Electives are issued to all of the Secondary Schools and PICs. 581 teachers trained as Assessors and Internal Verifiers. 52 teachers trained as External Verifiers. Tools, equipment, machines and textbooks needed to effectively and efficiently conduct the programme.
The SCCP – has facilitated Greater participation of graduates in the work environment, further and higher education A comprehensive system based on a TVET national certificate Greater efficiency in the provision and organisation of teaching and learning A more relevant and responsive curriculum which meets the need of employers and the needs of individual students
Constant feedback on student development Continuous assessment instead of doing end of course examination Student – centred learning strategies and the use of assessment for diagnosis purposes Clearly articulated short term aims which benefit slow achievers Assessment of student performance to prescribed Occupational Standards
Positive Outcomes Student attendance and punctuality has increased, Student dropout from schools has decreased, Some graduates have become entrepreneurs, Student acceptance at Technical Institutes (Post Secondary Institutions) for the Level 11 programmes has become a norm, Acceptance of the programme by schools, students and teachers has increased.
Positive Outcomes 2, 294 students have so far acquired the SCCP (Grade 9) and the SCCP Advance (Grade 10 -Level 1) Certificates 29 participants graduated with the “Skill for Life” certificates in three (3) electives. 50 Secondary Schools and 10 PICs equipped with needed tools, equipment and materials as requisitioned.
“Thank You”