The role of changing seasons
Seasons – regular changes in the weather throughout the year. They are affected by the amount of sunlight an area gets throughout the year. There are many things which contribute to the amount of sunlight that reaches different areas on the Earth. These factors affect the changing seasons. The most important of them is the angle that the sunlight hits the Earths surface. Direct sunlight is warmer than sunlight hitting the Earth at an angle. The other factor is length of the day – how long the sun shines on an area each day. Longer days get more sunshine.
Differences in hemispheres The seasons in Northern and Southern hemisphere are totally different. The equator divides the Northern Hemisphere from Southern Hemisphere. For example, North America is in the Northern hemisphere. Every year, on June 21 st North America receives the most sunlight, at the most direct angle, for the longest amount of time. This day is called summer solstice and is considered the first day of summer. The Southern hemisphere experience the winter solstice on that day – the shortest day of the year.
Nowadays, many scientists are predicting that we're on track for a sixth mass extinction. The world's species already seem to be vanishing at an unnaturally rapid rate. And humans are altering the Earth's landscape in far-reaching ways: We've hunted animals like the great auk to extinction. We've cleared away broad swaths of rain forest. We've transported species from their natural habitats to new continents. We've pumped billions of tons of carbon-dioxide into the atmosphere and oceans, transforming the climate. Those changes could push many species to the brink. A 2007 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggested that 20 to 30 percent of plant and animal species faced an increased risk of extinction this century if the planet keeps warming rapidly.
Climate change effects on animals , birdlife and plants Climate variability and change affects birdlife and animals in a number of ways. For instance: 1) birds lay eggs earlier in the year than usual 2) plants bloom earlier and mammals are come out of hibernation sooner 3)Distribution of animals is also affected; with many species moving closer to the poles as a response to the rise in global temperatures. 4)Birds are migrating and arriving at their nesting grounds earlier, and the nesting grounds that they are moving to are not as far away as they used to be and in some countries the birds don’t even leave anymore, as the climate is suitable all year round. 5)the atmosphere is sucking moisture from the land at a greater rate than ever before causing severe droughts in many countries which are now facing reduced crop production and major drinking water shortages.