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The Role of Multilateral Agencies Financing Development to Achieve The Millennium Development Goals Meeting The Role of Multilateral Agencies Financing Development to Achieve The Millennium Development Goals Meeting Doha, Qatar June 17 -18, 2007 1

Outline of the Presentation 1. Aid architecture: some key features. 2. Other financial flows. Outline of the Presentation 1. Aid architecture: some key features. 2. Other financial flows. 3. The roles of and challenges facing the multilateral system. 2

Multilateral ODA by channel (net disbursements, $ million at 2004 prices, 1960 -2005, period Multilateral ODA by channel (net disbursements, $ million at 2004 prices, 1960 -2005, period averages) 3

Private Flows to Sub-Saharan Africa (billions US$) 4 Private Flows to Sub-Saharan Africa (billions US$) 4

Entry of Many New Actors • China’s commitments in Africa are more than any Entry of Many New Actors • China’s commitments in Africa are more than any other donor • International private philanthropy (Gates Foundation) providing significant funding 5

Proliferation of Donors l The number of bilateral donors has grown from 5 -6 Proliferation of Donors l The number of bilateral donors has grown from 5 -6 in the mid-1940 s to at least 56 today l There are currently over 230 international organizations, funds, and programs - in addition to NGOs and private philanthropy. 6

Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: From donor-led to country ownership Development Results 4 2 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: From donor-led to country ownership Development Results 4 2 Alignment (Donors - Partner) 3 Harmonization (Donors - Partner) Partners set the agenda Aligning with partners’ agenda Establishing common arrangements Using partners’ systems Simplifying procedures Sharing information Managing for Results 1 Ownership (Partner countries) 7

Main Areas of Effort in the Paris Agenda Towards Accra • Improve predictability of Main Areas of Effort in the Paris Agenda Towards Accra • Improve predictability of aid. • Enhance division of labor among development partners. • Rely more on country systems. • Increase use of sector-wide approaches. • Progress in untying aid. • More decentralization of decision making.

Three Key Roles for the Multilateral System • Finance Ø Private flows remain highly Three Key Roles for the Multilateral System • Finance Ø Private flows remain highly concentrated Ø Even well performing countries often face constraints in mobilizing resources. • Knowledge Ø Aid alone cannot bridge gaps in knowledge and capacity that keep countries from applying successful best practices. • Policy coordination to address global challenges 9

Challenges to support and strengthen the role of multilateral institutions • Financial support to Challenges to support and strengthen the role of multilateral institutions • Financial support to MDBs concessional arms. • Efficiency of MDBs delivery services to better tailor individual client demand. • Improving coherence, harmonization and cooperation among multilateral players. • Considering options for strengthening voice/participation in multilateral institutions. 10

Thank you for your attention 11 Thank you for your attention 11