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The Role of Scientific Research in a Downgraded Economy Nate Benya Sarah Abla Rob Hough Ryan Boardman Katie Beckwith
Introduction • Research = Progress • Proven throughout history • Creation of jobs, technology, business • Continue to support both private and government funding of scientific research
A Brief History of Scientific Research • Alexander the Great • Franklin D. Roosevelt • National Science Foundation Image courtesy of: comicbookreligion. com Image courtesy of: wikihistoria. wikispaces. com Image courtesy of: nsf. gov
The presentation will cover… • Global and national impacts of scientific research • Funding methods – Private vs. Government • Affects on a downgraded economy
Global and National Impact of American Scientific Research • National and international effects • First in scientific research – 21% of publications, $400 billion in R&D • Other countries increasing research – BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) – China projected to surpass the U. S. in publication output
Funding Cuts • In March 2011, University leaders and U. S. Senators discussed effects of university-based research on the economy – Fuels economy – Industrial innovations – Compete in global economy
“Our system of higher education and research has been the envy of the world. Federally funded university research has been a driving force in our economy since World War II and has helped the U. S. lead the world in science, technology and innovation that make a difference in our lives. However, other nations are watching and emulating us. They realize that research universities are a fundamental component of an innovation economy. We risk losing our competitive edge because we are pulling back at precisely the time that other nations are investing heavily in scientific research. “ – Wallace Loh, President of the University of Maryland
University Contributions • University of Pennsylvania – $10 billion – 70, 000 employed – Largest non-governmental employer • Southern California universities – $15 billion annually – Largest employers in the region
Methods of Scientific Research Funding
Government Funded Research • Accounts for 31% of research in U. S. • Variety of Research Topics • Grants and Sub-Contracts • Mass Collaboration on Projects
Spectrum of Research Fields
Trickle Down Economics
Frivolous Research • “Shrimp on a Treadmill” • Foreign Countries • Male Penis Size
Private Research • About 64% in the U. S. • Average 3. 5% of profits go to R&D • Pharmaceutical & Engineering companies set aside 15 -25% • Without new technologies, companies cannot survive • Motivated by profit
Government Effects “Private sector capitalization of new technology-based companies should be encouraged through friendly tax and regulatory policies. Needlessly onerous regulations that inhibit cooperate research should be identified and either mitigated or eliminated. ” http: //www. access. gpo. gov/congress/house/science/cp 105 -b/prsecrol. html
Forecasting Economic Impact of Scientific Research • Increase the number of jobs • Immediate economic recovery • Maintain primary power in the global market • New Technology and innovations
Increase the Number of Jobs • It is estimated that for every $1 billion of funding creates 15, 000 jobs with average salary of $52, 000 – Families USA • Many job types will be created
Money into Economy • It is estimated that for every $1 billion of funding generates $2. 21 billion of new business activity – Families USA
U. S. Position In Global Market “Investing in scientific research serves a dual purpose: It is an immediate stimulus to the economy and an investment in U. S. leadership in science, engineering, technology and education. This leadership is vital to the economy and U. S. prestige, as well as to success in such goals as achieving energy independence. ” - NY Daily News
Staying Competitive • It is important for the U. S. economy to be on the cutting edge of technological advances • U. S. research institutions must continue to attract the brightest minds – Large research budgets
Scientific Research Decline in the UK • UK experts have predicted that every £ 1 billion of research funding cut will result in £ 10 billion lost from the GDP • Private research has greatly declined along with the public funding
Main Points • Creates jobs • Boosts U. S. businesses • Vital for U. S. prestige • Critical for innovations and productivity
Conclusion • U. S. history is marked with achievements made possible through scientific research http: //www. concordatwatch. eu/showkb. php? or g_id=867&kb_header_id=849&kb_id=7941 http: //www. google. com/imgres? q=wright+brothers&num=10&um =1&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1236&bih=986&tbs=ic: gray &tbm=isch&tbnid=Xk 9 wm. Dun. Wc 1 Nv. M: &imgrefurl=http: //garden ofpraise. com/ibdwrigh. htm&docid=m. BHNOM 43 IO 668 M&w=640 &h=469&ei=mk. GSTo. KBCc. W 0 s. QLEjd. XCAQ&zoom=1&iact=rc& dur=271&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=140&tbnw=187&start=0&ndsp=3 0&ved=1 t: 429, r: 1, s: 0&tx=136&ty=20 http: //www. google. com/imgres? q=apollo+11+man+on+the+moon&um=1&hl= en &client=safari&rls=en&biw=1236&bih=986&tbs=ic: gray&tbm=isch&tbnid=RCIn 0 e. Ae. ZAfm 6 M: &imgrefurl=http: //majorhitwaves. wordpress. com/2009/07/20/manon-the-moon-40 -years-later/&docid=FTKN 1 -_LPQBLLM&w=425&h=425&ei=UGSTt. P 0 POe. Csg. Lm 7 p. SEAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=465&vpy=329&dur=1825 &hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=103&ty=134&page=1&tbnh=146&tbnw=146&start= 0&ndsp=29&ved=1 t: 429, r: 8, s: 0
Conclusion • America is the primary power in the global scientific research community • Partnership between government and independent organizations http: //spinner. cofc. edu/grice/resources/logos. html? referrer=webcluste r& http: //www. ima. umn. edu/~cesma 001/
Support Funding for Scientific Research…Know Your Facts • • U. S. domestic and international status Both government AND private funding Research only relevant topics Funding separate from stimulus packages • Immediate job creation and maintained status in the global economy
Questions? Contact information: • Katie Beckwith – katbeck@pitt. edu • Nate Benya – nate. benya@gmail. com • Sarah Abla – saa 32@pitt. edu • Rob Hough – rjh 46@pitt. edu • Ryan Boardman – rmb 82@pitt. edu
Citations 1. http: //www. nsf. gov/about/history/timeline 60 s. jsp#1960 s 2. http: //www. globalsherpa. org/research-science-technology-international 3. http: //www. eurekalert. org/pub_releases/2011 -03/tsc-ups 033111. php 4. http: //www. sciencecoalition. org/images/assets/TSC%20 Local%20 Economic%20 Examples%2011%20 Feb%2009. pdf 5. http: //www. nationaljournal. com/nationalsecurity/nasa-largely-spared-big-cuts-in-obama-budget-20110214 6. http: //www. oecd. org 7. http: //www. access. gpo. gov/congress/house/science/cp 105 -b/prsecrol. html 8. http: //familiesusa 2. org/assets/pdfs/global-health/in-your-own-backyard. pdf 9. http: //www. nydailynews. com/opinions/2009/01/15/2009 -01 -15_to_stimulate_the_economy_invest_in_scien. html 10. http: //www. telegraph. co. uk/science-news/8052735/Science-funding-cuts-will-cost-UK-economy-billions. html OTHERS NOT REFERENCED: 1. http: //www. npr. org/2011/08/23/139852035/shrimp-on-a-treadmill-the-politics-of-silly-studies 2. http: //www. washingtontimes. com/news/2011/sep/29/report-budget-cuts-would-leave-military-hollow/? page=all 3. http: //www. guardian. co. uk/science/blog/2010/aug/27/scientists-fight-funding-spending-review 4. http: //www. aps. org/policy/reports/popa-reports/upload/growth. pdf 5. http: //articles. latimes. com/2010/dec/26/opinion/la-oe-mooney-science-20101226 6. http: //www. bis. gov. uk/assets/biscore/science/docs/10 -917 -economic-impacts-uk-research-council-system 7. http: //www. utoronto. ca/progris/pdf_files/BASICRES. pdf