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The Reformation The Reformation

Key Terms (pg. 25 in your notebooks) Reformation- a movement in Western Europe when Key Terms (pg. 25 in your notebooks) Reformation- a movement in Western Europe when many Catholics broke away from the church and Protestant churches formed Indulgence- a pardon releasing a person from punishments due for a sin Predestination- Calvinist belief that God has already determined who will have salvation Theocracy- government run by religious leaders Vernacular- the spoken common language of a place

Vocab Rossword (pg. 24 of your notebooks) Attach and complete the vocab crossword on Vocab Rossword (pg. 24 of your notebooks) Attach and complete the vocab crossword on page 24 of your notebooks Use words from the Reformation and the Rennaisance

Causes of the Reformation • Renaissance emphasis on secular/individual challenged authority. • Printing press Causes of the Reformation • Renaissance emphasis on secular/individual challenged authority. • Printing press helped spread ideas critical of the Church. • Rulers jealous of the Church’s power and wealth. • Critics of the Church felt that the leaders were corrupt. • Many popes were too busy with “worldly affairs” to have time for spiritual duties.

Martin Luther • Martin Luther’s protest over abuses in the Catholic Church led to Martin Luther • Martin Luther’s protest over abuses in the Catholic Church led to the founding of Protestant churches. • German Princes in Northern Europe were inspired by Lutherbecame known as Protestants • In 1520, Pope Leo X threatened to excommunicate Luther unless he took back his statements. • Martin Luther continued to remain defiant. • Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, issued the Edict of Worms

 • Luther and his followers had become a separate religious group called Lutherans. • Luther and his followers had become a separate religious group called Lutherans. • Peasants revolted in 1524, but were eventually crushed by the German princes. (100, 000 peasants killed) • Germany eventually goes to war over religion. (Northern German Princes/Luther vs. Charles V/Catholics) • The Peace of Augsburg ended the German war in 1555.

Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Activity: Label a page in your history diary “Martin Luther’s Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Activity: Label a page in your history diary “Martin Luther’s 95 Theses” Write a paragraph answering the following: “Should you be allowed to buy your way out of something? ” Words to know: Indulgences, penalty, papal, salvation, repentant, pardoned, blasphemy

Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Activity: Read and text mark Martin Luther’s 95 Theses”. Then Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Activity: Read and text mark Martin Luther’s 95 Theses”. Then answer the following question in Your History Diaries: What impact did Martin Luther have on German culture and religion during the early 1500 s?

Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Activity: Now re-read the text using the Directed Note Taking Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Activity: Now re-read the text using the Directed Note Taking GO Guiding Question. What changed does Martin Luther call for? Then, come up with some more questions you might have about Martin Luther’s 95 Theses ex. What was the churches reaction to the 94 Theses?

Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Activity: Now you are ready to respond in greater detail Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Activity: Now you are ready to respond in greater detail to the Focus Question: What impact does the Church have on German culture and religion during the early 1500 s?

England the Renaissance (Elizabethan Age) • By the mid 1550 s Renaissance ideas had England the Renaissance (Elizabethan Age) • By the mid 1550 s Renaissance ideas had reached England. • Queen Elizabeth ruled from 1558 to 1603 and did much to support the development of English art and literature. • William Shakespeare emerged and drew from classical works and displayed a deep understanding of human beings.

Reformation Map 1 Reformation Map 1

Henry VIII “Pimpology” Henry VIII “Pimpology”

England Becomes Protestant • Henry VIII needed a male heir- feared without a son England Becomes Protestant • Henry VIII needed a male heir- feared without a son England would fall into a civil war. • Henry VIII wanted a divorce from his wife Catherine of Aragon. • The Reformation Parliament is set up to end the pope’s power in England. • Parliament recognizes Henry’s new marriage to Anne Boleyn. ( He would eventually have 6 wives and produced only 1 son)

 • Act of Supremacy approved in 1534 • Elizabeth eventually takes power and • Act of Supremacy approved in 1534 • Elizabeth eventually takes power and creates the Anglican or Church of England.

Current map of Religions Current map of Religions

What we learned so far… • Martin Luther’s actions leads to the Reformation. • What we learned so far… • Martin Luther’s actions leads to the Reformation. • Why this is so important… role of the church in people’s lives. • What this means for the future of the world… Dum dum… • Causes and reactions to the reformation. (Pope Leo X and Charles V) • Henry VIII and the reformation in England. • Precedents set in this section. Individuals gaining more independence and power.

John Calvin • A follower of Lutheran, Calvin leads the reformation in Switzerland. • John Calvin • A follower of Lutheran, Calvin leads the reformation in Switzerland. • In 1536, Calvin publishes Institutes of the Christian Religion

Calvin’s Beliefs • Predestination • the ideal government was a theocracy Calvin’s Beliefs • Predestination • the ideal government was a theocracy

John Knox • Scottish preacher John Knox takes Calvin’s ideas back to Scotland. • John Knox • Scottish preacher John Knox takes Calvin’s ideas back to Scotland. • Followers of Knox became known as Presbyterians.

Catholic Reformation • While the Protestant churches won many followers, millions remained true to Catholic Reformation • While the Protestant churches won many followers, millions remained true to Catholicism. • Catholic Reformation or Counter Reformation begins

Catholic Reformation 3 Activities the Catholics focused on 1. Founding Schools throughout Europe. 2. Catholic Reformation 3 Activities the Catholics focused on 1. Founding Schools throughout Europe. 2. Convert Non-Christians to Catholicism. 3. Stop the spread of Protestantism. • The Jesuits were founded to carry out the revival of Catholicism

Counter-Reformation Family Feud Make the following GO in your notebooks What the Catholics Lost Counter-Reformation Family Feud Make the following GO in your notebooks What the Catholics Lost How they responded 1. 2. 3. 4.

And then we learned some more… • John Calvin spreads the reformation and believes And then we learned some more… • John Calvin spreads the reformation and believes in predestination • Presbyterianism began in Scotland • Baptize yourselves you Anabaptists! • The Catholics decide to reform themselves… • Popes and Jesuits take the lead of the Catholic Reformation • A great many decisions are made at the Council of Trent…