робот пылесос.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 3
The robot vacuum cleaner — the vacuum cleaner equipped with artificial intelligence and intended for automatic cleaning of rooms. The robot is intended for cleaning in apartments, production and trade rooms, workshops and utility rooms The robot vacuum cleaner can make cleaning according to a certain schedule, or at the command of the user. During cleaning the robot independently moves on the set surface, cleaning from it garbage. Having met on a way an obstacle, the robot makes the decision on a way of its overcoming on the basis of special algorithms. After the end of cleaning the majority of robots independently come back to the charger.
It is possible to operate the robot vacuum cleaner by means of the LCD display and the buttons located on the top panel of the robot. Most often one of three programs of cleaning gets out: usual, fast and "local" — on the area to two square meters (there can be differences depending on model). Modern robots vacuum cleaners allow to carry out cleaning automatically, with use of the scheduler of tasks. It can be useful for those people who want to plan cleaning for that time when they are at work. Управлять роботом-пылесосом можно при помощи LCD-дисплея и кнопок, расположенных на верхней панели робота. Чаще всего выбирается одна из трёх программ уборки: обычная, быстрая и «местная» — на площади до двух квадратных метров (могут быть отличия в зависимости от модели). Современные роботыпылесосы позволяют выполнять уборку автоматически, с использованием планировщика задач. Это может быть полезно для тех людей, которые хотят запланировать уборку на то время, когда они находятся на работе.
робот пылесос.pptx