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The Role of School Librarians in Primary and Secondary Education in the 21 st Century Paul Whitsitt, Director Libraries and Information Services Chicago Public Schools
Discussion Outline Overview of CPS Libraries Current Data on the Impact of School Libraries on Student Achievement The School Librarian’s Role Going Forward
Chicago Public Schools District Information CPS Web site www. cps. k 12. il. us/ 650+ Schools, 410, 000 Students Approximately 550 libraries and 500 librarians CPS Department of Libraries web site www. cps. k 12. il. us/aboutcps/departments/li braries/
CPS Student Demographics Student Racial Breakdown(FY 2007 -08) 46. 5% African-American 39. 1% Latino 8. 0% White 3. 3% Asian/Pacific Islander 2. 9% Multi-Racial 0. 2% Native American
Student Demographics, cont. Additional Student Information (FY 2006 -07) 84. 9% of students from low-income families 18. 8% of Illinois public school students attend CPS 14. 4% are limited-English-proficient 94. 0% attendance rate for elementary schools 84. 3% attendance rate for high schools 91. 3% citywide attendance rate
CPS Department of Libraries Vision Statement All students and staff in the Chicago Public Schools are effective users of ideas and information, competent and enthusiastic readers, independent learners, and positive contributors to the school community and to society.
Role of the CPS Department of Libraries Area Library Coordinators Professional Library Resources, Professional Development Grants and Program Administration Recruitment
Area Library Coordinators Connie Amon - 1, 2, 3 and Automation KC Boyd - 16, 17, 18 and Mayor Daley Book Club Dorsey Chambers - 11, 14, 15 and Battle of the Books Francelia M. Herron - 10, 12, 13 and Recruitment Grants (IMLS) Maria Rodriguez – 7, 8 and Budget Merril V. Stegall - 4, 6, 9 and Certification / Placement Lisa E. Perez, All High Schools, Professional Library, HS MDBC
Snapshot of CPS Librarian Workforce Approximately 100 high school and 400 elementary librarians 20 have achieved National Board Certification in Library Media (about half of the total NBCT librarians in Illinois) State requires teaching certificate and librarian “endorsement”; CPS HS librarians have MLIS However, almost half of CPS elementary librarians lack library endorsement
Keith Curry Lance Marcia J. Rodney Christine Hamilton-Pennell RSL Research Group
Illinois Study Available online at the Illinois School Library Media Assn website www. islma. org Shapes the work of our department
Building Blocks of the Study Illinois School Library Survey (657 participant schools) Data – Test scores • ISAT Reading & Writing, 5 th & 8 th • PSAE Reading & ACT, 11 th – Other school data – Community data
Library Predictors of Test Scores Flexible scheduling Staff activities Collection Educational technology Expenditures Usage
School Level Staff Hours Elementary 42 Middle 49 High 70 More library staff → higher test scores
School Level Library PCs Other PCs Elementary 9 45 Middle 13 60 High 26 125 More library-connected computers → higher test scores
School Level Library Expenditures Elementary $4, 500 Middle $6, 250 High $10, 255 More spent on libraries → higher test scores
New Standards for the 21 st Century Learner AASL unveiled in October 2007 “Framework” for learning Emphasizes the changing information demands, sources, and access methods Focus on ethical behavior, social context, personal growth acrl. org/ala/aaslproftools/learningstan dards/standards. cfm
School Librarians are Critical Guides for 21 st Century Learning Responsibility for teaching information literacy skills rests with us, especially as complexity increases We need to be valued partners in fostering strong reading skills Library as “place” – our role in providing a safe, welcoming learning environment with equitable access to resources
CPS Efforts to Enhance Librarian Impact on Student Achievement Librarian Learning Communities Centralized automation with collaborative teaching tools Collaboration training for librarian / teacher teams (we can’t work successfully in isolation) Exploring new technologies (Second Life) for professional development Creating school leaders (curriculum, technology, literacy, etc. ) Expansion of Mayor Daley Book Club reading motivation programs
Paul Whitsitt Director Libraries and Information Services Chicago Public Schools 773 -553 -6210