Скачать презентацию The PM as People Manager Lisa Poulter RN Скачать презентацию The PM as People Manager Lisa Poulter RN


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The PM as “People Manager” Lisa Poulter, RN, PMP Deputy Director, Health Sciences, Computer The PM as “People Manager” Lisa Poulter, RN, PMP Deputy Director, Health Sciences, Computer Sciences Corporation 5864_ER_HEALTH

The PM as “People Manager” 3/15/2018 1: 59: 48 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 2 The PM as “People Manager” 3/15/2018 1: 59: 48 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 2

The PM as “People Manager” Agenda • Introduction/setting the stage • The importance of The PM as “People Manager” Agenda • Introduction/setting the stage • The importance of people management • Dealing with the people we hire • Dealing with the people we work with • Dealing with the people we work for • Conclusion • Discussion “These days, it’s the people skills that matter and will increasingly determine an organization’s success. ” – Tom Peters 3/15/2018 1: 59: 48 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 3

The PM as “People Manager” Introduction/Setting the stage • Graphic here 3/15/2018 1: 59: The PM as “People Manager” Introduction/Setting the stage • Graphic here 3/15/2018 1: 59: 48 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 4

The PM as “People Manager” The Importance of People Management • Crucial for – The PM as “People Manager” The Importance of People Management • Crucial for – Project success – Positive working environment – Career advancement – Job satisfaction • Includes – Communicating effectively – Motivating project teams – Fostering teamwork, trust, respect and collaboration – Ensuring effectiveness in a distributed working environment – Resolving conflicts – Recognizing individual and cross-cultural differences – Managing distress – Advancing personal and professional interests 3/15/2018 1: 59: 50 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 5

The PM as “People Manager” People we hire 3/15/2018 1: 59: 50 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH The PM as “People Manager” People we hire 3/15/2018 1: 59: 50 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 6

The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the People We Hire • Recruiting people The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the People We Hire • Recruiting people with the right skills • Managing performance • Achieving results • Empowering and motivating In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed: They must be fit for it. They must not do too much of it. And they must have a sense of success in it. John Ruskin, Pre-Raphaelitism, 1850 3/15/2018 1: 59: 51 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 7

The PM as “People Manager” Recruiting people with the right skills • Understand what The PM as “People Manager” Recruiting people with the right skills • Understand what you’re looking for – Do a job analysis to generate a list of the personal attributes required to work effectively in the role • Hire for talent – Build on what is great about your new employee in the first place – Don't expect to develop weak areas of performance, habits, and talents • Take the time to do it right - Don’t settle • Select project team members based on – Skill – Experience – Availability – Working Relationships – Communication Skills 3/15/2018 1: 59: 51 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 8

The PM as “People Manager” Recruiting people with the right skills Common hiring mistakes The PM as “People Manager” Recruiting people with the right skills Common hiring mistakes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Relying on an interview Using successful people as a model Setting too many criteria Evaluating “personality" instead of job skills Using yourself as an example Relying on “common sense” rather than measuring skills objectively 7. Not checking out reasons for prior failures 8. Choosing a “good guy” 9. Not doing a careful background/reference check 3/15/2018 1: 59: 51 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 9

The PM as “People Manager” Managing performance • Employee performance management includes: – planning The PM as “People Manager” Managing performance • Employee performance management includes: – planning work and setting expectations, – continually monitoring performance, – developing the capacity to perform, – periodically rating performance, and – rewarding good performance. 3/15/2018 1: 59: 52 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 10

The PM as “People Manager” Managing Performance – Planning • Setting performance expectations and The PM as “People Manager” Managing Performance – Planning • Setting performance expectations and goals for groups and individuals to channel their efforts toward achieving organizational objectives. – Getting employees involved in the planning process will help them understand the goals of the organization, what needs to be done, why it needs to be done, and how well it should be done. 3/15/2018 1: 59: 52 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 11

The PM as “People Manager” Managing Performance – Monitoring • Consistently measuring performance and The PM as “People Manager” Managing Performance – Monitoring • Consistently measuring performance and providing ongoing feedback to employees and work groups on their progress toward reaching their goals. 3/15/2018 1: 59: 52 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 12

The PM as “People Manager” Managing Performance – Developing • Increasing the capacity to The PM as “People Manager” Managing Performance – Developing • Increasing the capacity to perform through training, giving assignments that introduce new skills or higher levels of responsibility, improving work processes, or other methods. 3/15/2018 1: 59: 54 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 13

The PM as “People Manager” Managing Performance – Rating • Evaluating employee performance against The PM as “People Manager” Managing Performance – Rating • Evaluating employee performance against the elements and standards in an employee's performance plan and assigning a summary rating of record. 3/15/2018 1: 59: 56 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 14

The PM as “People Manager” Managing Performance – Rewarding • Recognizing employees, individually and The PM as “People Manager” Managing Performance – Rewarding • Recognizing employees, individually and as members of groups, for their performance and acknowledging their contributions to the agency's mission. 3/15/2018 1: 59: 56 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 15

The PM as “People Manager” Achieving results • Core requirements for achieving results include The PM as “People Manager” Achieving results • Core requirements for achieving results include – Staff focus on the right work priorities – Appropriate responsibilities delegated to staff – Realistic workloads and deadlines – Management ability to creatively develop solutions to problems • Creative problem-solving • Managing stress 3/15/2018 1: 59: 57 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 16

The PM as “People Manager” Empowering and motivating • How can we engage our The PM as “People Manager” Empowering and motivating • How can we engage our teams to maximize their potential? • How can we tap into their passion to achieve project goals? • How can we motivate them to stay committed to our project objectives? “Management is nothing more than motivating other people. ” – Lee Iacocca 3/15/2018 1: 59: 58 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 17

The PM as “People Manager” Empowering and motivating • Clear expectations • A sense The PM as “People Manager” Empowering and motivating • Clear expectations • A sense of being a valued part of the team • Mutual respect • Regular feedback • Opportunities to have input into decisions • Ability to speak freely • Use of talents and skills • Stated opportunities for advancement (career, earnings, benefits, recognition) 3/15/2018 1: 59: 58 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 18

The PM as “People Manager” Leadership Roles • Leading – Communicating vision and articulating The PM as “People Manager” Leadership Roles • Leading – Communicating vision and articulating why a project is important – Verbal expression, communicating excitement regarding mission/vision, management of personal emotions • Managing – Managing quality, cost, and schedule – Structure, detail oriented, drive to closure, thick-skinned • Facilitating – Getting necessary resources; making things happen – Assertive – willing/able to stand up for what you believe in, persistence, remaining respectful of others while getting what you need done • Mentoring – Providing developmental assistance (guiding, teaching, encouraging, developing) – Ability to identify and meet the needs of others; motivated to give 3/15/2018 1: 59 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 19

The PM as “People Manager” People we work with 3/15/2018 1: 59 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH The PM as “People Manager” People we work with 3/15/2018 1: 59 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 20

The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work with • Few The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work with • Few projects exist in a bubble • Often have the involvement of multiple interested parties – Project champion – Project stakeholders – End users/affected individuals • Such matrixed environments can lead to having responsibility without total control 3/15/2018 2: 00 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 21

The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work with • Consensus The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work with • Consensus – A general agreement among the members of a given group, each of which exercises some discretion in decision making and follow-up action. • Compromise – The resolution of differences or conflict by negotiation and consent involving mutual concessions. • Collaboration – The process by which people/organizations work together to accomplish a common mission. “Project managers-those with a knack for people skills-will be the glue that holds… teams together. ” – Tom Peters 3/15/2018 2: 00: 01 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 22

The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work with Five tips The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work with Five tips for developing a great peer group 1. Don’t make the group too large. 2. Offer to work with them, rather than suggesting they work with you. 3. Be positive and look at the strengths within the group. 4. Learn what you can about your peers’ ideas. 5. Ask difficult/uncooperative group members what they would like to do. 3/15/2018 2: 00: 02 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 23

The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work with Seven tips The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work with Seven tips for making your peer group shine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Participate. Be Adult. Appreciate others and their differences. Make sure everyone has something to do. Go over what you’ve achieved and agree on next steps. Ask for clarification. Explain things. 3/15/2018 2: 00: 02 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 24

The PM as “People Manager” People we work for 3/15/2018 2: 00: 03 PM The PM as “People Manager” People we work for 3/15/2018 2: 00: 03 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 25

The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work for • Know The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work for • Know who your clients are – management and users – internal and external • Know and appreciate their needs • Communicate openly and fully • Solicit and make use of their participation • Ensure ongoing client ownership of the project 3/15/2018 2: 00: 03 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 26

The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work for – Getting The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work for – Getting Client Approvals • Get their buy-in • Get input and feedback • Make them part of the solution • Gain consensus • Get their approval (written sign-off) Early and Often! 3/15/2018 2: 00: 03 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 27

The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work for – Being The PM as “People Manager” Dealing with the people we work for – Being a good employee • Respect others with whom you work everyday. • Constantly work to gain the knowledge needed to be ahead of change. • Communicate (talk and listen). • Show appreciation for others. • Be accountable for what you do and say. • Be a solution creator. 3/15/2018 2: 00: 03 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 28

The PM as “People Manager” Conclusion The most important single ingredient in the formula The PM as “People Manager” Conclusion The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. ” - Theodore Roosevelt 3/15/2018 2: 00: 03 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 29

The PM as “People Manager” Discussion 3/15/2018 2: 00: 03 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 30 The PM as “People Manager” Discussion 3/15/2018 2: 00: 03 PM 5864_ER_HEALTH 30

Experience. Results. Lisa Poulter, lpoulter@csc. com, 301. 921. 3264 5864_ER_HEALTH Experience. Results. Lisa Poulter, lpoulter@csc. com, 301. 921. 3264 5864_ER_HEALTH