Скачать презентацию The rd 23 of June Good afternoon Скачать презентацию The rd 23 of June Good afternoon

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The rd 23 of June Good afternoon! The rd 23 of June Good afternoon!

First Impression Quite dangerously - Довольно опасно careful - осторожный Fast- Быстро Unhealthily - First Impression Quite dangerously - Довольно опасно careful - осторожный Fast- Быстро Unhealthily - нездорово Headquarters- главное управление, центральный орган Lock- запирать на замок Incredibly slowly- Невероятно медленно Casually – случайно, небрежно Casual – непреднамеренный, случайный, повседневный, небрежный Perfectly – вполне, совершенно, безупречно, отлично

Adverbs She speaks English well. He drives carefully. The dog barked LOUDLY. The tiger Adverbs She speaks English well. He drives carefully. The dog barked LOUDLY. The tiger waits PATIENTLY. The girl sits QUIETLY.

Adverbs of manner How people do something I work hard. She speaks German well Adverbs of manner How people do something I work hard. She speaks German well MODIFYING ADVERBS Use with adjectives and adverbs. Go before the adjectives and adverbs • Very • Quite • Incredibly • really

Can you make a sentence using these adverbs? Adjective+ ly Can you make a sentence using these adverbs? Adjective+ ly

Rules • • Slow – slowly Bad – badly Careful- carefully Quick – quickly Rules • • Slow – slowly Bad – badly Careful- carefully Quick – quickly • Possible -posiibly • Easy – easily • Healthy – healthily • Good – well • Hard – hard • Fast - fast

In your country or city how do people…? §Dress for special occasions §Treat tourists In your country or city how do people…? §Dress for special occasions §Treat tourists §Drive §Eat at lunchtime during the week §Speak foreign languages §Behave at sport matches §Decorate their houses

Think of a time when you went to another country or another city/ region Think of a time when you went to another country or another city/ region in your country for the first time. What did you notice…? • The people • The food • The driving • The houses • The weather