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STRUCTURE OF THEVOCATIONAL TRAINING In Italy, Vocational School Institutions consist of five years, divided STRUCTURE OF THEVOCATIONAL TRAINING In Italy, Vocational School Institutions consist of five years, divided into three main sections: the first, the second two years and the fifth year, according to the model 2+2+1. Vocational System is based on Key European competences and specific competences.

SECTORS OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN ITALIAN SYSTEM There are two sectors: SERVICES: a) Services SECTORS OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN ITALIAN SYSTEM There are two sectors: SERVICES: a) Services for agriculture and rural development b) Socio-sanitary services c) Services for food, wine and hospitality d) Business services. INDUSTRY AND HANDICRAFTS a) Industrial and handicraft productions b) Maintenance and technical assistance

CARLO ANTI VOCATIONAL TRAINING OLD SYSTEM: - Economics 40 students IV -V - Tourism CARLO ANTI VOCATIONAL TRAINING OLD SYSTEM: - Economics 40 students IV -V - Tourism 69 students IV-V NEW SYSTEM: -Business Services 200 students I-II-III

ECONOMICS -TOURISM OLD SYSTEM Subjects Weekly/years hours Theory Practice Accounting/ITC 7 / 231 4/2 ECONOMICS -TOURISM OLD SYSTEM Subjects Weekly/years hours Theory Practice Accounting/ITC 7 / 231 4/2 3 / 99 Economic -Law 3 / 99 Maths 3 / 99 2 / 66 Economic Geog. 2 / 66 English 3 / 99 2 / 66 1 / 33 German 3 / 99 2 / 66 1 / 33 ALS (School-job alternation) 2 / 66 Total 23 / 759 1 / 33 2 / 66 15 / 495 8 / 264


CONTENTS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS ACCOUNTING/ITC: types of companies, legal structure, specific accounting, civil and CONTENTS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS ACCOUNTING/ITC: types of companies, legal structure, specific accounting, civil and fiscal budget, budgetary analysis, franchise agreement, contract of factoring. accounting major tourist reception facilities. Hotels accommodation-agriturismo-bed and breakfast travel agencies and tour operators ECONOMIC –LAW: Types of commercial contracts; the company from a legal point of view; the budget: structure and documents. micro-economics and macro-economics. MATHS: Probability calculation, Mathematical finance , statistical elements. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY: social and economic characteristics of national territory and internationally. Tourism in Italy and in the world; the importance of transport and infrastructure. ENGHISH and GERMAN: Texts of tradition and culture of the countries- Some types of specialized written texts of the "address" field (e. g. contractual forms, brochures, technical manuals, newspaper articles relating to technological developments in the sector of specialization, corporate organization charts, etc. ). Detailed description of production processes and industry and commercial mode of representation in media also forms. Types of professional situations predictable interaction (also in team). ALS (School-job alternation): simulated enterprises: Business idea, business plan, payment means and instruments, banking operations, sales operations, business simulation, creation of corporate websites, ideation and realization of company logo, Organization and participation in business fairs, Prepare reports, technical reports.

ECONOMICS -TOURISM OLD SYSTEM In June, all students of 4° year are going to ECONOMICS -TOURISM OLD SYSTEM In June, all students of 4° year are going to business to carry out an internship for one month (about 200 hours). the company provides an assessment of training activities

BUSINESS SERVICES –NEW SYSTEM Subjects II IV V Week/year Fisic I Week/year 8/ 264 BUSINESS SERVICES –NEW SYSTEM Subjects II IV V Week/year Fisic I Week/year 8/ 264 2/ 66 Chemic 2/ 66 Informatic 2/ 66 Accounting (Professional commercial services techniques ) Into Laboratory German 2/ 66 5/ 165 132 on 334 hours per first two years 3/ 99 66 on 264 hours per fifth year 3/ 99 Economic/Law 4/ 132 Comunication 2/ 66 17/ 561 17/561 Total 12/ 396 3/ 99 132 on 528 hours per second two years 12/ 396


SPECIFIC COMPETENCES OF THEENTIRE TRAINING identify trends in local, national and international markets; interact SPECIFIC COMPETENCES OF THEENTIRE TRAINING identify trends in local, national and international markets; interact in company system and recognise the different models of business organizational structures carry out activities related to the implementation of business measurements with the use of technological tools and industry application software Contribute to the achievement of human resources management with regard to payroll management, treatment of severance and related formalities provided for by law. industry applications Interact in the area of logistics and inventory management with special attention to its accounting Interact in the area of commercial management for market-related activities and aimed at the achievement of customer satisfaction.

SPECIFIC COMPETENCES OF THE ENTIRE TRAINING participate in the marketing and advertising products. typical SPECIFIC COMPETENCES OF THE ENTIRE TRAINING participate in the marketing and advertising products. typical activities in the tourism sector and functional the service organization for the exploitation of the territory and to promote events apply the tools of corporate systems of quality control and analyze results Interact with business information system through the use of computer and telematic tools.

SPECIFIC CONTENT OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS GERMAN LANGUAGES - functional Grammar to understand produce complex SPECIFIC CONTENT OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS GERMAN LANGUAGES - functional Grammar to understand produce complex texts. Texts of tradition and culture of the countries- Some types of specialized written texts of the "address" field (e. g. contractual forms, brochures, technical manuals, newspaper articles relating to technological developments in the sector of specialization, corporate organization charts, etc. ). Detailed description of production processes and industry and commercial mode of representation in media also forms. Types of professional situations predictable interaction (also in team). Directories/glossaries of technical lexicon of expressions. Techniques and writing styles according to the arguments and the target audience of industry stakeholders (e. g. reports, corporate communications, etc. ). INFORMATICS: Multiplicity of languages and codes and multimedia. Digital citizenship Digital divides Basic elements of the structure of a personal computer in hardware point of view and from the point of view of software. The factors that influence the performance of a computer: CPU speed, RAM size, the number of running applications and their possible measurement unit. Main software applications on the market: office suite, databases, and open office package (word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, . . . ) FLOSS (Free / Libre / Open Source Software) Rules of thumb, physical hygiene in "Using the machine, administrative rules and criminal laws resulting from "improper use of the network The different types of charts to communicate information meaningfully and their production with appropriate software (calc, excel, etc. . . ) Basics of computer networking, the Internet as infrastructure allows you to transmit information remotely and to process the web 2. 0 and on "use search engine regulations concerning privacy and copyright Importance of network etiquette (netiquette)

SPECIFIC CONTENT OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS EARTH SCIENCE AND BIOLOGY: (with reference to the economic SPECIFIC CONTENT OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS EARTH SCIENCE AND BIOLOGY: (with reference to the economic aspect) the atmosphere and changes in recenturies due to human activities, the possible dangers; the climate; the consequences of climatic changes: availability of drinking water, desertification, large human migrations. Geographical coordinates: latitude and longitude, Parallels and meridians. Analysis of the current state of our planet and ongoing changes. Human population growth and its consequences (economic, food, health). Practical implications and subsequent ethical issues biotechnology PHYSICS- CHEMISTRY : Earth system physics: (with reference to the economic aspect) abiotic: sphereslithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere climate change. . . -reference systems: orientation, geographical coordinates. Impact of human activities on the environment and the biosphere Systems materials (physical and chemical): -description by sizes and measurements of systems in stillness and in motion-stability and transformations: or forces and the balance or physical and chemical transformations-characterization of systems based on the exchange of matter and energydisturbances: material and electromagnetic waves MATHEMATICS: (with reference to the economic aspect) Functions, in particular the laws of proportionality, inverse, quadratic. Polynomial equations, inequalities and systems of 1° and 2° degree, problem solving techniques and substantial points, Polygons measures of angles, theorems of Pythagoras and Euclid's simple frequency Distributions and their graphical representations. Synthesis and indexes by location and properties and standard deviation interpolation, regression and correlation analysis of infinitesimals. Reading and interpretation of charts and graphs about the characteristics of a set of companies in a given territory (e. g. costs, turnover, number of employees, etc. ) Study of the performance of two statistical variables, graphical representation and interpretation to assess several offers to purchase products, contracts etc. (e. g. telephone rates) and evaluate the optimal restraint Study choice and graphic representation of real functions. carry out research and comparison studies, optimization, performance etc. connected applications to address financial applications

SPECIFIC CONTENT OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS ECONOMICS : First biennium : essential characteristics of the SPECIFIC CONTENT OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS ECONOMICS : First biennium : essential characteristics of the economy of its territory. Legal and economic aspects of the activities of the enterprise. State-market relationship. Domestic and international market. Harvesting techniques and data processing. Techniques for representing statistical data on economic aggregates. Technical and economic language. Search mode of national regulations and international sources. Introduction to planning techniques of the stages of an activity. Second biennium and fifth year: models of organisation and project management. Historical evolution of the Organization of work. Cost-benefit analysis. The laws of supply and demand. The currency and trade. Political and economic evolution of Europe until the birth of the EU. Elements of customer satisfaction. Sector-specific technical vocabulary. Laws that govern international trade. The balance of payments LAW : Concept of rule, law, Constitution. The evolutionary process of the Italian Constitution. The most significant articles, the fundamental principles of the Constitution and of European and international documents. Territorial entities Italian State. European Community and major international organizations. European and Italian regulations on health, safety and environment. Constitutional models, governance and legal aspects – institutions of society. Regulatory sources and their hierarchy. Privacy policy. Ethical and deontological codes with respect to the professional scope of reference.

SPECIFIC CONTENTS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC SKILLS 1. COMPETENCE: IDENTIFY TRENDS SPECIFIC CONTENTS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC SKILLS 1. COMPETENCE: IDENTIFY TRENDS IN LOCAL, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL MARKETS; SUBJECTS INVOLVED: Professional Commercial Services Techniques (Accounting) Law/Economy CONTENTS: The laws of supply and demand. The currency and trade. Political and economic evolution of Europe until the birth of the EU. Elements of customer satisfaction. Sector-specific technical vocabulary. Laws that govern international trade. The balance of payments 2. COMPETENCE: INTERACT IN THE COMPANY SYSTEM AND RECOGNIZE THE DIFFERENT MODELS OF CORPORATE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES; SUBJECTS INVOLVED: Professional Commercial Services Techniques (Accounting) Law/Economy -Communication CONTENTS: interact in company system and recognise the different models of corporate organizational structures and the various types of economic systems. The phases of the economic activities, resources and inputs. Economic actors: consumers, businesses, public administration. The classification of enterprises by sector. The local economic system. The entrepreneur and the other actors in the company. Legal entities with respect to business models of organizational structure. Tools of representation and description of the organization. Internet services

SPECIFIC CONTENTS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC SKILLS 3. COMPETENCE: CARRY OUT SPECIFIC CONTENTS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC SKILLS 3. COMPETENCE: CARRY OUT ACTIVITIES RELATED TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF BUSINESS SURVEYS WITH THE USE OF TECHNOLOGICAL TOOLS AND APPLICATION SOFTWARE SECTOR SUBJECTS INVOLVED : Professional Commercial Services Techniques (Accounting) - L aboratory - Law/Economy CONTENTS: The rules of the civil code on budgetary matters the national and international accounting standards. The double-entry method applied to heritage system and economic outturn. Nature, operation and use of economic and financial accounts. Scriptures of adjustment. Algorithm; data types; entities and relationships, logical operations-set-theoretic and relational. Use appropriate software tools to help the concepts of programming and planning The budget. 4. COMPETENCE: CONTRIBUTE TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF HUMAN RESOURCES WITH RESPECT TO PAYROLL, THE SEVERANCE PAY AND THE RELATED FORMALITIES REQUIRED BY LAW SUBJECTS INVOLVED : Professional Commercial Services Techniques (Accounting) - L aboratory - Law/Economy – communication CONTENTS: Contribute to the achievement of human resources management with regard to payroll management, treatment of severance and related formalities provided for by law. Concept of selfemployment and subordinate legal Sources of employees. The contract as a source of obligations. Major duties and rights of employee associations. The role of the unions compulsory social Insurance. Social security and welfare bodies. Complementary pensions. Pension Funds. Tax treatment of the income of employees. Additional income tax and income tax. The role of the substitute tax. Relations between the employer and the social security authorities and the tax authorities. Periodical obligations. The doubleentry method. Economic and financial accounts handled in surveys of staff-related operations. Placement in the budget of the enterprise accounting entries relating to the presence of employees

SPECIFIC CONTENTS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC SKILLS 5. COMPETENCE: INTERACT IN SPECIFIC CONTENTS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC SKILLS 5. COMPETENCE: INTERACT IN LOGISTICS AND WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT WITH PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THEIR ACCOUNTS SUBJECTS INVOLVED: Professional Commercial Services Techniques (Accounting) - L aboratory - Law/Economy – communication CONTENTS: Logistics concept. Service to our customers. The warehouse and its structure. Stocks and their management. Warehouse adapters. Book entry stocks. Inventory management in an integrated accounting program. Storage costs. Logistics costs. Purchase plans. Development of load and discharge. The civil assessment of inventories. Tax accounting of stock. 6. COMPETENCE: INTERACT IN THE AREA OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FOR ACTIVITIES RELATING TO THE MARKET AND AIMED AT THE ACHIEVEMENT OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SUBJECTS INVOLVED: Professional Commercial Services Techniques (Accounting) - L aboratory - Law/Economy – communication – Maths - Informatic CONTENTS: Concept of competitive economic environment. Legal sources concerning unfair competition and false advertising, consumer protection, guarantees. Concepts of ethics and social responsibility of the consumer and the enterprise. Main strategic marketing models. Levers of strategic and operational marketing. The channels and tools of corporate communications. Marketing in service firms. The joint marketing plan. The analysis of the break-even point. Formulation of marketing strategies.

SPECIFIC CONTENTS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC SKILLS 7. COMPETENCE. PARTICIPATE IN SPECIFIC CONTENTS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC SKILLS 7. COMPETENCE. PARTICIPATE IN ACTIVITIES OF THE MARKETING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ADVERTISING PRODUCTS SUBJECTS INVOLVED: Professional Commercial Services Techniques (Accounting) - L aboratory Law/Economy – Communication – Informatic – Foreign languages CONTENTS: Territorial Marketing and sustainable development. Marketing mix. Market segmentation techniques. The product life cycle. Knowledge of the tourism product and the subjects that offer it (travel agencies, transport companies, accommodations). Knowledge of the elements that determine the price of the tourist product. Knowledge of the techniques of reservation and issuance documents. Knowledge of the resources and potential of the territory in which they operate and organization techniques for different types of events. Knowledge of commercial art (ideas, pictures, colors, words). Knowledge of word, excel, Power. Point, graphics programs and dedicated software 8. COMPETENCE : TYPICAL ACTIVITIES IN THE TOURISM SECTOR AND FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION OF SERVICES FOR THE VALORIZATION OF THE TERRITORY AND FOR THE PROMOTION OF EVENTS; PARTICIPATE IN THE ACTIVITIES OF MARKETING AND ADVERTISING PRODUCTS SUBJECTS INVOLVED: Professional Commercial Services Techniques (Accounting) - L aboratory Law/Economy – Communication – Informatic – Foreign languages CONTENTS: Sustainable development and territorial Marketing mix market segmentation techniques, The product life cycle and product knowledge of the subjects that offer it (travel agencies, transport companies, accommodations) knowledge of the elements that determine the price of the tourist product knowledge of the techniques of reservation and issuance documents resource and Knowledge of the potential offered by the territory in which they operate and organization techniques for different types of graphic Knowledge event advertising (ideas, pictures, colors, words) knowledge of word, excel, Power. Point, graphics programs and dedicated software

SPECIFIC CONTENTS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC SKILLS 9. COMPETENCE: APPLY THE SPECIFIC CONTENTS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC SKILLS 9. COMPETENCE: APPLY THE TOOLS OF CORPORATE SYSTEMS OF QUALITY CONTROL AND ANALYZE RESULTS SUBJECTS INVOLVED: Professional Commercial Services Techniques (Accounting) - Laboratory - Law/Economy – Communication – Informatic – CONTENTS: Quality system requirements (the responsibility of leadership, quality planning, control of documents and data, the supply, the control of the finished product, traceability, process control, instrument control, control of nonconforming product, the handling of complaints) 10. COMPETENCE: INTERACT WITH BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM THROUGH THE USE OF COMPUTER AND TELEMATIC TOOLS. SUBJECTS INVOLVED: Professional Commercial Services Techniques (Accounting) - Laboratory - –– Informatic – CONTENTS: Algorithm; data types; entities and relationships, logical operations-set-theoretic and relational. Use appropriate software tools to help. Prepare, organise and manage databases for the corporate information system.

SPECIFICS THEORY-BASED PRACTICAL TRAINING Accounting can be practiced in laboratory so there is a SPECIFICS THEORY-BASED PRACTICAL TRAINING Accounting can be practiced in laboratory so there is a strict connection between theory and practice. Students use specific applications to record invoices , bill of lading, bank transactions …. Law can be analized filling real documents regarding legal structures of companies.

BUSINESS SERVICES –NEW SYSTEM Also in the new school system ASL (School-work alternation ) BUSINESS SERVICES –NEW SYSTEM Also in the new school system ASL (School-work alternation ) is recommended.

SPECIAL METHOD Project area, School-job alternation, Simulated formative enterprise , Interdisciplinary pathways Key competences SPECIAL METHOD Project area, School-job alternation, Simulated formative enterprise , Interdisciplinary pathways Key competences Laboratory work Cooperative learning Learning by doing


EXPERIENCES Current vocational training is an opportunity for all students who want to enter EXPERIENCES Current vocational training is an opportunity for all students who want to enter the labour market with good skills. Actually we will await the result of new reform!

FEEDBACK FROM LABOR-MARKET Polls underline that a great number of our students, within 6 FEEDBACK FROM LABOR-MARKET Polls underline that a great number of our students, within 6 months from the acquisition of diploma, find work in fields related to their studies. each company fills out a report on the evaluation of the student during the internship period, and also , sometimes, it proposes students to continue for the entire summer. Companies often offer real works to our students and this favours a first contact with labour market and sometimes some students can get a job after the diploma