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The Power Of Local Broadcast Television January, 2010
Television Is America’s Primary Source Of News Sources From Which US Adults Get Their News And Information % of Total - September 2009 Note: numbers may not add up to 100% due to respondents not having an answer from the list; Read chart as saying that US adults get 31. 1% of their news and information from TV Source: ARAnet survey conducted by Opinion Research Corporation as cited in press release, September 24, 2009
Television Is The Leading Source For LOCAL NEWS Among All Demographic Targets By Significant Margins Main Source For LOCAL News According to US Adults, By Age % Of Respondents - July 2009 18 -29 30 -49 50 -64 65+ Total (n=183) (n=420) (n=478) (n=399) (n=1, 506) TV 67% 60% 63% 69% 64% Internet 21% 24% 12% 4% 17% Newspapers 39% 33% 45% 53% 41% Radio 22% 21% 14% 13% 18% Source: Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey as cited in pres release, September 14, 2009
More Adults (Potential Voters) Say Local Broadcast Television is Their Primary Source of News Source: Nielsen Media Research Custom Survey 2008
Adults (Potential Voters): Primary Source for News (%) Age Broadcast TV Cable News Networks Radio Newspapers Internet Public TV 18+ 39. 1 19. 9 9. 8 13. 7 11. 5 6. 0 18 -34 38. 7 14. 6 11. 1 8. 4 21. 8 5. 3 18 -49 39. 7 16. 1 11. 4 10. 6 16. 9 5. 4 25 -49 40. 1 16. 8 11. 6 10. 9 15. 4 5. 3 25 -54 39. 6 19. 0 11. 1 11. 3 13. 3 5. 7 35 -64 39. 5 20. 5 10. 3 14. 5 65+ 38. 3 27. 6 5. 5 20. 9 Source: Nielsen Media Research Custom Survey 2008 8. 8 6. 4 1. 6 6. 0
More Adults (Potential Voters) Feel Local Broadcast Television is Most Involved in Their Community Source: Nielsen Media Research Custom Survey 2008
Adults (Potential Voters): Most Involved in Community (%) Age Broadcast TV Cable News Networks Radio Newspapers 18+ 54. 8 5. 5 7. 0 26. 2 1. 5 5. 0 18 -34 56. 5 3. 7 6. 0 23. 9 3. 5 6. 3 18 -49 57. 4 4. 1 5. 9 24. 9 2. 3 5. 4 25 -49 59. 0 4. 6 6. 4 23. 9 1. 2 4. 8 25 -54 57. 8 5. 4 6. 6 24. 0 1. 1 5. 1 35 -64 55. 5 5. 1 65+ 49. 4 10. 2 Source: Nielsen Media Research Custom Survey 2008 6. 8 9. 7 Internet Public TV 27. 3 0. 7 4. 7 26. 9 0. 0 3. 8
Local Broadcast News Is The Primary News Source for U. S. Adults v v 77% Of U. S. Adults Say They Watch Local Broadcast News Several Times A Week Or Daily. Ø That Is More Than Those Who Watch Network Broadcast News, Cable News, or Go Online To Get News. 54% Of U. S. Adults Watch Local Broadcast News On A Daily Basis. Again, More Than The Other News Providers. People Of ALL AGES Watch Local Broadcast News Several Times A Week or Daily. Ø 52% of Echo Boomers (Age 18 -27) Ø 69% of Gen X (Age 28 -39) Ø 83% of Baby Boomers (Age 40 -58) Ø v Source: Nationwide Harris Poll of 2, 985 U. S. adults surveyed online between January 12 and 17, 2006 by Harris Interactive®. Sampling error for the overall results is +/- 2 percentage points.
Who Is Seeing Your Message? The Hardwired Cable Story! The Des Moines Edition!
The savvy political Advertiser achieves 100% reach by using spot TV in any Market they choose!
All Political Advertisers want their commercials to be seen by 100% of the markets they choose!!! Right? Effectiveness = Reach
Local Cable: Micro Targeting! Micro Targeting? Micro Delivery!
Des Moines July 2009 Onmedia is Missing 62. 2% of the market! Total TV HH Antennas Only (no cable) ADS (satellite, no cable) Total Cable Onmedia Non Onmedia Cable Homes 432, 410 73, 510 155, 668 204, 410 164, 660 39, 750 Total homes Missed by Onmedia 268, 928
Des Moines July 2009 Onmedia is Missing 75. 1% of the market! Total TV HH Antennas Only (no cable) ADS (satellite, no cable) Total Cable Onmedia Non Onmedia Cable Homes Non- Insertable HD Homes 432, 410 73, 510 155, 668 204, 410 164, 660 39, 750 55, 984 Total homes Missed by Onmedia 324, 912
Local Cable: Maximum Cost!
Nov 2007 Des Moines M-F/7 -8 P (Prime) RA 35+: Net CNBC CNN FNXC MSNBC ESPN TNT USA Program Fast Money Paula Zahn O’Reily Factor Countdown Various Sports Various Law and Order Total GRPS/Total Cost RA 35+ 0. 11. 47. 16. 54. 11. 27 Cost: $90 $126 $90 $153 $100 1. 67 $785 CPP - $470. 06 Source NSI and TVB
In order to get 100 GRPS a week in cable you need to buy this schedule 59. 9 times or a total of 419. 3 spots! The share of A 35+ of this schedule is 3% and the weekly cume is 3. 8 Source NSI and TVB
Nov 2007 Des Moines M-F/Late News RA 35+: Net Program KCCI/CBS WHO/NBC WOI/ABC KDSM/FOX News (9 P) RA 35+ 16 9 2 3 Total GRP’s/Total Cost 30 CPP - $175. 83 Cost: $2, 800 $1, 750 $200 $525 $5, 275
In order to get 100 GRPS a week in broadcast you need to buy this schedule 3. 2 times or a total of 12 spots! The Share of this Schedule 1 x in each news is 79% of total A 35+ watching and a 63 weekly cume of A 35+
Des Moines Cable County By County Short Fall:
Local Cable: Micro Targeting! Micro Targeting? Micro Delivery! Maximum Cost!
The Conclusion! Broadcast Vs Cable: v Broadcast ratings are more statistically reliable due to high ratings! v Cable ratings are statistically unreliable due to low ratings! v Therefore Cable’s limited reach and frequency, as well as cost per point are unreliable! v Cable has limited avails in programming so many spots run on lower rated end breaks! v Quick response to your opponents' spots can not be address fast enough!
Local Cable: Micro Targeting? Micro Delivery! Maximum Cost!