Скачать презентацию The Scientific Method Discover the world around you Скачать презентацию The Scientific Method Discover the world around you


  • Количество слайдов: 12

The Scientific Method Discover the world around you! Mrs. Cholak – Grade 6 Science The Scientific Method Discover the world around you! Mrs. Cholak – Grade 6 Science v. Scientists ask questions about the world around them that can be answered through scientific investigations. v Scientists then give explanations to those questions based on their research, observations, and data.

Let’s ask some questions! *** Remember, scientific questions are ones that can be answered Let’s ask some questions! *** Remember, scientific questions are ones that can be answered through investigation. Which of these questions are scientific questions and which are not? §What makes our bodies shiver? §Should people always be nice? §Do crickets only chirp at night? §Do I always breathe faster when I exercise? §Are girls better cooks then boys? §Do bigger objects roll down hills faster?

Step 1 - Ask a Question Which paper towel brand is the most absorbent? Step 1 - Ask a Question Which paper towel brand is the most absorbent?

Step 2 – Gather Background Information/Research Paper towel companies are always going back and Step 2 – Gather Background Information/Research Paper towel companies are always going back and forth about which is the most absorbent. This is because when consumers go to buy the paper towel, they are looking for a paper towel brand that will soak up the most mess. BIG MESS!!

Step 3 – Develop a HYPOTHESIS - A possible explanation for your question. This Step 3 – Develop a HYPOTHESIS - A possible explanation for your question. This is not a FACT…. … It is an EDUCATED GUESS. We will ALWAYS write our Hypothesis in an IF, THEN format Let’s Practice …

Step 4 - Design your Experiment Here is where it gets a little tricky Step 4 - Design your Experiment Here is where it gets a little tricky so be sure you are paying ATTENTION!! The VARIABLES in your Experiment: 1. Manipulated Variable – the variable you are changing on purpose. 2. Responding Variable – the variable that changes in response to your manipulated variable. 3. Control Variables – All other variables in the experiment must be kept the same.

1. What is the MANIPULATED variable in our paper towel experiment? ? The different 1. What is the MANIPULATED variable in our paper towel experiment? ? The different types of paper towels 2. What is the RESPONDING variable in our experiment. The amount of water absorbed 3. What are some variables we are controlling? 1. The amount of water each towel is given to absorb 2. The length of time each towel is given to absorb the water

Materials 2 sheets of Bounty paper towel 2 sheets of “Other” paper towel Aluminum Materials 2 sheets of Bounty paper towel 2 sheets of “Other” paper towel Aluminum pan Timer 1 beaker filled with 200 mls of water 1 50 ml graduated cylinder 1 25 ml graduated cylinder Funnel Pencil Lab Sheet

Step 5 - Record your Data and Observations Data Table paper towel brand water Step 5 - Record your Data and Observations Data Table paper towel brand water average absorbed trial water 1 (ml) 2 (ml) absorbed (ml) Bounty School Observations

Graph Your Data Create a bar graph showing your results. Use your data table Graph Your Data Create a bar graph showing your results. Use your data table Which Paper Towel Absorbs the Most Water? Water Absorbed (ml) Bounty School Paper Towel Brand

Step 6 – Interpret Data and Draw Conclusions A conclusion is a summary of Step 6 – Interpret Data and Draw Conclusions A conclusion is a summary of what you have learned throughout your experiment. Was you Hypothesis Correct? What were some things in this experiment that may have affected the results?

Step 7 – Draw a Conclusion **Your conclusion is based on the observations you Step 7 – Draw a Conclusion **Your conclusion is based on the observations you made and the data you recorded Let’s Work Through Our Class Lab