The problem of the Stative Done by: Lidia Novichkova, gr. 43010 A
Sources 1. Блох М. Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. – М. : Высшая школа, 2008 (p. 224 – 229) 2. Ильиш Б. А. Строй современного английского языка. – М. : Просвещение, 1965 (p. 33; 79 -81). 3. Хаймович Б. С. , Роговская Б. И. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. – М. : Высшая школа, 1967 (p. 199 – 202). 4. Iriskulov A. T. Theoretical Grammar of English. – Tashkent, 2006. 5. Laimutis Valeika, Janina Buitkienė. An Introductory Course in Theoretical English Grammar. - Vilnius Pedagogical University, 2003 (p. 121 – 122). 6. major-theoretic. narod. ru/english/Stative. doc
Plan 1. The Stative: definition by M. Y. Bloch 2. Controversial views 2. 1. The Stative is a part of speech (B. A. Ilyish, B. S. Khaimovich, B. I. Rogovskaya) 2. 2. The Stative is a subclass of As (L. S. Barchudarov, M. Y. Bloch) 3. Who wins? . .
1. What is a stative? • Statives are “words built up by the prefix a - and denoting different states, mostly of temporary duration”, M. Y. Bloch, Theoretical Grammar of the EL (p. 224)
Show me a stative! Alive Asleep Afraid Agog (excited) Adrift (floating on the water) • Ablaze (burning fiercely)… • • • ! A- came from the Middle English preposition an <in, on> alive – <in life>
Some more statives Afloat – floating on water Aghast – shocked O_o Aglow - bright Akin – similar Ajar – slightly open Alert – ready to act quickly • Aloof – not friendly • Askew – not straight (косо) • Awry – not straight • • •
2. 1. B. A. Ilyish: the stative is a part of speech • MEANING. A passing state a person/thing happens to be in. • FORM. Statives are invariable (No grammatical categories). • FUNCTION. A) Predicative: The whole house was astir. He soon fell asleep. B) Objective predicative: He found his sister alone. C) Att: <A man asleep in his chair> Combinability: A stative can follow A LINK VERB: was asleep A NOUN: Man alive
2. 1. B. S. Khaimovich, B. I. Rogovskaya Meaning The Stative (The Adlink) <states> Form unchangeable Combinability N - > St Word-derivation Productive prefix a- Gram. criteria The Adjective <qualities> The degrees of comparison A <- N -> A Other affixes: - ful, - less, - ive, un -, pre - … -> The Stative is NOT an Adjective, but a separate part of speech!
2. 2. L. S. Barchudarov, M. Y. Bloch: the Stative is a subclass of As Gram. criteria Meaning Form Function The Stative The Adjective very close (astir – active) The degrees of comparison expressed analitically: “Jack was the most aware…” synthetically: (M. Y. Bloch) -er, -est “He is more dead than alive” (L. Valeika) Predicative, Att
2. 2. L. S. Barchudarov, M. Y. Bloch: the Stative is a subclass of As • “Why, then, an honour of the part-ofspeech status to be granted to a small group of words not differing in their fundamental lexico-grammatical features from one of the established large word-classes? ” M. Y. Bloch, Theoretical Grammar of the EL (p. 227)
3. Who wins? • The Stative is a subclass of Adjectives (L. S. Barchudarov, M. Y. Bloch) - > the traditional view, shared by the majority of scholars
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