The Present Perfect is used to describe • An action when the time is not important. He has read 'War and Peace'. (= the result of his reading is important). Someone has eaten my soup! • An action or situation that started in the past and continues in the present. I have lived in Tomsk since 2016 (= and I still do. ) We have had the same car for ten years. (= and we still do. ) • An action performed during a period that has not yet finished. She has been to the cinema twice this week (= and the week isn't over yet. ) It has rained a lot this year. (= and the year isn’t over yet. )
• A repeated action in an unspecified period between the past and now. We have visited Portugal several times. We have eaten at that restaurant many times. • An action that was completed in the very recent past, expressed by 'just'. I have just finished my work.
Difference between Pr. Perfect and Past Simple Fact is what matters --- we use Pr. Perfect I’ve bought a new dress! Have you seen ‘Fast and Furious'? We have been to Ireland. Time/place is what matters --- we use Past Simple I bought a dress yesterday. Where did you see ‘Fast and Furious'? When did you go to Ireland?
Compare the use of the tenses: "What did you do at school today? " I use the simple past tense because the question is about activities, and the school day is considered finished. "What have you done at school today? " I use the present perfect because the question is about results : « show me » . The time at which the question is asked is considered as a continuation of the school day.
Signal words ever – когда-либо, когда бы то ни было, когда-нибудь; never – никогда; just – как раз, точно, едва, только что, всего лишь, совсем, только, лишь, сейчас; already – уже, ранее, даже; not…yet – все еще нет, нет еще, еще не, нет, еще нет; before – раньше, прежде, пока не, уже, перед тем как; lately – давно, в последнее время, недавно, за последнее время; of late – с недавних пор, за последнее время, недавно; so far – уже, к настоящему времени, на этот час, пока, до сих пор, вплоть до этого момента; recently – недавно, на днях, в последнее время, только что, не так давно; by now – на настоящий момент; up to now – до сих пор, до настоящего времени.