INTRODUCTION v The twenty-first century is the century of the atom, space exploration, radio electronics and the ultrasound. The science about the ultrasound is rather new. The first laboratory researches were held by the great Russian physicist P. M. Lebedev at the end of the 19 -th century, and then many other scientists dedicated their life towards learning the ultrasound.
ACTUALITY: v Lately the ultrasound is the part of many physical, chemical and biological processes. In the medicine the ultrasound has been used for many years. It plays an important role in the disease diagnostics and is no less significant in the medical sphere.
v Beside theoretical and experimental researches in the sphere of the ultrasound, many practical works are done. The unique and the special ultrasound kinds of equipment, that work under the high statistic pressure, the ultrasound mechanical installations for the details cleaning, generators with the high frequency and the new cooling system, chargers with the regular electric field.
THE AIM OF THE RESEARCH: v the physical and the mathematical notions of the ultrasound in the wide spread, the research of the influence of the ultrasound on the physical characteristics of the constructive materials.
IN THE FOLLOWING RESEARCH WORK THE TASKS ARE: v 1) to analyze the modern state of the perspective of the ultrasound usage as the physical method; v 2) to analyze the influence of physical ultrasound mechanisms on the physical characteristics of the constructive materials; v 3) to explore the main characteristics of the ultrasound on the base of different kinds of metal melt; The object of the research – the physical processes in the constructive metals under the influence of the ultrasound. v The subject of the research – the main characteristics of the ultrasound.
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