- Количество слайдов: 49
The Production of Language Learning Materials by means of the Internet Examples for teachers of English 12. 02. 2018 1
Presented by : Martin Lange Lektorat Deutsch als Fremdsprache Director of Key Skills Center Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel 12. 02. 2018 2
Presented by : Martin Lange n CONTACT n mlange@zfs. uni-kiel. de n Tema: 12. 02. 2018 „Internet“ 3
The problem of teaching-resources n n n 12. 02. 2018 Too old ? Too boring ? Not authentic ? Too expensive ? Too difficult to obtain ? 4
The material is too old. . . ? n The internet provides day by day, hour by hour and sometimes up to the minute what is happening worldwide n www. bbc. co. uk n http: //news. google. co. uk/nwshp? hl=en& tab=wn 12. 02. 2018 5
The material is too old. . . ? n The internet provides day by day, hour by hour and sometimes up to the minute what is happening worldwide n News Alert: n Be „alarmed“ when YOUR topic is in the news !!! n http: //www. google. co. uk/alerts 12. 02. 2018 6
The material we have is too boring. . . ? The internet provides great variety: n By topic n By addressee n By media type 12. 02. 2018 7
Variety ? Yes !!! Literature, Sciences, Economics, etc. n topics: n addressees: For children, for laymen, for scholars n By media type: Written texts, audio, video, multimedia Important is what YOU choose !!! 12. 02. 2018 8
New material is too expensive. . . n O. K. , but is it worth paying for all the new fancy and shiny materials ? n Have you checked if the material available is suitable for YOUR purposes ? 12. 02. 2018 9
New material is difficult to obtain. . . ? NO !!! n Use your computer resources n Easy access to tons of material n E-mail address being accessible worldwide and free of charge n Authentic material at your fingertips 12. 02. 2018 10
How can I find material ? n searching the internet through: By n n n Catalogues Search machines Mailing lists 12. 02. 2018 11
What is available ? 1) SOURCES a) Newspaper texts / Literary texts b) Databases/ Dictionaries c) Pictures (as stimulus for language production) d) Radio news and features e) TV programs f) Maps, biographies, history, diagrams. . . 12. 02. 2018 12
What is available ? 2) TOOLS to create cloze tests, – to create listening comprehension tests – to create crossword puzzles – YOUR brain and YOUR fantasy !!! 12. 02. 2018 13
Who has the time to produce all the material ? n n Some people have a commercial interest in making available their material. . . Some people believe in sharing knowledge and ideas. YOU can help these people YOU can count on their support 12. 02. 2018 14
How do I contact these people ? n n n FORUMS MAILING LISTS TEACHERS‘ ORGANISATIONS Please SEARCH for „EFL“, „language teaching“, etc. 12. 02. 2018 15
How do I bring the material to the classroom ? You can. . . n print and copy what you find n record authentic sound onto tape/USB flash card 12. 02. 2018 16
How do I produce a CLOZE TEST ? Find an interesting text 2. Press CTRL + A 3. Press CTRL + C 4. Go to: http: //www. goethe. de/lhr/prj/usg/deindex. htm 1. 12. 02. 2018 17
Now you insert your text and change it into a worksheet !!! 1. 2. 1. Klick into the window Press CTRL + V (insert, from above ) Choose you options. . . #. . . 4. /7. /10. . ? 12. 02. 2018 18
THIS IS A TEXT WITH BLANKS TO FILL ___. 12. 02. 2018 19
Word finding activities for newly taught vocabulary 1. Go to: 2. Choose: „word find“ Type in all the new words you taught today Press: Create crossword 3. 4. http: //puzzlemaker. discoveryeducation. co m/Word. Search. With. Message. Setup. Form. a sp 12. 02. 2018 20
One step beyond. . . • • • Students´ homepages Exchange ideas with other teachers Web cameras and multimedia-learning 12. 02. 2018 21
my job ? • We will always need good teaching staff • • The computer is only a tool Let´s learn from our students too 12. 02. 2018 22
And the future ? • • • Teaching the teachers Computer skills Curriculum Sharing knowledge - a new scientific community 12. 02. 2018 23
Sources n Dictionaries and Thesaurus www. merriam-webster. com n n n English-Russian-English ? http: //www. lexilogos. com/english/ru ssian_dictionary. htm n 24 n 12. 02. 2018
Sources General English courses online www. bbc. co. uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ http: //www. eslcafe. com/ http: //www. teachingtips. com/blog/2008/06/24/100 -be http: //www. english-4 u. de/ 12. 02. 2018 25
Sources n Keep up your English: Lesson plans n http: //www. bbc. co. uk/worldservice/l earningenglish/teachingenglish/plans /uptodate. shtml 12. 02. 2018 26
Sources n Exercises with „Breaking News English“ n http: //www. breakingnewsenglish. co m/ 12. 02. 2018 27
Bookclub: Listen to real authors http: //www. bbc. co. uk/worldservice/specials/133_wbc_archive_new/page 2. shtml Sources Podcasts for Listening Comprehension http: //www. bbc. co. uk/radio 4/podcasts / Bookclub: Listen to real authors http: //www. bbc. co. uk/worldservice/spe cials/133_wbc_archive_new/page 2. shtml 12. 02. 2018 28
Sources BBC World „Science“ and „Click“ (Computer Magazine) http: //www. bbc. co. uk/news/world_radio_and_tv/ 12. 02. 2018 29
Sources n Click-online, magazine for computer-buffs n http: //news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/programm es/click_online/default. stm 12. 02. 2018 30
Sources n Example for „Science in Action“ n http: //www. bbc. co. uk/programmes/p 00 ldzyw 12. 02. 2018 31
Sources n n English pronounciation Homographs I http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=D B 1 am. Zpf. Da. Q&feature=related n Homographs II n http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=9 We. LJj_d. Uc 8&feature=related 32 n n 12. 02. 2018
Sources n Phrases n http: //www. phrases. org. uk/meanings/ index. html 12. 02. 2018 33
Sources n Listening, Reading, Exercises, Computer Games n http: //www. teachingenglish. org. uk/ 12. 02. 2018 34
Sources n Example: How to apply mind maps for creative writing n http: //www. teachingenglish. org. uk/a rticles/using-mind-maps-developwriting 12. 02. 2018 35
Sources n POEMS n http: //www. poetryfoundation. org/ 12. 02. 2018 36
Sources n Grammar exercises with fun n http: //www. chomp. com/hando uts. htm 12. 02. 2018 37
Sources n Food for thought and discussions http: //www. miniature-earth. com/ n http: //www. youtube. com/watch? gl= GB&hl=en-GB&v=d. GCJ 46 vy. R 9 o n http: //www. 6 billionothers. org/ n 12. 02. 2018 38
Sources n Radio 4 (BBC) n http: //www. bbc. co. uk/radio 4/programmes/sc hedules/fm n You can take a look here at upcoming programmes: http: //www. bbc. co. uk/radio 4/feature s/programmes/ n 39 n 12. 02. 2018
Sources n The Moscow Times n http: //www. themoscowtimes. com/in dex. php 12. 02. 2018 40
n What to do with n all these sources ? 12. 02. 2018 41
n What to do with n all these sources ? • Edit and print out texts 12. 02. 2018 42
n What to do with n all these sources ? • Edit and print out texts • Include your source in order to follow copyright laws 12. 02. 2018 43
n What to do with n all these sources ? • Edit and print out texts • Include your source in order to follow copyright laws • Copy audio/video onto USB 12. 02. 2018 44
n AUTHORWARE 12. 02. 2018 45
n AUTHORWARE n n n Free if charge but limited Goethe Institut: Übungsblätter selbstgemacht http: //www. goethe. de/lhr/prj/usg/deinde x. htm 12. 02. 2018 46
n AUTHORWARE n Lingofox … n http: //www. lingofox. de Click on the British flag n 12. 02. 2018 47
n AUTHORWARE n Lingofox … 12. 02. 2018 48
Thank you very much for your interest and your hospitality 12. 02. 2018 49