- Количество слайдов: 27
The President and the Executive Office Ch 14 AP Government
The Prez vs o o Elected by people Outsider Cabinet is outsiders Unified/divid ed a Prime Minister o o Elected from legislature Insiders Cabinet are politicians Guaranteed unified
Divided/Unified o o Keep an eye on Gridlock Checks and Balances
Early on…The Framers… o o o Fear of a monarch Tool of Congress Had to balance the power of the Office
Traditions, traditions o o Most power became defined by the President (Washington) Most powers were boldly taken Traditions became policy The early period
The Electoral College o o o Designed to keep the “common” people from actually choosing You vote for electors who elect the President Intention was for the House to choose often?
Electoral College numbers o o o 538 Need 270 to win Ohio=18 (Reps+Senators)
The Intent of the EC o No one would get 270—regional candidates would divide the vote o The House would have to choose o Election of 1800=Monkey wrench
Election of 1800 o TJ, AB, AH The vote that wouldn’t end The Duel o The 12 th Amendment o o
Jackson o o Give your buddies a job Patronage/Spoils System Kept the Democrats in office for 40 or so years Congress is more powerful than the President over this time period
Lincoln o o o Civil War gives him power Start of Republican Presidents Congress control reconstruction however
Hoover/FDR o o Hoover fails to control fiscal policy The Depression gives way to FDR The office gains much strength Still strong today
Nixon o o o Vietnam/Foreign Policy divide the nation Republicans take back the White House Hold a slight edge today (the divided era)
What Power? o o Page 379 Tradition, tradition…
The Constitution 3 official requirements: Natural born, 14 year resident, 35
The Roles…. Chief___ o o Executive Citizen Administrator Diplomat o o Commander in Chief Of Party Legislator Of State
The Benefits 24 hour -medical -secret service -staff in WH $400, 000 $200, 000 retirement Limos Helicopters Planes A yacht Camp David $50, 000 expense acct.
The famous FDR Kennedy Lincoln Washington Jefferson Truman Grant Monroe Reagan
The infamous Buchanan Ford Hoover A. Johnson L. Johnson Polk Harrison
The Impeached A. Johnson Clinton
The help Cabinet White House Office Executive Office Agencies Independent Agencies Page 381—the set-up
3 Audiences o o o The people The party loyalists outside of DC Washington DC politicians
The job… Uphold the Constitution… Party leader, Chief citizen, Commander in Chief, Chief Executive, Chief Administrator, Chief Diplomat, Chief Legislator
The man… o o o Character counts (as Clinton found out and Kennedy avoided) Be careful of the company you keep (GW Bush) Watch what you say (Nixon)
3 ways to show power o o o Veto’s Executive privilege (questionable) Don’t spend the money (illegal)
The Program o The 1 st term sets up the 2 nd Only time to really shine Checked by budget process 2 nd=Lame duck o Page 397 o o o
The real Power o Page 406 The Amendments o o 12 20 22 25