Скачать презентацию The Savvy Fundraiser How Your Peers are Using Скачать презентацию The Savvy Fundraiser How Your Peers are Using


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The Savvy Fundraiser: How Your Peers are Using New Technologies Jacquie Skrzypiec President, Jacq The Savvy Fundraiser: How Your Peers are Using New Technologies Jacquie Skrzypiec President, Jacq Connect J@Jacq. Connect. us © 2013 Jacq Connect. All rights reserved.

What I Promised Ethical factors to consider before you begin How online communications differs What I Promised Ethical factors to consider before you begin How online communications differs from other methods How to prepare for an online communications campaign The technologies that are available their pros and cons targeted audiences practical measurements of success, and examples of how they were used to increase support Strategies to minimize your time commitment to implementing your plan Resources with lots of statistics and research to back you up when you present your plan to your boss(es)

Goals I Will Focus On (Fundamentals of Fundraising & Their Online Implementation) Promote the Goals I Will Focus On (Fundamentals of Fundraising & Their Online Implementation) Promote the mission Build relationships Recruit supporters Stimulate conversations Inspire sharing Spur to action (most important)

There’s a Lot to Cover All of this is online: www. Jacq. Connect. us/savvy There’s a Lot to Cover All of this is online: www. Jacq. Connect. us/savvy I will not be able to cover all of your options – but I will be able to give you places to start and factors to evaluate whether it will be a good fit I will go fast to skim over what you already know, but stop me when I get to something you have questions about Remind me when we have 10 minutes left so I can jump to the “Back at the Office” slide

Sources of Wisdom You and your wise and experienced peers AFP’s Tech. Know Conference Sources of Wisdom You and your wise and experienced peers AFP’s Tech. Know Conference AFP’s Online Resource Center Online Fundraising Toolkit: Leveraging Social Media to Increase Fundraising - http: //bit. ly/11 dkoe 8 “A very long and illustrious career in nonprofit management consulting” Online research The Nonprofit Social Media Decision Guide - http: //bit. ly/11 dl. DKl

Peer Survey Answers to meeting registration questions re: social media Peer Survey Answers to meeting registration questions re: social media

Survey Results: What Your Peers Are Using Survey Results: What Your Peers Are Using

Survey Results: How Successful You Feel Survey Results: How Successful You Feel

COOL TOOL https: //bitly. com (FREE) Copy your long URL Paste it and enter COOL TOOL https: //bitly. com (FREE) Copy your long URL Paste it and enter Copy and paste that link everywhere Track the clicks (tinyurl does not have this feature) Also www. tinyurl. com

Ethics: Be Worthy “Consumers want to feel that the [charities] they love are, in Ethics: Be Worthy “Consumers want to feel that the [charities] they love are, in fact, worthy of that love. ”

AFP says … Follow Appropriate Industry Laws and Guidelines Be Informed and Interesting – AFP says … Follow Appropriate Industry Laws and Guidelines Be Informed and Interesting – and Listen Always Be Respectful, and Be Polite When Disagreeing Make Sure You Properly Attribute All Content Be Responsive Use Discretion At All Times Transparency, Honesty, and Integrity Are Paramount Don't Mix Worlds – Know the Line Between Professional and Personal Be Authorized and Official Respond to Violations of Standards http: //bit. ly/15 p 1 h 5 T

Laws & Standards Implement a Social Media Policy You must be ethical We will Laws & Standards Implement a Social Media Policy You must be ethical We will monitor you There will be consequences if your posts are inappropriate HIPAA – It’s not just for medical providers; make sure you are aware of what is legal to reveal and what you can’t; also a great barometer for ethics

HIPAA Webinar Take-Aways Notice of privacy - describe how the PHI (patient health information) HIPAA Webinar Take-Aways Notice of privacy - describe how the PHI (patient health information) may be used; must specifically state that they have the right to opt-out of fundraising communications. (see next slide) You are permitted to receive basic patient info from your service provider departments (e. g. , cardiology departments can give you contact info of their patients), including outcome information and date of birth. You are NOT permitted to know without patient authorization the diagnosis, nature of services, or treatment. Funder tells you their breast cancer story - you can enter the info ONLY if that database is protected within your department. You CANNOT enter it if it's shared. You CANNOT mention that information to volunteers or colleagues outside of your department. You CAN share it if it's public knowledge (posted on Facebook).

HIPAA Language We may use certain information (name, address, telephone number or e-mail information, HIPAA Language We may use certain information (name, address, telephone number or e-mail information, age, date of birth, gender, health insurance status, dates of service, department of service information, treating physician information or outcome information) to contact you for the purpose of raising money for (NAME OF INSTITUTION) and you will have the right to opt out of receiving such communications with each solicitation. For the same purpose, we may provide your name to our institutionally related foundation. The money raised will be used to expand improve the services and programs we provide the community. You are free to opt out of fundraising solicitation, and your decision will have no impact on your treatment or payment for services at (NAME OF INSTITUTION).

HIPAA Webinar Take-Aways The ruling has specific out-out language rules for fundraising - patients/families HIPAA Webinar Take-Aways The ruling has specific out-out language rules for fundraising - patients/families must receive clear language indicate that they may opt out of fundraising communications via verbal, phone, email, or website (a letter is too much of a burden). Opt-out instructions must be included with each fundraising communications. They can opt out of all future communications or just campaign-specific communications. The opt out DOES NOT LAPSE. Once they opt out, you can no longer send anything - even if they donate later – unless you get specific instructions from them. How does it relate to online communications? If they opt-out initially, you cannot add them to your email list. You must include an opt-out with each email. http: //tinyurl. com/OAHPHIPAA

Personal vs. Professional Create a professional Facebook page and a Linked. In Group and Personal vs. Professional Create a professional Facebook page and a Linked. In Group and post ONLY mission-related content there Be mindful that EVERYTHING you say reflects on your organization … even if it’s on your personal page If you absolutely must publicize your “cool behaviors, ” use a pseudonym!

Online Data Mining Where do you draw the line? Linked. In career history Facebook Online Data Mining Where do you draw the line? Linked. In career history Facebook family news Shares of funny cat memes Tweets about the cute guy across the bar If in doubt, don’t do it!

Check it out … AFP Standards http: //tinyurl. com/o 3 hz 7 ed Nonprofit Check it out … AFP Standards http: //tinyurl. com/o 3 hz 7 ed Nonprofit Social Media Policy Workbook http: //tinyurl. com/nvxbny 7 How to Avoid PR Disaster With a Social Media Policy http: //tinyurl. com/qb 6 zqx 9

COOL TOOL QR Code www. QRstuff. com (FREE) Assign an action – website, Facebook, COOL TOOL QR Code www. QRstuff. com (FREE) Assign an action – website, Facebook, Pay. Pal Donate Download and save Use phone software to scan and test

COOL TOOL QR Code It’s NOT clickable – putting it in an email or COOL TOOL QR Code It’s NOT clickable – putting it in an email or website doesn’t help It works great on printed items – brochures, signage, table tents See www. qrstuff. com/qr_codes. html for ideas

Effective Online Communications: Forget English Comp 101 These rules apply to websites, emails, social Effective Online Communications: Forget English Comp 101 These rules apply to websites, emails, social media

How online communications differs from other methods In many ways, there are no differences How online communications differs from other methods In many ways, there are no differences You still have to write effectively You still to make your case Spelling and grammar still count

There are differences There must be graphics At least one per screen There must There are differences There must be graphics At least one per screen There must be “white space” Use columns to make the text seem manageable There must be a message in the very first glance People will not scroll down if you do not interest them

Pay attention to your writing style Visitors prefer to scan rather than read Highlight Pay attention to your writing style Visitors prefer to scan rather than read Highlight keywords (hyperlinks, bolding/italics, different colors) Use meaningful sub-headings frequently Bulleted lists are ideal Limit each paragraph to one idea using the inverted pyramid style, starting with the conclusion

Check it out … Studies found … 79 percent of our test users always Check it out … Studies found … 79 percent of our test users always scanned any new page they came across; only 16 percent read word-by-word See “How Users Read on the Web” http: //tinyurl. com/nawhlqv

Bad How many seconds will you give this? Bad How many seconds will you give this?

Excellence in Action www. uakron. edu/about_ua Excellence in Action www. uakron. edu/about_ua

Prepare for Success: Start with Credibility Guide. Star Prepare for Success: Start with Credibility Guide. Star

Guide. Star Why start here? Because credibility is EVERYTHING Guide. Star helps major donors Guide. Star Why start here? Because credibility is EVERYTHING Guide. Star helps major donors make major decisions Really great tools to help you refine your message so that you spur visitors to action

www. Guide. Star. org www. Guide. Star. org

Guide. Star Update your nonprofit report Earn the Guide. Star Exchange Seal Download the Guide. Star Update your nonprofit report Earn the Guide. Star Exchange Seal Download the free book More Money for More Good Lots, lots more

Excellence in Action http: //bit. ly/11 hef. Pc Excellence in Action http: //bit. ly/11 hef. Pc

Charity Navigator Not as well known as Guide. Star, but really great info Accountability Charity Navigator Not as well known as Guide. Star, but really great info Accountability & Transparency Score Financial Performance Metrics Comparison to Similar Charities Donate Now Button Need at least $1 million in revenue to be rated

www. Charity. Navigator. org http: //bit. ly/17 j. Ehse www. Charity. Navigator. org http: //bit. ly/17 j. Ehse

Prepare for Success: Get Your Website Ready for Action Focus on dynamic transactions Prepare for Success: Get Your Website Ready for Action Focus on dynamic transactions

COOL TOOL Google Analytics (FREE) Set it up and then copy the code Paste COOL TOOL Google Analytics (FREE) Set it up and then copy the code Paste the code on all your pages Sign in to get your stats Content/All content for Page visits Traffic sources www. google. com/analytics

Your Website When your visitors leave, they should know … what you do and Your Website When your visitors leave, they should know … what you do and how they can help

Avoid Bad Design Don’t be picture-heavy … visitors should not have to scroll down Avoid Bad Design Don’t be picture-heavy … visitors should not have to scroll down to see your mission and news Don’t be complicated … your navigation should be easy to follow Don’t be mysterious … your contact information should be at the bottom of every page (address, phone, email)

Start with … “Brochureware” content – programs, services, staff, blah … stuff you put Start with … “Brochureware” content – programs, services, staff, blah … stuff you put in your brochures Put in links to your brochures so people can print and share Link to your Guide. Star profile

Then add … Success stories – at least a new one every month coupled Then add … Success stories – at least a new one every month coupled with a picture that demands an emotional response Link to previous success stories … people love to feel Put in a big picture (200 – 300 px wide) Pay attention to HIPAA rules!

Then make it work! Engagement – spur them into IMMEDIATE ACTION Volunteer or register Then make it work! Engagement – spur them into IMMEDIATE ACTION Volunteer or register today … fill out a form Donate now … click this button Contact us … put full contact info on the bottom of every page Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In – subscribe, like, share, retweet

Measurements of Success Home Page Visits 2% Multiple Page Visits 8% Email Subscribe 20% Measurements of Success Home Page Visits 2% Multiple Page Visits 8% Email Subscribe 20% Like, Share, Re. Tweet 30% Register, Donate, Volunteer 40%

A Note About Success It’s a continuum • It’s a that looks like this A Note About Success It’s a continuum • It’s a that looks like this continuum

Check out. . . How To Design a Non-Profit Website That Engages Donors and Check out. . . How To Design a Non-Profit Website That Engages Donors and Volunteers http: //bit. ly/15 E 91 Ro 19 Best Nonprofit Websites (And Why They’re Awesome) http: //bit. ly/15 E 9 f. Ic 38 Brilliant Non-Profit Websites http: //bit. ly/13 D 7 s. RO

Excellence in Action www. akroncantonfoodbank. org Count the action verbs Excellence in Action www. akroncantonfoodbank. org Count the action verbs

COOL TOOL Weebly www. Weebly. com (FREE) Free website designer and hosting Can be COOL TOOL Weebly www. Weebly. com (FREE) Free website designer and hosting Can be clunky and slow, but if you work at it, you can work through it

Online Fundraising Tools Ways you can make your website, emails, and social media raise Online Fundraising Tools Ways you can make your website, emails, and social media raise money

Possibilities Donation Form Event Registrations/Management Online Auctions Team Fundraising Mobile Apps Possibilities Donation Form Event Registrations/Management Online Auctions Team Fundraising Mobile Apps

Target Audiences All of your supporters and their family, friends, and colleagues Website visitors Target Audiences All of your supporters and their family, friends, and colleagues Website visitors Recipients of emails – every email sent by every staff member should have a “spur to action” button Readers of your print materials and other advertisements (good use of a QR code)

Measurements of Success Number of volunteer fundraisers 20% Number of donors* 40% Amount of Measurements of Success Number of volunteer fundraisers 20% Number of donors* 40% Amount of money raised 30% Click-through’s to your website 10% *Online is most successful for repeat donors

Pros & Cons • Encourages IMMEDIATE action • Saves time and money by eliminating Pros & Cons • Encourages IMMEDIATE action • Saves time and money by eliminating need for printing and mailing • Easy to measure success by number/amount of donations • Need to respond and confirm receipt immediately • Need to offer different methods of giving • Requires frequent “touches” • Need to track/control your costs – including your time • Need simple reports and data integration into your current system (csv exports)

The Donation Form Tell them how you will use their money Make it easy The Donation Form Tell them how you will use their money Make it easy – donate by credit card or check Give them options, including make it a monthly gift Ensure them their information is secure Ask if they want your email updates

Excellence in Action http: //tinyurl. com/knasr 5 f Can you tell they use Convio? Excellence in Action http: //tinyurl. com/knasr 5 f Can you tell they use Convio?

Online Fundraising Systems Convio, Network for Good, Blackbaud, First. Giving, QGiv, Fundly, Pay. Pal Online Fundraising Systems Convio, Network for Good, Blackbaud, First. Giving, QGiv, Fundly, Pay. Pal … hundreds more Branding is important – it should look like they are still on your website Consider the total cost of ownership – setup costs, monthly/annual fees, percentage fees, tech support, and your time Don’t be afraid to walk away if it isn’t working

Excellence in Action http: //bit. ly/14 e 9 zha Excellence in Action http: //bit. ly/14 e 9 zha

Event Management Event. Brite, Cvent, Acteva, Kintera Features… Registration options Payments Reports Integration into Event Management Event. Brite, Cvent, Acteva, Kintera Features… Registration options Payments Reports Integration into your primary database (make sure you can download data into a csv file)

Excellence in Action http: //bit. ly/11 f. BTug Excellence in Action http: //bit. ly/11 f. BTug

COOL TOOL United Way Events Calendar http: //tinyurl. com/UWSevents (FREE) Lists Summit County Events COOL TOOL United Way Events Calendar http: //tinyurl. com/UWSevents (FREE) Lists Summit County Events Links to websites and registrations

Online Auctions Bid. Pal, Bidding. For. Good Mission Fish/Pay. Pal Giving Fund (promises 100% Online Auctions Bid. Pal, Bidding. For. Good Mission Fish/Pay. Pal Giving Fund (promises 100% of funds raised) Use websites, phones, or special devices In general, average final bids are higher than traditional auctions (anonymity encourages ruthlessness) Some auction sites allow you to offer items to everyone on their list, not just the ones you submitted Flexible - You DON’T have to buy them dinner!

One Nonprofit’s Experience Used Bidding for Good Initial costs were recouped, but the staff One Nonprofit’s Experience Used Bidding for Good Initial costs were recouped, but the staff time needed to set up and manage it was NOT acceptable. They decided to eliminate the auction as a fundraiser in future years due to the amount of staff time involved. Suggestions: Use a volunteer committee instead of paid staff to manage it; focus on sponsorships first; need a large constituency to get the higher bids; make it clear that shipping costs are additional.

Another Nonprofit’s Success http: //tinyurl. com/nt 4 wlul Another Nonprofit’s Success http: //tinyurl. com/nt 4 wlul

Team Fundraising Also called “Crowd. Raising” … get teams to fundraise for you (it’s Team Fundraising Also called “Crowd. Raising” … get teams to fundraise for you (it’s the old sponsor-me-to walk concept, but without the walk) Crowdrise, Razoo Create an event Assign team captains Can offer “donate at least $x and get a chance to win a …” with an email link that captains can send Push and recognize

Excellence in Action http: //tinyurl. com/qx 28 gdv Excellence in Action http: //tinyurl. com/qx 28 gdv

Akron Marathon Used Crowdrise, Charity. Bets, & Mobile. Cause Increased funds raised 140% (2012 Akron Marathon Used Crowdrise, Charity. Bets, & Mobile. Cause Increased funds raised 140% (2012 vs 2011) Minimal turnaround time from set-up to implementation Monitoring, communicating the new system to our charity partners, and evaluating took up the majority of the time No initial costs, but “processing fee” is taken from total funds raised

Anne’s Advice Look for a system that provides the internal reports you need and Anne’s Advice Look for a system that provides the internal reports you need and that include the necessary information for thanking donors, providing receipts, etc. Before set-up, make sure you identify ALL the data you will need to track If using multiple platforms, need a method to combine them into one source (very time consuming) use identical names for your fields and export to a csv file for easy data integration

Anne’s Advice Donor receipts for tax purposes were handled by the platform simply through Anne’s Advice Donor receipts for tax purposes were handled by the platform simply through confirmation of donation via email. We had many calls during tax season from donors that utilized the platforms to donate to the Akron Marathon and reached out to us requesting copies of their receipt. We then had to be the middle man in connecting them back to the platform for the receipt they needed for tax purposes. A consolidated report would have allowed them to do a mail merge at the end of the year.

Excellence in Action http: //bit. ly/15 z. VHO 3 Excellence in Action http: //bit. ly/15 z. VHO 3

Mobile Apps Square. Up, Pay. Pal Here Swipe cards to take payments/donations Mobile. Cause Mobile Apps Square. Up, Pay. Pal Here Swipe cards to take payments/donations Mobile. Cause Text to Give

Mobile. Cause www. Mobile. Cause. com They have to enter their card numbers, which Mobile. Cause www. Mobile. Cause. com They have to enter their card numbers, which can take the immediacy out of giving

Overwhelmed? You betcha Overwhelmed? You betcha

Simplify It Prioritize – what do you need most? Try to find one system Simplify It Prioritize – what do you need most? Try to find one system that will do everything you want Focus on one thing at a time – do it well before you move on Find a mentor, someone who has done what you want to do and is willing to share their experiences Post questions on the AFPNCOH Linked. In group Find volunteers who can help you manage it

You You " Them Broadcast emails

Email Broadcasts Provide meaningful content that builds relationships and promotes action Be personable … Email Broadcasts Provide meaningful content that builds relationships and promotes action Be personable … create a persona that people want to invite to their homes and share with their friends and families Utilize branding … the look should be consistent with your website Include an action step and send them back to your website

Follow the etiquette Use an easy subscribe form on your website Keep the number Follow the etiquette Use an easy subscribe form on your website Keep the number of “touches” reasonable Allow and honor subscribe/ unsubscribe Post and adhere to a privacy policy We do not share your information with anyone else for their marketing purposes. We use your personal information only to help maintain the business relationship you have with us.

Tools Vertical. Response. com … 10, 000 FREE emails every month Automatically connects with Tools Vertical. Response. com … 10, 000 FREE emails every month Automatically connects with your social media vehicles Constant. Contact. com … “for as little as” $15/month Also connects with social media

Email broadcast reports Email broadcast reports

Excellence in Action Akron YMCA broadcast emails Quick stories with links to the website Excellence in Action Akron YMCA broadcast emails Quick stories with links to the website

Excellence in Action Different messages for different Excellence in Action Different messages for different

Measurements of Success Opens 5% Clicks 15% Like, Share, Tweet, Subscribe 30% Register, Donate, Measurements of Success Opens 5% Clicks 15% Like, Share, Tweet, Subscribe 30% Register, Donate, Volunteer 50%

Targeted Audiences Those who have expressed an interest in your organization Those with whom Targeted Audiences Those who have expressed an interest in your organization Those with whom you have had a personal/professional contact

Pros & Cons • Active – you go to them • Saves time and Pros & Cons • Active – you go to them • Saves time and money by eliminating need for printing and mailing • Encourages IMMEDIATE action • Easy to measure success by opens, click-through’s, and actions • Need to respond to replies • Need to balance content and frequency to avoid being labeled as a spammer • Nothing is more embarrassing than … “Please ignore that last message” • Need to act on unsubscribe immediately

Check out … Vertical Response Email Marketing Guides http: //bit. ly/18 LCsl. X 34 Check out … Vertical Response Email Marketing Guides http: //bit. ly/18 LCsl. X 34 Tips to Maximize Email Marketing Success http: //bit. ly/18 Rsty 1

Them D You D Them Social media Them D You D Them Social media

Myths Facebook will replace our website Tweets asking for money will bring in dollars Myths Facebook will replace our website Tweets asking for money will bring in dollars Social media is free We can control the message Success is measured in likes and followers We have to post something every day Only teenagers and out-of-work husbands use it, not the people we want to reach

Reality Your website is the most important online communication vehicle Social media will never Reality Your website is the most important online communication vehicle Social media will never be able to tell the whole story However, social media provides the two- way communication that your website cannot provide

Research shows … In our 2011 Facebook survey, over 70 percent of respondents had Research shows … In our 2011 Facebook survey, over 70 percent of respondents had succeeded in bringing new supporters to their events, and 66 percent of advocacy organizations had gotten their Facebook fans to take some type of action, like signing a petition. In our case study research, more than half of those investing time in these tools saw real results beyond simple fans or followers, like an increase in website traffic, substantive feedback or new volunteers. All our research to date has shown that social media is not a great tool for direct fundraising, however. Ideal. Ware’s Nonprofit Social Media Decision Guide http: //bit. ly/11 dl. DKl

Strengths Website Social Media Comprehensive Organized Long life cycle Transactional – people can donate, Strengths Website Social Media Comprehensive Organized Long life cycle Transactional – people can donate, register, volunteer, support You control the look and content You are passive – visitors come to you Spontaneous & immediate Engaging Short life cycle Effective for enhancing relations with an existing audience and reaching out to new supporters You have no control over content sent by others You learn about what others know/don’t know about your organization You are active – the message goes out to followers

Goals Spread the message, work the mission Strengthen allegiance among existing supporters Create and Goals Spread the message, work the mission Strengthen allegiance among existing supporters Create and stimulate conversations Encourage people to pass the message to others Recruit new supporters Get others to build the relationships for you

Goals Drive them to the website to learn more about your organization and to Goals Drive them to the website to learn more about your organization and to utilize transaction opportunities (register, volunteer, donate) Measure meaningful results

Why social media? Outreach A lot of people use it Your competitors use it Why social media? Outreach A lot of people use it Your competitors use it Not using it means lost opportunities for recruiting supporters Engagement You learn what is important to your current/ potential supporters You can respond to their needs immediately

Focus Wikipedia lists 199 social media sites Focus on the industry standards to maximize Focus Wikipedia lists 199 social media sites Focus on the industry standards to maximize the impact of your time investment Make social media part of the overall online presence

COOL TOOL www. Hoot. Suite. com COOL TOOL www. Hoot. Suite. com

Facebook Stats (2012) Average user has 130 friends on the site Average user sends Facebook Stats (2012) Average user has 130 friends on the site Average user sends 8 friend requests per month Average user spends an average 15 hours and 33 minutes on Facebook per month Average user visits the site 40 times per month Average user spends an 23 minutes (23: 20 to be precise) on each visit Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events Average user creates 90 pieces of content each month 200 million people access Facebook via a mobile device each day More than 30 billion pieces of content are shared each day Users that access Facebook on mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook compared to nonmobile users Facebook generates a staggering 770 billion page views per month

Facebook Audience http: //bit. ly/14 e. S 14 B Facebook Audience http: //bit. ly/14 e. S 14 B

Facebook Take-Aways Facebook users are active, not passive Facebook users are connected Facebook users Facebook Take-Aways Facebook users are active, not passive Facebook users are connected Facebook users have influence

Facebook Goal Create conversations in order to … work the mission recruit supporters learn Facebook Goal Create conversations in order to … work the mission recruit supporters learn about your current/potential constituencies encourage sharing drive traffic to your website

Getting Started with Facebook Create the page with basic info Page vs. group – Getting Started with Facebook Create the page with basic info Page vs. group – you can automatically post your broadcast email to a page Create a content plan for the next two months Announce the availability your staff, friends, and colleagues and ask them to like the page, promote it to their friends, and comment on the content Broadcast its availability in other communications

Facebook Basics Post interesting updates and encourage feedback Respond to feedback Don’t forget pictures Facebook Basics Post interesting updates and encourage feedback Respond to feedback Don’t forget pictures

Facebook Content Events Before the event: post details and ask people to promote it Facebook Content Events Before the event: post details and ask people to promote it After the event: post pictures of happy people, tag them in pictures, and ask them to share their experiences

Facebook Content Experiences Staff: why I like my job Clients: how you helped Donors: Facebook Content Experiences Staff: why I like my job Clients: how you helped Donors: why they support you

Facebook Content Small calls to action Forward mission-critical stories Encourage responses to mission-critical questions Facebook Content Small calls to action Forward mission-critical stories Encourage responses to mission-critical questions Volunteer for small tasks Fundraise for small amounts for specific causes

How to Post the Facebook Like Button on Your Website Go to http: //bit. How to Post the Facebook Like Button on Your Website Go to http: //bit. ly/17 l. Vq. BO Fill in the form Copy the code Paste the code

Best Use of Facebook … EVER!! https: //www. facebook. com/Brimfield. Police Best Use of Facebook … EVER!! https: //www. facebook. com/Brimfield. Police

Consider … They promote the mission Almost daily examples of crime is bad, and Consider … They promote the mission Almost daily examples of crime is bad, and if you do it in Brimfield, you WILL get caught. Lots of stories proving the police officers are nice people who care. They raise awareness Even though Brimfield has a population of 3, 248, they have more than 42, 000 43, 000 46, 000 followers. Even though they post at least once or twice a day, almost every post gets anywhere from 300 - 2, 000 likes and 50 – 200 comments. (377 comments about a dog visit!!) They get action They raise funds for school safety programs. They had 145 car loads of paper come to the shredding fundraiser

Measurements of Success Followers 10% Likes 20% Discussions 30% Register, Donate, Volunteer 40% Measurements of Success Followers 10% Likes 20% Discussions 30% Register, Donate, Volunteer 40%

Linked. In THE social media outlet for professionals Personal (you) vs. organization (group) Actively Linked. In THE social media outlet for professionals Personal (you) vs. organization (group) Actively recruit connections The audience is your potential/current donors and volunteers Join other groups and post to them about your group Stay meaningful – patronizing quotes from Mark Twain are NOT appropriate

Adding the “Share on Linked. In” Plugin to Your Website Click the Developers link Adding the “Share on Linked. In” Plugin to Your Website Click the Developers link at the bottom of your home page. From the Documentation menu, select Plugins. Pick the style you like and click [Get It]. If you want to share a specific URL, type it into the box. If not, it will default to the page where you place the button. Choose a count mode and click Get Code. Copy and paste the HTML code into your website.

Measurements of Success Members 10% Shares 20% Discussions 30% Register, Donate, Volunteer 40% Measurements of Success Members 10% Shares 20% Discussions 30% Register, Donate, Volunteer 40%

Check out Linked. In Tools https: //developer. linkedin. com/ Linked. In Groups: AFPNCOH http: Check out Linked. In Tools https: //developer. linkedin. com/ Linked. In Groups: AFPNCOH http: //linkd. in/18 Obk. CN Nonprofit Solutions http: //linkd. in/11 p. Ea. Y 5 Akron Ohio Nonprofits http: //linkd. in/15 Iq. N 65 Linked. In Influence: How to Maximize the Return on Your Linked. In Efforts http: //bit. ly/14 eu. W 1 Y Top 5 Ways to Market Your Business With Linked. In http: //bit. ly/17 Xxs. NW

Twitter Tweets are mini-messages that people CHOOSE to receive They are short, so many Twitter Tweets are mini-messages that people CHOOSE to receive They are short, so many times they are more effective than other means of communication Tweets are mobile-friendly Tweets have a very short half-life – a majority of followers might not see your message because they are not looking at the right time

Twitter Audience Idealware: Tweeters are generally older than the average Facebook user and comparatively Twitter Audience Idealware: Tweeters are generally older than the average Facebook user and comparatively media and technology-savvy … a great way to reach media, partners and skilled potential volunteers. You can set your tweets to be automatically posted to your Linked. In account

Twitter Goals Encourage responses Retweets to followers’ followers Drive them to your website to Twitter Goals Encourage responses Retweets to followers’ followers Drive them to your website to register, volunteer, donate

Twitter Startup Create an account at www. twitter. com Choose your @ name wisely! Twitter Startup Create an account at www. twitter. com Choose your @ name wisely! http: //tinyurl. com/msuocpj Create a custom background to reflect your mission Don’t use your logo or complicated graphics! Create a two-month content plan – minimum of one tweet a week

Tweet Content Upcoming events Special thank you to supporters (should come from your Executive Tweet Content Upcoming events Special thank you to supporters (should come from your Executive Director) Real-time updates on important issues Educational blurbs and resources that are mission-related Retweets of mission-related info (they can return the favor) Responses to feedback NOT what you are having for lunch!!

Twitter Do’s Hashtags indicate searchable subjects and can reach people who are NOT current Twitter Do’s Hashtags indicate searchable subjects and can reach people who are NOT current followers but search for certain subjects #afptechknow #askjacq #breastcancer Follow those who follow you and respond to their tweets (“social capital”)

How to Add the Twitter Widget to Your Website Go to http: //bit. ly/17 How to Add the Twitter Widget to Your Website Go to http: //bit. ly/17 l. RDn. T Select a button type Turn on/off count Set the via/recommend/hashtag Copy the code Paste it into your website

Twitter Success Measurements Ideal. Ware: Just because people are following you, it doesn’t mean Twitter Success Measurements Ideal. Ware: Just because people are following you, it doesn’t mean they’re actually paying attention to what you’re saying. The only way to measure that is to look at how many people click on links, retweet your posts, or take action. Tweet. Deck (one account at a time) and Hoot. Suite (up to 5 free but they keep asking for money)

COOL TOOL www. Tweet. Deck. com COOL TOOL www. Tweet. Deck. com

Excellence in Action https: //twitter. com/Akron. Childrens Posts are frequent and on a variety Excellence in Action https: //twitter. com/Akron. Childrens Posts are frequent and on a variety of topics

Measurements of Success Followers 10% Retweets 40% Register, Donate, Volunteer 50% Measurements of Success Followers 10% Retweets 40% Register, Donate, Volunteer 50%

Check it out … Fresh Data To Maximize Your Impact On Twitter http: //bit. Check it out … Fresh Data To Maximize Your Impact On Twitter http: //bit. ly/19 G 1 wv. Y How to Engage with Your Target Audience on Twitter to Maximize Your Impact http: //bit. ly/10 Ok 7 mz

You. Tube is the industry standard for video sharing Many website hosts do not You. Tube is the industry standard for video sharing Many website hosts do not have the bandwidth or memory needed for videos Do it right: create a screen shot of the video and post it on your website with a link to the You. Tube posting

Free Tools Your own You. Tube Channel! http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=k. ORJg. R Free Tools Your own You. Tube Channel! http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=k. ORJg. R 6 jp 9 c Power. Point 2010 – File/Save & Send … create a video Sample: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=FKFm 9 f. Neb. Y 4

You. Tube Goals Encourage conversations Share the work, work the mission Spur the visitor You. Tube Goals Encourage conversations Share the work, work the mission Spur the visitor to action – visit your website!!

Excellence in Action http: //tinyurl. com/kuw 5 sdx Excellence in Action http: //tinyurl. com/kuw 5 sdx

Measurements of Success Views 10% Shares 20% Discussions 30% Register, Donate, Volunteer 40% Measurements of Success Views 10% Shares 20% Discussions 30% Register, Donate, Volunteer 40%

Blogs Ideal. Ware: Research shows many nonprofits that blogged found only limited success. Because Blogs Ideal. Ware: Research shows many nonprofits that blogged found only limited success. Because blogs are public, it’s obvious when you don’t post. A blog started and then abandoned, or updated only sporadically, is worse than no blog at all, so make sure you can commit before beginning one. Cons: Time-consuming and requires much more focus on content Tweets, Facebook, and Linked. In provide same advantages without the pressure of “performance”

Back at the Office Like AFPNCOH on Facebook and follow us on Twitter Join Back at the Office Like AFPNCOH on Facebook and follow us on Twitter Join the AFPNCOH Linked. In group and change your settings to receive weekly emails Post your fundraising questions on the Linked. In group

Back at the Office Check out your Guide. Star profile – does it reflect Back at the Office Check out your Guide. Star profile – does it reflect the true vision of your organization? Apply for the Exchange Seal and post it on your website

Back at the Office Check out your website – does it communicate your vision, Back at the Office Check out your website – does it communicate your vision, mission, and goals? Does it have the action steps needed for key constituents to register, volunteer, donate? Does it have success stories with emotion- provoking pictures?

Back at the Office Consider which can meet your fundraising goals in the next Back at the Office Consider which can meet your fundraising goals in the next 6 months Donation Form Event Registrations/Management Online Auctions Team Fundraising Mobile Apps

Back at the Office Sign up for the Vertical Response and then apply for Back at the Office Sign up for the Vertical Response and then apply for the nonprofit 10, 000 FREE emails Design a branded template for your broadcast emails Create a sign up form on your website

Back at the Office Create a Linked. In Group Create a Facebook page Create Back at the Office Create a Linked. In Group Create a Facebook page Create a Twitter account Create a You. Tube channel Link everything on your website

Post a “Welcome!” message on all your platforms Invite your staff to follow you Post a “Welcome!” message on all your platforms Invite your staff to follow you in all your platforms Invite your volunteers, donors, and community leaders Work it, work it.

Create the 8 -Week Plan (2 -4 hours) What do you want to happen? Create the 8 -Week Plan (2 -4 hours) What do you want to happen? Write the copy for your emails When you schedule the emails, use the VR automatic links to create tweets (which will automatically go to your Linked. In page) and Facebook page Create additional blurbs for tweets, Linked. In and Facebook with focus on those specific audiences

Post and Monitor Spend 10 -15 minutes once or twice a week monitoring and Post and Monitor Spend 10 -15 minutes once or twice a week monitoring and responding to any questions/ discussions Measure … Followers/Visitors Retweets/Likes Discussions Transactions (register, volunteer, donate)

4 Weeks Later … (2 -4 hours) Review the results of the past. What 4 Weeks Later … (2 -4 hours) Review the results of the past. What have you learned about your constituents? What are they responding to? How are they responding? Does your analysis suggest any changes to the plans for the next 4 weeks?

4 Weeks Later … (2 -4 hours) Plan for 4 weeks after that … 4 Weeks Later … (2 -4 hours) Plan for 4 weeks after that … write the copy for your emails, tweets, Linked. In and Facebook with focus on those specific audiences Continue to monitor on a weekly basis and review/strategize on a monthly basis

What I Promised Ethical factors to consider before you begin How online communications differs What I Promised Ethical factors to consider before you begin How online communications differs from other methods How to prepare for an online communications campaign The technologies that are available their pros and cons targeted audiences practical measurements of success, and examples of how they were used to increase support Strategies to minimize your time commitment to implementing your plan Resources with lots of statistics and research to back you up when you present your plan to your boss(es) (when “Jacquie said so” isn’t enough!)

Resources from this Presentation: www. Jacq. Connect. us/savvy Sign up for announcements: http: //www. Resources from this Presentation: www. Jacq. Connect. us/savvy Sign up for announcements: http: //www. jacqconnect. us/contact. htm Jacquie Skrzypiec j@Jacq. Conect. us