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The role of statistics in evidencebased policy making and Dev. Info as a tool for monitoring, reporting and dissemination of data Expert group meeting on MDG Indicators in Central Asia Astana, Kazakhstan, 5 -8 October 2009 Farhod Khamidov, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, UNICEF
To make “policy-relevant” decisions, policymakers need data: ü Of high quality that they can quickly understand use ü that can be compared over time ü that is representative at the national, urban/rural, sub-regional and ideally at the district levels ü and across countries, regions (Central Asian or 2 CIS)
Various data sources ü State committee on Statistics (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, etc) ü Administrative data (registration cards, employment, etc) ü Household surveys (MICS, TLSS, Population Census) ü Reports and Publications (HDR, Gender, etc) 3
Untouched resources ü Good statistics are vital for effective monitoring and, ultimately, to support evidence-based policymaking ü More and more countries now have enough reliable data for planning policies and programs (with MICS, DHS and other surveys (i. e. , Living Standards such as TLSS), quality routine data, census, etc. ) ü BUT too often these relevant findings remain untouched 4
WHY? Untouched resources üLack of, or improper, dissemination üData seen as too technical/specialized üKey audiences have no time üMisunderstanding of how the data can benefit policy makers üKey findings not translated into local languages üLimited, or no resources, for simplified materials üData not recognized by government üEtc. 5
Evidence into practice: Increasing the uptake of evidence in policy making Data Users (Policy Makers) Data Providers (Statisticians, Evaluators, Researchers) Need to improve dialogue How? Reliable and trustworthy evidence Effective Improving dissemination “usability” of evidence Wide Access What ? Why? When? Getting appropriate Buy-in Incentives to use evidence
The “quality” challenge: How to match technical rigour and policy relevance? Technical rigour but no policy relevance Better evidence, technically rigorous and policy relevant. Policy relevance but no technical rigour
Using Dev. Info in Country-led M&E systems: Access to data and Dissemination
• Tool for evidence-based planning, results-focused monitoring, and advocacy purposes • Simple and user-friendly features that can be used to query a database; generates tables, graphs, maps • It allows for organizing, storing, and displaying data in a uniform way to facilitate data sharing at the country level across government departments, UN agencies, and development partners 9
database technology for monitoring human development Dev. Info Facts. You decide.
Child. Info 1995 - 2003 UNICEF developed a database to monitor the World Summit for Children offered to the UN system from Child. Info to Dev. Info 4. 0 2004 Child. Info upgraded and launched with UNDG endorsement in April 2004 UN Endorsement Endorsed by the United Nations to assist Member States in Monitoring human development Dev. Info 5. 0 2005 New web-enabled version developed and launched with broad government and UN support in May 2006 Dev. Info 6. 0 2008 New features with Web 2. 0 social networking launched in Apr 2009
120+ national adaptations Partnerships with national statistics organizations and UN agencies
three integrated dimensions di User di Data Admin di Org
di User
many features in the user interface di User
reduced learning curve by data wizard di User
presentation objects in preview panels di User
pivot and format in tables di User
display data trends in graphs di User
display data in many types of maps di User
faster performance for complex maps di User
click on the map to drill down for data di User
browse for data in the gallery di User
click a gallery object for dynamic edits di User
analyze trends with data analyzer di User
monitor progress in country profiles di User
monitor progress in country profiles di User
monitor progress in country profiles di User
di Data Admin
powerful features for enhanced database administration di Data Admin
user-defined subgroup dimensions di Data Admin
streamlined creation of templates di Data Admin
automatic database upgrade DI 5. 0 DI 6. 0 di Data Admin
live software updates di Data Admin
easier management of mapping di Data Admin
import and export using sdmx-ml di Data Admin
di Org
new suite of web 2. 0 options for social networking di Org
Country Participating government insitutions Albania NSO Armenia PRSP Secretariat Azerbaijan NSO, PRSP, Min of Economy Belarus NSO Bosnia and Herzegovina NSO Bulgaria NSO Georgia National implementing partners NSO Kazakhstan Kosovo* Kyrgyzstan NSO (Planned) NSO, Min of Public Service NSO, Mo. H Moldova Min of Eonomy Romania NSO Russia Serbia & Mont. Tajikistan NSO, Mo. H, Council of Child Rights, Local govts NSO, PRSP TFYRo. Macedonia NSO Turkey NSO Turkmenistan NSO Ukraine NSO Uzbekistan NSO ‘Others’ are Min of Public Services, Council of Child Rights, Local govts. Source: Dev. Info questionnaire, Sept 2005 39
Dev. Info coverage # Activities Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Introduction of UN country Yes Yes Introduction of National Yes Yes Customization of Dev. Info to No Yes No Use of Database in Monitoring Yes No 5. Priorities Integration of National Yes Yes - 6. Annual Training Plan No Yes Yes Number of persons trained in 40 190 250 47 Number of persons trained in Dev. Info Database Administration module - 40 28 19 1. team to Dev. Info 2. Partners to Dev. Info 3. country specific requirements 4. MDGs 7. Dev. Info User module 8. Source: www. devinfo. org
Monitoring of MDGs and PRS 41
Monitoring of MDGs in Tajikistan Goal 4: Decrease child mortality Infant mortality, Tajikistan 2003 Source: TJK Tajikistan_Mo. H 2003 42 Note: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Goal 5: Improving maternal health Maternal mortality, Tajikistan 2002 2003 Источник: TJK Tajikistan_Mo. H 2003 43 Note: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Goal 5: Improving maternal health Maternal mortality, Tajikistan Goal 4: Decrease child mortality Infant mortality, Tajikistan 2003 2002 Источник: TJK Tajikistan_Mo. H 2003 44 Note: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Goal 4: Decrease child mortality Infant mortality, Tajikistan per 1, 000 live births
POVERTY PROFILE 74 54 Sughd 68. 8 57 48 Dushanbe City 43. 3 46 Direct Rule Districts 48. 8 47 52 Tajikistan 53. 5 Khatlon 47. 3 18 GBAO 43. 4 Source: TLSS 2007
Poverty profile • Poorest region is Sughd, less poor are observed in Dushanbe % of poor in the regions (% of poor out of total number of poor in 47 the country) Source: TLSS 2007 47
Poverty by household characteristics Public strategies should be focused on households with more children … 48 48
Example of Country-led National Database… …in Low Income countries Countries with databases developed Countries with databases development in progress Note: The boundaries and the names shown and the designations used on these maps do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Example of Dev. Info database in Low Income countries Kyrgyz. Info ØEFA-Info (EFA – Education for All), jointly designed and developed by NSC, Mo. E and Health Progress Center, contains information on education according to UNESCO standards and definitions. ØHealth-Info, designed to provide evidence to the Health Care Reform (Manas-Taalemi Programme) contains a wide range of health indicators. Data are presented at the 2 -d sub-national level.
Трудности Сотрудничество Ознакомление Мониторинг ССБ Внешняя помощь Точик. Инфо Dev. Info. org www. tojikinfo. tj 51
Example of Country-led National Database… …in Middle Income Countries with databases developed Countries with databases development in progress Note: The boundaries and the names shown and the designations used on these maps do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Example of Dev. Info database in Middle Income Countries Dev. Info Srbija http: //devinfo. stat. gov. rs • Database is updated regularly, twice a year • It has 328 indicators at the national level, out of which 92 indicators are with data for municipality level (3 rd sub-national level) and data on minority populations (Roma). • National Dev. Info database is used for planning and monitoring the implementation of MDGs, NPA (National Plan of Action for Children) and the Poverty Reduction Strategy. • Databases are also used for monitoring the realization of LPAs (Local Plans of Action for children) in 21 municipalities in Serbia.
Example of Country-led National Database… … in EU Member States Countries with databases developed Countries with databases development in progress Note: The boundaries and the names shown and the designations used on these maps do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Example of Dev. Info database in EU Members States Bul Info The current version of the database is designed to monitor: • MDGs – both global and revised national goals; • EU social inclusion through the Laeken indicators; • Demographic strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria, • National Plan for CRC Implementation