Скачать презентацию The poem dedicated to the 95 th anniversary Скачать презентацию The poem dedicated to the 95 th anniversary


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The poem dedicated to the 95 th anniversary of Mari State National Drama Theatre The poem dedicated to the 95 th anniversary of Mari State National Drama Theatre of Shketan and its translation: Йошкар-Ола покшелне – ош йӱксӧ гай полат. In the center of the city there is light building. Кечат огеш когарте, огеш левед пылат… Neither sun nor cloud touches with the arm its roof. Шӱмбел Марий театр, тый юзо гай улат, Dear Mari Theatre, I’m proud of your being Марий чонан айдемым шке помышкет ӱжат. Magic, even sacred, waiting us your love to prove.

The author of the poem is Gennadii Sabantsev-Oyar Омсатым комдык почын, тый вашлият унам. The author of the poem is Gennadii Sabantsev-Oyar Омсатым комдык почын, тый вашлият унам. Widely opening the doors, you welcome guests so warmly. Могай унам? ! Йолташым, кӧн шӱмжӧ эн тулан, Why the guests? They are your friends, indeed, with ardent love. Кӧ шкенжым кӧргыштет воштончышла ужеш, Усталык вий кӱшеш яндарын поремеш. Every time they come and find themselves in actors’ world if Souls are like mirror, so the acting’s worth enough.

The poem is translated by Tatiana Yapaeva Чавайнын шӱлыш тыште, Шкетанын вургыжмат, Here is The poem is translated by Tatiana Yapaeva Чавайнын шӱлыш тыште, Шкетанын вургыжмат, Here is Chavain, Shketan with their atmosphere, Шкет еҥын тымык шоныш, саманын тургымжат. Lonely man’s serene thoughts and mess in our world. Шӱм лӱшкымашлан сцене кышкар гай шыгыр пеш, Now this old building’s narrow even for the feelings Ты шыгырым чеп семын усталык вий кӱрлеш! Shown by those actors to us for being told.

The poem is written in Mari language in 2014 and translated into English in The poem is written in Mari language in 2014 and translated into English in 2015 Мый сценысе аланыш ушгечонге ушнем Visiting performances I join this life with passion, Да тусо илыш дене илем, шӱлем, йӱлем. Trying to compare, burning heart and mind. Прожектор дене огыл ты сцене волгалтеш – Spotlights light the stage accentuating action, Почеш йӱлалше чонжым марий артист-влак еш! People leave theatre making faces shine.

Both authors of the poem and its translation like Mari State National Drama Theatre Both authors of the poem and its translation like Mari State National Drama Theatre of Shketan … Уэш шке Азаматшым ужнеже Айвика, Aivika wants see again her lovely Azamat and Уэшын еҥ пашаште – Эчук ден Салика, Salika, Echyk do someone’s work not own. Уэшын эрык верчын шога чолга Пасет… - Brave and strong Paset for freedom fighting wants to stand… О калыкем, вет тиде – лач тыйын илышет! Oh, my nation, your life lies here like memorable stone.

The poem is about Shketan Theatre Тыштак – эрталме корно, тыштак – эрласе тӱс. The poem is about Shketan Theatre Тыштак – эрталме корно, тыштак – эрласе тӱс. Here is the past. Here is the future, present. Эрталшыш да эрласыш шӱм-кыл омсам ом тӱч. Here is the place joining us together… … Йошкар-Ола покшелне – чон шулдыран полат. Тый тыш, марий айдеме, чон шулдыраҥ толат. In the center of Yoshkar-Ola there’s the palace. Every time you visit it with passion, love and trust. Ойгаҥын, куаналын – у шонышан лият. Neither I nor people leave it being changeless. Шӱмбел Марий театр, кугу тау тылат! Thank you, Mari Theatre! You are to last, you must!

The author of the poem and its translator The author of the poem and its translator