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The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy A novel fiber optic sensing system for The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy A novel fiber optic sensing system for monitoring debris flows Chung-Ray Chu Ching-Jer Huang Tsung-Mo Tien Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering National Cheng Kung University Taiwan.

Outline The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • • • Introduction Fiber-optic sensor Outline The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • • • Introduction Fiber-optic sensor Fiber-optic sensing system for debris flow Calibration experiment Conclusion 2

Introduction The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • Debris flow is one of Introduction The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • Debris flow is one of the most hazardous nature process in Taiwan. • Debris flow has the following characteristics (Takahashi, 1991): – – – The forefront looks like a bore and accumulates the largest rocks. The flow following the forefront appears as a mudflow with a gradually decreasing discharge. The flow is accompanied by loud noise and ground vibration. • The debris flow warning systems can be divided into two categories (Arattano and Marchi 2008): – – Advance warning system (e. g. rainfall). Event warning system (e. g. ground vibration sensing), with short evacuating time but precise alarm. • Conventionally, geophones or seismometers are often utilized to detect the ground vibrations produced by debris flows. However, the electrical power supply and signal attenuation are the challenges in remote mountainous region. • The technique of fiber optic sensing is appropriate for remote sensing purpose, because of its very low optical loss, high sensitivity, and immunity to electromagnetic interference. 3

Fiber-optic sensor The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • The advantages of fiber-optic Fiber-optic sensor The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • The advantages of fiber-optic sensor – – Low optical loss Multiplexibility High sensitivity Immunity to electromagnetic interference • Sense various physical signals – – Strain Temperature Pressure Acceleration 4

Fiber-optic sensor The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Fiber-optic sensor The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor • Photosensitive effect (Hill et al. 1978): intense UV light can cause permanent change in refractive index of optic fiber. • Broadband light incident in the grating, and a narrowband component reflected back. (Kersey 1977) Figure 1 Basic Bragg grating-sensing mechanism • The shift of Bragg wavelength due to strain and temperature changes is given by (Kersey et al. 1977) • In respect to measurand of ground vibrations, thermal effects are relative to very -low frequency component and could be igmored. 5

Fiber-optic sensor The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • FBG accelerometer acting with Fiber-optic sensor The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • FBG accelerometer acting with a external force • Strain: • Hook’s law: Figure 2 Diagram of simple FBG accelerometer design. • The relationship of resonance wavelength and acceleration: • Multiplexing allows each sensor to be assigned to a different wavelength in the available source spectrum. Figure 3 FBG sensor serial multiplexing 6

Fiber-optic sensing system for debris flow The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • Fiber-optic sensing system for debris flow The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • Fiber optics sensing system deployed in the middle of Taiwan. • Line array construction – – advance detection spatial analysis of the moving process • Decay rate of optical signal – 0. 383 d. B/km • Sensor: single-axis accelerometer, GS -6500 (Fiber. Sensing company) – – sensitivity: 10 pm/g frequency response: < 300 Hz amplitude range: ± 40 g accuracy: 20 mg Figure 4 Topographic map of the fiber optical sensing systems deployment. Table 1 Distances between the sensors and the data receiving center. Name of creek Ai-Yu-Zi Chu-Shui Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 Sensor 4 625 m 595 m 520 m 368 m 340 m 195 m 144 m 50 m 7

Calibration experiment The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • The first test (a) Calibration experiment The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • The first test (a) (c) Figure 5: Testing signal measured by AYZ-4 sensor; (a) time domain, (b) frequency domain, and (c) time-frequency domain by Gabor transformation. (c) 8

Calibration experiment The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure Calibration experiment The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 6 Sketch of calibration experiment setup. Figure 8 Vertical ground vibration measured by the Zaxis component of geophone versus vertical acceleration of ground vibration measured by the FBG accelerometer. The signals were recorded for 30 s, and well aligned to the first impact pulse. (a) Vertical velocity of ground vibration in time domain, and (b) in frequency domain. (c) Vertical acceleration of ground vibration in time domain, and (d) in frequency domain. Figure 7 Picture of experimental site. 9

Calibration experiment The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (Itakura Calibration experiment The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (Itakura et. al. 2000) Figure 9: Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) calculated through the time axis. SNR from Z-axis of geophone (solid line), FBG accelerometer (dotted line), and microphone (dashed line). 10

Conclusion The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • This study presents a novel Conclusion The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • This study presents a novel fiber optic sensing system for monitoring debris flows. Two sensing systems were deployed along the Ai-Yu-Zi Creek and the Chu-Shui Creek in Nantou County, Taiwan with Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) accelerometers for monitoring debris flows. In each system four accelerometers were installed in the bank of the creek as line arrays. • A calibration experiment was carried out to compare the performance of FBG accelerometer with other sensors, such as geophone and microphone. The result showed that the SNR of FBG accelerometer was higher than geophone; moreover, was much higher than microphone. The different performance was born of the sensitivities of the used sensors, and the material where the signals propagated. • Even though the sensing capability of FBG accelerometer seems better than geophone, the temperature effect and other ambient noise should be considered. Low frequency contribution would be involved from the temperature changes. Ambient noises would be sensed from traffic, water flow, or other tremors. These effects will cause the false alarm of detecting and warning system. 11

Reference The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • • • Arattano M, (2003) Reference The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • • • Arattano M, (2003) Monitoring the presence of the debris-flow front and its velocity through ground vibration detectors. In: Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation, Davos, Switzerland, Rotterdam, Netherlands, September 10– 12 2003. Millpress, pp 719 -730 Arattano M, Marchi L, (2008) Systems and sensors for debris-flow monitoring and warning. Sensors 8 (4): 2436 -2452 Berti M, Genevois R, La. Husen R, Simoni A, Tecca PR, (2000) Debris flow monitoring in the Acquabona watershed on the Dolomites (Italian Alps). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part B-Hydrology Oceans and Atmosphere 25 (9): 707 -715 Burtin A, Bollinger L, Cattin R, Vergne J, Nabelek JL, (2009) Spatiotemporal sequence of Himalayan debris flow from analysis of high-frequency seismic noise. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface 114. doi: F 04009 10. 1029/2008 jf 001198 Hill KO, Fujii Y, Johnson DC, Kawasaki BS, (1978) Photosensitivity in Optical Fiber Waveguides - Application to Reflection Filter Fabrication. Appl Phys Lett 32 (10): 647 -649 Huang C-J, Yin H-Y, Chen C-Y, Yeh C-H, Wang C-L, (2007) Ground vibrations produced by rock motions and debris flows. J Geophys Res 112: F 02014 Itakura Y, Fujii N, Sawada T, (2000) Basic characteristics of ground vibration sensors for the detection of debris flow. Phys Chem Earth (B) 25 (9): 717 -720 Itakura Y, Inaba H, Sawada T, (2005) A debris-flow monitoring devices and methods bibliography. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 5 (6): 971 -977 Itakura Y, Koga Y, Takahama JI, Nowa Y, (1997) Acoustic detection sensor for debris flow, in Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference, N. Y. , 1997. Am. Soc. of Civ. Eng. , pp 747 -756 Iverson RM, Reid ME, La. Husen RG, (1997) Debris-flow mobilization from landslides. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 25: 85 -138 12

Reference The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • • Johnson AM, Rodine JR, Reference The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy • • Johnson AM, Rodine JR, (1984) Debris flows. In: Brunsden D, Prior DB (eds) Slope Instability. John Wiley & Sons. Ltd. , pp 257 -361 Kersey AD, (1997) Multiplexing Techniques for Fiber-Optic Sensors. In: Dakin J, Culshaw B (eds) Optical Fiber Sensors: Applications, Analysis, and Future Trends, vol IV. pp 369 -407 Kersey AD, Davis MA, Patrick HJ, Le. Blanc M, Koo KP, Askins CG, Putnam MA, Friebele EJ, (1997) Fiber grating sensors. J Lightwave Technol 15 (8): 1442 -1463 Lavigne F, Thouret JC, Voight B, Young K, La. Husen R, Marso J, Suwa H, Sumaryono A, Sayudi DS, Dejean M, (2000) Instrumental lahar monitoring at Merapi Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 100 (1 -4): 457 -478 Lin CH, Kumagai H, Ando M, Shin TC, (2010) Detection of landslides and submarine slumps using broadband seismic networks. Geophysical Research Letters 37. doi: 10. 1029/2010 GL 044685 Massimo A, (2000) On debris flow front evolution along a rorrent. Phys Chem Earth (B) 25 (9): 733 -740 Okuda S, Okunishi K, Suwa H, (1980) Observation of debris flow at Kamikamihori Valley of Mt. Yakedade. In: the 3 rd meeting of IGU commission on field experiment in geomorphology, Disaster Prev. Res. Inst. Kyoto Univ. , Japan, 1980. pp 127 -130 Takahashi T, (1991) Debris Flow. A A Balkema, 13

The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy Thank you for your attention 14 The Second World Landslide Forum Rome, Italy Thank you for your attention 14