Скачать презентацию The program on struggle against smoking The Скачать презентацию The program on struggle against smoking The


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The program on struggle against smoking The program on struggle against smoking

The goals of the program are to: 1. Change attitudes about tobacco; 2. Empower The goals of the program are to: 1. Change attitudes about tobacco; 2. Empower youth to lead community involvement against tobacco; 3. Reduce accessibility and availability of tobacco to youth; and 4. Reduce youth exposure to second hand smoke.

Requirements of Sale and Manufacture of Tobacco Requirements of Sale and Manufacture of Tobacco

To forbid in territory of Belarus following items 1) the sale of tobacco products To forbid in territory of Belarus following items 1) the sale of tobacco products with a higher amount of tar and nicotine than the accepted ones; the sale of tobacco products without health warnings; and the importing of any such kind of tobacco products for the purpose of retail sale. 2) the sale of tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age. 3) the sale of single or loose cigarettes.

Ban on Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Ban on Tobacco Advertising and Promotion

It is prohibited to advertise and promote tobacco products in the following ways: It is prohibited to advertise and promote tobacco products in the following ways:

1) direct advertising and promotion on the print media, posters, cinema, television, radio, billboards, 1) direct advertising and promotion on the print media, posters, cinema, television, radio, billboards, advertisements and free designs 2) advertising and promotion that encourage children to start smoking 3) giving of tobacco names to economic entities and organisations 4) sponsoring any activities by organisations dealing with tobacco manufacture and sale 5) using images, trademarks, and names of tobacco products for other goods 6) all indirect advertising

Smoking is prohibited in the following organizations and public transport vehicles except in designated Smoking is prohibited in the following organizations and public transport vehicles except in designated smoking areas:

1) Public transport buses, trolley-buses, trains, aeroplanes and ships 2) Public transport stations and 1) Public transport buses, trolley-buses, trains, aeroplanes and ships 2) Public transport stations and terminals 3) Shopping and business areas, cultural and places of entertainment 4) Offices of all levels of governmental and administrative units of cities, towns and villages 5) Offices and places of production and services of the economic entities and organisations 6) Schools of all levels and child care establishments 7) Premises of health, physical culture, and sports

One of the following health warnings must be printed in Belarusian language on the One of the following health warnings must be printed in Belarusian language on the package and container: - smoking causes cancer - smoking causes heart disease - smoking damages your lungs - smokers die younger - smoking reduces your fitness - smoking harms non-smokers