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The relationship between Stylistics and linguistic Done by: Baiguzhinova Moldir 320
stylistics style linguistics
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I. Concepts of Style 1. A person’s distinctive language habits, or the set of individual characteristics of language use e. g. Hemingway’s style Henry James’s style Mark Twain’s style
2. Some or all of the language habits shared by a group of people at one time, or over a period of time. e. g. Elizabethan style the style of legal document the style of news reporting
3. A characteristic of “good” or “beautiful” literary writings. e. g. ornate style terse style plain style
Definition of style Manner indicating prominent linguistic features, devices or patterns, most (or least) frequently occur in a particular text of a particular variety of language.
II. Concepts of Stylistics 1. Stylistics is a discipline that studies the ways in which language is used; it is a discipline that studies the styles of language in use.
2. Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which applies theory and methodology of modern linguistics to the study of style.
Definition of Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies style in a scientific and systematic way concerning the manners / linguistic features of different varieties of language at different levels.
Linguistic Description The level of phonology / graphology The level of lexis The level of syntax / grammar The level of semantics
1. The level of phonology / graphology Phonology is the study of the rules for the organization of the sound systems of a language. Graphology is the study of the writing system of a language.
2. The level of lexis Lexicology studies the choice of specific lexical items in a text, their distribution in relation to one another, and their meanings. 3. The level of syntax / grammar • Syntax refers to rules for ordering and connecitng words into sentences.
4. The level of semantics Semantics studies the overall meaning of a text, the meaning derived from the way sentences / utterances are used and the way they are related to the context in which they are used / uttered and some rhetoric devices.
III. The Scope of Studies Literary Stylistics General Stylistics
Literary stylistics: concentrating on the unique features of various literary works, such as poem, novel, prose, drama… General stylistics: concentrating on the general features of various types of language use, including literary discourses and other practical styles
General stylistics Genres: news reports, advertisements, public speeches, scientific treatises, leagal documents and other practical styles… Attitudes: formal and informal language Media of communication: spoken English, written English, e-discourse Regions: British English, American English and other regional dialects Social groups: standard and non-standard language