- Количество слайдов: 37
The Role of Information Technologies and Science in the Prevention of Bioterrorism Eugene Shubnikov, MD, Institute of Internal Medicine, Russia; Supercourse Team, Pittsburgh and the Rest of the world
Novosibirsk, Ebola Virus Laboratory, Vector
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Biological terrorism • Dispersal of microbes or their toxins to produce illness, death and terror • The paths of infection can be contaminated water, food, air and packages. • Microbes – Bacteria – Viruses – Toxins Phillip L. Coule, M. D. 10
Types of Terrorism • Domestic terrorism involves groups whose terrorist activities are directed at elements of our government without foreign involvement. Oklahoma City is a primary example. • International terrorism involves groups whose terrorist activities are foreign-based and/or directed by countries or groups outside the United States. Sept. 11 is an example of International Terrorism. the Center for National Security Studies
Methods of Terrorism • • • Firearms Explosive and Incendiary Devices Chemical Agents Biological Agents Nuclear Weapon
J. David Piposzar, Allegheny County Health Department
J. David Piposzar, Allegheny County Health Department
Definition of bioterrorism • Bioterrosim is the threat or use of biological agents by individuals or groups motivated by political, religious, ecological, social or for other ideological objectives to inculcate fear or cause illness or death in order to achieve their objective. (Carus 1998*). Fred T Muwanga MD Msc
Response and prevention of bioterrorism • Response involves: • Prevention measures Õ emergency measures to save lives Õ active case finding through surveillance Õ establish diagnostic criteria(case definition) and case management Õ prevention and management of secondary contamination Õ Accurate laboratory work Õ Strategy formulation that stress deterrence as well as crisis and consequence management. Õ a threat analysis so as Do to define the requirements Õ contingency planning with clear definition of roles Õ global surveillance of disease outbreaks to create more understanding on emerging threats Fred T Muwanga MD Msc
Questions for reflection ÔWith largely theoretical knowledge on bioterrorism, how best can we understand the problem we are faced with ? ÔWhat ability and/or capacity does the world have to respond to the challenges of bioterrorism? ÔWhat is the dividing line between bioterrorism and criminal activity ? Fred T Muwanga MD Msc
Bioterrorism Basics Definition: The unlawful use, or threatened use, of microorganisms or toxins derived from living organisms to produce death or disease in humans, animals, or plants. The act is intended to create fear and/or intimidate governments or societies in pursuit of political, religious, or ideological goals.
Bioterrorism Basics What makes the use of biological agents so attractive to the terrorist? – Ease of Acquisition § Information readily accessible on World Wide Web § American Type Culture Collection, other sources – Ease and Economy of Production § Only basic microbiology equipment necessary § Small labs require no special licensing § Investment to cause 50% casualty rate per sq. km: Conventional weapon $2000, nuclear $800, anthrax $1 – Lethality § 50 kg aerosolized anthrax = 100, 000 mortality § Sverdlovsk experience, former USSR
Bioterrorism Basics What makes the use of biological agents so attractive to the terrorist? – Stability – Infectivity § Weaponized agents may be easily spread § Clinical symptoms days to weeks after release – Low Visibility – Ease and Stealth of Delivery § Remote, delayed, undetectable release § Difficult/impossible to trace origin of agent
Bioterrorism Basics Routes of Delivery for Biological Agents Aerosol is most likely method of dissemination Easy, silent dispersal Maximum number of victims exposed Inhalation is most efficient and contagious route of infection Food/Water-borne dispersal less likely Less stable, ineffective for some agents Inefficient compared to aerosol
Agents of Bioterrorism Bacterial Agents Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) Yersinia pestis (Plague) Francisella tularensis (Tularemia) Brucella spp. (Brucellosis) Coxiella burnetii (Q Fever) Burkholderia mallei (Glanders) Vibrio cholerae (Cholera)
Agents of Bioterrorism Viral Agents Variola virus (Smallpox) Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus (VEE) Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses: Ebola, Marburg, Lassa Fever, Argentine and Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses, Hantavirus, Congo-Crimean Virus, Rift Valley Fever Virus, Yellow Fever Virus, Dengue Virus
Agents of Bioterrorism Biological Toxins Botulinum Toxins Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Ricin Mycotoxins (T 2)
Characteristics of BT Agents Chotani, 2003
Bioterrorism Basics Events Suggesting the Release of a Bioweapon § Multiple people ill at the same time (epidemic) § Previously healthy persons affected § High morbidity and mortality among affected individuals § Identification of diseases and pathogens unusual to a particular region § Recent terrorist claims or activity § Unexplained epizootic of sick or dead animals
Bioterrorism Basics Events Suggesting the Release of a Bioweapon § Severe respiratory disease in a healthy host § An epidemic curve rising and falling rapidly § Increase in fever, respiratory, and GI symptoms § Lower attacks rates in people working indoors vs. outdoors § Seasonal disease during a different time of year § Known pathogen with unusual antimicrobial resistance pattern § Genetically-identical pathogen in different areas
Bioterrorism Basics What Can We Do As Medical Professionals? § Maintain a high index of suspicion by including biological agents in differential diagnoses § Learn to recognize historical and physical examination findings suggestive of bioweapon exposure § Stay informed of local, regional and national epidemiologic trends § Be knowledgeable about treatment and prophylaxis of patients exposed to biological agents § Know whom to report suspected biological agent exposures and illnesses to (Police, State Intelligence agency, Infectious Disease Specialists, Local and State Health Officials)
Is this something new? • 14 th Century – Kaffa – City on Crimean Peninsula • Hurled plague infested corpses over walls of city to infest it • 1346 – Tatar army hurls its plague ridden dead over the walls of the city Phillip L. Coule, M. D. 29
Is this something new? • 18 th Century French and Indian War – British Officers gave blankets from smallpox victims to Indians aligned with French – Caused an epidemic in tribes – Effective means of incapacitating group Phillip L. Coule, M. D. 30
Reported Cases of Bioterrorism • World war II - Polish resistance organizations used biological agents against German forces • 1952 - Mau, an independence movement in Kenya , used a plant toxin to poison livestock. • 1966 - Dr. Mitsuru Suzuki a Japanese physician, infected healthcare providers and patients with Salmonella typhi Fred T Muwanga MD Msc • 1981 - Dark harvest group got anthrax contaminated soil from Gruinard Island damped it on Porton Down. • 1984 - Rajneeshees in Portland, Oregon(USA)used Salmonella typhimurium to contaminate restaurant salad bars. • 1995 - AUM Shinrikyo used sarin nerve gas in the Tokyo subway in Japan • 2001 - Anthrax contaminated s mail sent to various people in USA.
Biological Terrorism - A New Trend? • 1978: • 1979: • • • 1984: 1991: 1994: 1995: 1997: 1998 -9: 2001: Bulgarian exile injected with ricin in London Sverdlovosk, USSR – accidental anthrax released – 40 fatalities Oregon, Salmonella – Rajneeshee cult Minnesota, ricin toxin Tokyo, Sarin and biological attacks Arkansas, ricin toxin Indiana, Y. pestis purchase Washington DC, ‘Anthrax/plague’ hoax Nevada , nonlethal strain of B. anthracis Multiple ‘Anthrax’ hoaxes Anthrax Outbreak USA
Casualties Incident Number of Cases Number of deaths Polish Resistance Not reported 200 Germans Mau Not reported 33 head of cattle Dark Harvest Rajneeshes AUM Shrinkyo Dr. Suzuki None 751 (45 hospitalised) 5500 ( 641 seen at SLIH* on day 1 & 349 following week) 200 no deaths 22 4 deaths Anthrax(USA) Fred T Muwanga MD Msc 106 hospitalised at SLIH. 12 deaths (2 at SLIH) 4 deaths
Motive for bioterrorism Incident Motive Polish resistance Resistance against foreign occupation Mau Resistance against colonialism Dark Harvest Send a political message Win a local election by incapacitating the non-Rajneeshee voters AUM Shrinkyo Seize control of Japan through mass murder, causing fear and apprehension Revenge for unfair treatment he received Dr. Suzuki at the medical training Anthrax (USA) Inculcate fear Rajneeshes Fred T Muwanga MD Msc
Lessons learnt • Motives for bioterrorism • There are various methods of dissemination: vary and could include: Õ Direct application - murder(Aum Shrinkyo) (Dr. Suzuki) - gaining political mileage (Mau and Dark harvest) Food or water Õ contamination (Rajneeshes) - desire for revenge (Dr. Suzuki) Õ Aerosol contamination - Cause fear (Anthrax cases) (Aum Shrinkyo and - Incapacitation (Rajneeshes) anthrax cases) - anti-agriculture (Mau Mau) • The effects of bioterrorism can be immediate(illness • Terrorists do not usually and death) or long term announce their intent • secondary contamination can (Post-stress disorder) occur (SLIH workers) Fred T Muwanga MD Msc
Responses to Bioterrorism • Early detection of active and potential cases • Emergency measures to save lives • Prevention and management of secondary contamination
Anatomy of a Bioterrorist Attack Preparation 5 years Execution 1 day Diagnosed case 3 days First Death Multiple deaths Terrorism takes much Time and planning