Скачать презентацию The Post War Era 1945 -1963 Paul C Скачать презентацию The Post War Era 1945 -1963 Paul C


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The Post War Era 1945 -1963 Paul C. Lohr 10 th Grade U. S. The Post War Era 1945 -1963 Paul C. Lohr 10 th Grade U. S. History

A Social Studies Lesson ED 648 n Winter 2003 n Dr. Helms n A Social Studies Lesson ED 648 n Winter 2003 n Dr. Helms n

Table of Contents n n n n n American Heritage People in Societies World Table of Contents n n n n n American Heritage People in Societies World Interactions Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities Democratic Process Decision Making Resources Science, Technology & Society Activities: Five for each Strand Website Resources

American Heritage n n n President Truman Post War Foreign Policy Challenges Labor Strikes American Heritage n n n President Truman Post War Foreign Policy Challenges Labor Strikes

American Heritage n n n Gen Mac. Arthur Japan’s New Constitution Korean War Starts American Heritage n n n Gen Mac. Arthur Japan’s New Constitution Korean War Starts Inchon Civilian vs. Military control of Foreign Policy

American Heritage n n n WWII Hero Author of Crusade NATO Elected President 1952 American Heritage n n n WWII Hero Author of Crusade NATO Elected President 1952 http: //www. picturehistory. co m/search? word 1=eisenhowe r&submit. x=5&submit. y=13

American Heritage n n n President Kennedy WWII Hero Controversial Father Elected President 1960 American Heritage n n n President Kennedy WWII Hero Controversial Father Elected President 1960 “New Frontier” Cold Warrior?

American Heritage n n Vienna 1961 Summit Cuba Issue Bay of Pigs Missile Crisis American Heritage n n Vienna 1961 Summit Cuba Issue Bay of Pigs Missile Crisis

People in Societies n n Berlin Wall Arial view 1961 construction West Berlin Issue People in Societies n n Berlin Wall Arial view 1961 construction West Berlin Issue Russian Threat: separate peace treaty with East Germany

People in Societies n n n United Nations Adlai Stevenson, US Ambassador to the People in Societies n n n United Nations Adlai Stevenson, US Ambassador to the United Nations Proof of Missiles in Cuba

World Interactions n n n Ike & Deim 1954 South Vietnam Support policy begins World Interactions n n n Ike & Deim 1954 South Vietnam Support policy begins in earnest CIA dirty tricks in Southeast Asia Puppet pulls his own strings

World Interactions n n Korean Peninsula Acheson speech omits Korea 38 th Parallel surrender World Interactions n n Korean Peninsula Acheson speech omits Korea 38 th Parallel surrender line Northern Invasion of the South, June 1950

World Interactions n n n Proximity to Japan Containment Spheres of Influence Doctrine US World Interactions n n n Proximity to Japan Containment Spheres of Influence Doctrine US Containment Policy Truman Doctrine

World Interactions n n n Arial Photo of Soviet Missiles in Cuba Change in World Interactions n n n Arial Photo of Soviet Missiles in Cuba Change in Balance of Power Brinkmanship

Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities n n n Senator Joseph Mc. Carthy H. U. A. Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities n n n Senator Joseph Mc. Carthy H. U. A. C Loyalty Oaths Witch Hunts http: //www. picturehistory. co m/find/p/13474/mcms. html

Citizenship Rights & Resistibility's n n n 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education School Citizenship Rights & Resistibility's n n n 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education School Integration “All deliberate speed” Little Rock, Arkansas Senate filibusters Senator Russell

Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities n n President Truman issued executive order integrating the United Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities n n President Truman issued executive order integrating the United States Armed Forces Lynching of Black Veterans in the South

Democratic Process n n n FDR & Truman in the Dark? Court House Politician? Democratic Process n n n FDR & Truman in the Dark? Court House Politician? Election of 1948 “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline

Democratic Process n n Truman Sworn in as President Atom bomb decision Russia & Democratic Process n n Truman Sworn in as President Atom bomb decision Russia & Poland/Yalta Issue

Democratic Process n n n n Iron Curtain Speech by Winston Churchill 1946 Aid Democratic Process n n n n Iron Curtain Speech by Winston Churchill 1946 Aid to Greece & Turkey Russians out of Iran? Marshall Plan NATO Containment Policy http: //www. picturehistory. co m/search? word 1=harry+tru man&submit. x=8&submit. y=

Democratic Process n n n Ike & JFK 1960 Peaceful transition of political power Democratic Process n n n Ike & JFK 1960 Peaceful transition of political power New generation takes over Inherits Bay of Pigs plan http: //www. picturehistory. co m/search? word 1=eisenhowe r&submit. x=5&submit. y=13

Democratic Process n n Dallas 1963 Kenney assassinated LBJ Sworn into Office Conspiracy Theory Democratic Process n n Dallas 1963 Kenney assassinated LBJ Sworn into Office Conspiracy Theory

Decision Making & Resources n n n Dollar Diplomacy Post war inflation GNP growth Decision Making & Resources n n n Dollar Diplomacy Post war inflation GNP growth

Decision Making & Resources n n n Defense Budget Postwar demobilization Containment Peace through Decision Making & Resources n n n Defense Budget Postwar demobilization Containment Peace through strength? Arms Race MAD theory

Decision Making & Resources n n n Guns vs. Butter US Nuclear Umbrella US Decision Making & Resources n n n Guns vs. Butter US Nuclear Umbrella US standard of Living

Decision Making & Resources n n Increase in automobile ownership Construction of Interstate Highway Decision Making & Resources n n Increase in automobile ownership Construction of Interstate Highway System

Decision Making & Resources n n n Kennedy at key advisors during Cuban Missile Decision Making & Resources n n n Kennedy at key advisors during Cuban Missile Crisis Mobilization Arms Race again

Science, Technology & Society n n n Advances in medical science DNA molecule Smallpox Science, Technology & Society n n n Advances in medical science DNA molecule Smallpox & Polio defeated

Science, Technology & Society n n Space technology Jets & Rockets Sputnik Race for Science, Technology & Society n n Space technology Jets & Rockets Sputnik Race for the Moon

American Heritage n n n Activities John F. Kennedy Biography video Password Vocabulary exercise American Heritage n n n Activities John F. Kennedy Biography video Password Vocabulary exercise Civil Rights Time Line activity 1948 Election group project report Jeopardy Cold War review exercise

People & Societies n n n Activities SS St. Louis Immigration role play Schindler’s People & Societies n n n Activities SS St. Louis Immigration role play Schindler’s List Video Religions of the World group reports Vietnam History Timeline project History Alive Birth of Israel activity

World Interactions n n n Activities Dangerous Parallels simulation Diplomacy Game simulation Arms Race World Interactions n n n Activities Dangerous Parallels simulation Diplomacy Game simulation Arms Race Debate exercise Compare & Contrast: WWI 1914 & Iraq 2003 exercise Cold War Panel Discussion activity

Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities n n n Activities School Board Visit & Report project Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities n n n Activities School Board Visit & Report project Write Your Congressman activity Analysis: Senate Passage of the 1957 Civil Rights Law activity 1896 Plessy & 1954 Brown Supreme Court Compare & Contrast exercise Political Orientation Survey activity

Democratic Process n n n Activities Mock Congress exercise Presidential Election simulation Construct Election Democratic Process n n n Activities Mock Congress exercise Presidential Election simulation Construct Election Map activity Presidential Primary simulation Campaign Poster project

Decision Making & Resources n n n Activities Stock Market simulation Inflation & Products Decision Making & Resources n n n Activities Stock Market simulation Inflation & Products simulation Population Explosion video Guns & Butter Evaluative Economic group exercise GNP 1945 -1965 Graph Analysis exercise

Science, Technology & Society n n n Activities World Resources Popcorn exercise Dr. Jonas Science, Technology & Society n n n Activities World Resources Popcorn exercise Dr. Jonas Salk biography video Changing Life Expectancy Activity Space Race A & E video History of Television A & E video

Resource Websites n n n n Korean War Anniversary Website http: //www. tcsaz. com/koreanwar/timeline. Resource Websites n n n n Korean War Anniversary Website http: //www. tcsaz. com/koreanwar/timeline. html Social Studies Lesson Plans http: //www. col-ed. org/cur/social. html Korean War http: //www. search. com/click? sl, marin. 1. channel. 28142. 1. 0. korean+War. 0, http%3 A%2 F%2 Fwww%2 Ekorean%2 D war%2 Ecom%2 F Korean War Chronology http: //www. koreanwar. com/Time. Line/Korean. War. Chronology. html

Resource Websites n n Berlin Wall Website http: //www. dieberlinermauer. de/berlinwallhome. html Korean War Resource Websites n n Berlin Wall Website http: //www. dieberlinermauer. de/berlinwallhome. html Korean War Photos http: //www. picturehistory. com/search? word 1=nato&submit. x=5 &submit. y=4

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