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The Rotary Four-Way Test Speech Contest for: Name of School Here Sponsored by The Rotary Club of ? ? ? 2013 -14 School Year
Rotary Club Sponsors & Contest Committee Local Club President: Name? Contest Committee: Name 1 Name 2 etc “Name” High School Contest Sponsors Teachers: List Names
Teaching the Four-Way Test to Students The Rotary Club of “? ? ” will promote the Four-Way Test in “? ? ? ” High School in the following way: – High school students will address all four questions by creating a speech involving the Four-Way Test and competing in a Speech Contest.
Origin of the Four-Way Test • Created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor (Rotary International President 1954 -55), when asked to take charge of an aluminum cookware company facing bankruptcy. • Adopted by Rotary in 1943. • Translated into over 100 languages and published in thousands of ways as a ”simple measuring stick of ethics’.
Application of the Four-Way Test • The Four-Way Test does not tell us how to act ethically, but provides us questions we can use to assess whether our actions are ethical. • The themes of these questions, in order, are: truth justice friendliness helpfulness • The questions apply to the “Things we think, say or do” in any situation. • We have the Four-Way Test to assess the ethics of our actions.
It is often easier to list the reasons for doing the wrong thing than for choosing to do the right thing. More often than not, the only reason for doing the right thing is that it is the right thing. - Marianne Jennings
What is in it for the student who participates? • Besides the potential for a cash prize… • Develop a greater appreciation for the role of ethics in life. • Learn about the objective and purpose of Rotary. • Provide a resume building activity for any college application. • Further develop public speaking skills. • Potential to compete in a TN state level speech competition.
Eligibility • Any “? ? ” High School student may compete • Exception: Any previous 1 st place winner of a District 6760 Four-Way Test Speech Contest.
Contest Rules • Subject - Application of the Rotary Four-Way Test to a topic of the contestant’s choice. • Length of Speech - no less than four (4) minutes and no more than six (6) minutes. Penalty points will be deducted from the contestant’s score for violation of time constraints. • Speech Content must be original. • All contestants must be in the 9 -12 th grade at time competition.
Rotary Four-4 Way Contest Rules (Detail) Topic: Each contestant shall choose the topic of his/her speech. The purpose of the speech is to address an ethical problem using the principles of the 4 -Way Test. The problem to be addressed should be something from the speaker’s personal experience or general knowledge. There are no restrictions regarding the choice of topic as long as it is not blatantly offensive. If a contestant or coach is in doubt about the appropriateness of a topic, he or she should check with the Club Contest Chair. The decision of the Contest Chair will be final. In the speech, the topic must be specifically related to the Rotary 4 -Way Test. This must be addressed during the body of the speech and not reserved for concluding statements only. Each one of the four parts of the Four Way Test should be addressed during the speech. They should be specifically stated, as the intent of the speech is to use the Four Way Test to guide one’s decision making about an issue. These are to be speeches and not dramatic presentations. Content should be relevant and in good taste. All speeches must be the original work of the speaker. Length: Speeches must be at least 4 minutes and no more than 6 minutes in length. Penalty points will be subtracted for time infractions if a contestant’s speech runs either under the 4 -minute minimum or over the 6 -minute maximum. Age: All contestants must be in the 9 -12 th grade at time competition. Props: No props are to be used. Audience participation will be considered a prop. Notes: Contestants may use notes as an aid at the club competition but the speech may not be read.
Judging Format • Evaluation and judging based upon speaking criteria: – Opening - dynamic opening commanding immediate audience attention – Use of the Four-Way Test - each part of the 4 Way Test must be used in the speech – Content - clear, effective theme with supporting documentation, examples and/or other data to support the main theme. – Organization - well organized with an orderly presentation of premise, contents and conclusion – Delivery – Forceful, commanding, well-modulated, entertaining, enlightening, and interesting with effective and correct use of the English language (contestant must not read the speech) – Overall reaction – speaker’s poise and effectiveness of speech in leaving audience with a message, and the general impact of the complete package: speaker, speech, delivery.
Rotary Club Level Contest • “Name of H. S. ” to choose 3 students to compete at the first level of the contest (Rotary Club of “? ? ? ” level). To be held “Club Date” at the “Club level contest address”. Family members and teachers are invited as guests (a head count must be given by “Date”. • The Rotary Club contest judging committee shall identify the club contest winner using the judging guidelines in the Judging Format Slide (see previous slide). • The winner of the club level contest will receive a cash prize of $100. 00 from the Rotary Club Of “Name”. 2 nd Place will receive $75. 00 and 3 rd Place $50. 00. (Club to determine appropriate levels of club prizes) • The winner of the club level contest will compete at the District Semi-Finals.
Rotary District Semi-Finals • The winner of the club level contest will participate in the District Semi-Finals on March 29, 2014 at the AG Expo Park (4215 Long Lane) Franklin, TN at 10: 00 AM. • Participants will present their speeches to the assembled group and competition judges. (Judges will be from various Rotary Clubs. ) • Judges will select winners using the judging guidelines in the Judging Format Slide. • Top three winners will receive $100. 00 awards for Semi-Finals Competition Phase. • A maximum of three (3) contestants will be selected for participation in the District Finals.
Rotary District Finals • The final competition for District Championship will be Saturday, April 26, 2014, at the District Conference at Paris Landing State Park. (Transportation will be provided by the Rotary Club sponsoring the participant if needed. ) • The participants present their speeches to the assembled Rotarians at the District Conference; selected judges will evaluate and judge each speech, using the Judging Guidelines in the Judging Format Slide. • Cash prizes will be awarded as follows: – 1 st prize - $ 1, 000. 00 – 2 nd prize - $ 100. 00 – 3 rd prize – $ 100. 00
For more information about the Rotary 4 Way Speech Contest: • Contact the following teachers at “Name” High School • Name 1 (List teacher sponsor names) • Name 2 • etc
Thanks to the following contributors: We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of content from various Rotary organizations from across the country in assembling this Presentation for the Four Way Speech Contest. Specifically: District 7430 District 5190 District 5300 District 6510 District 6630 And many more……