The plan: 1. A geographical position 2. An environment and resources 3. The population 4. An economy 5. Problems, prospects
The area – 377 thousand in km 2 (60 place in the world)
The main natural riches of Japan – a coastal line, a wide exit To Pacific ocean
Relief of islands – mountainous, The highest top of Japan – sacred mountain Fujiyama (3776 m) The country is provided by the minerals on 2 %
In the country lives 127 million people (10 place in the world)
Religions: Buddhists – 84 % Other faiths – 14 % The income per capita: 29 400 dollars on the person (2004) Rate of unemployment – 4, 7 %
Even most The advanced Japanese like to dress up the same as their greatgrandmothers and the grandma of greatgrandmothers
Flowers festival in birthday of the Buddha – On April, 8 th
For New year Japanese everywhere light paper small lamps. Bunch of straw with an orange on good luck in New year!
The main holiday in Japan – Day of flowering of an Oriental cherry
The iridescent bridge over Tokyo bay
The bridge before an imperial palace
World temple – a sanctuary of Jasukuni
View of modern Tokyo
Japan. A city of Kobe
Japanese carefully store the national traditions
Automobile firms «Toyota the Motor» lets out 40 % of cars in the country
Firm "Sharp" TV
By 2050 it is planned to carry out the championship on football between the national teams of people and robots The supertrain will transport passengers with a speed to 405 km/h
Art of drawing up of flower compositions ikebana Fight without the weapon karate The beautiful letter a brush and ink calligraphy
Cultivation of dwarfish trees bonsai The estate recognizing in the Middle Ages military valor with a basis of society Samurai
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