Скачать презентацию The Pentagon 1 Shakespeare 9 11 Sonnet 64 Скачать презентацию The Pentagon 1 Shakespeare 9 11 Sonnet 64


  • Количество слайдов: 69

The Pentagon 1 The Pentagon 1

Shakespeare 9/11 (Sonnet 64) When I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced The Shakespeare 9/11 (Sonnet 64) When I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced The rich proud cost of outworn buried age; When sometime lofty towers I see down-razed And brass eternal slave to mortal rage; When I have seen the hungry ocean gain Advantage on the kingdom of the shore, And the firm soil win of the watery main, Increasing store with loss and loss with store; When I have seen such interchange of state, Or state itself confounded to decay; Ruin hath taught me thus to ruminate, That Time will come and take my love away. This thought is as a death, which cannot choose But weep to have that which it fears to lose. 2

The Pentagon 3 The Pentagon 3

The Pentagon Big Brass’s offices on opposite side (not sure where) 4 The Pentagon Big Brass’s offices on opposite side (not sure where) 4

Pentagon Official Story • American Airlines flight 77 – – took off from Dulles Pentagon Official Story • American Airlines flight 77 – – took off from Dulles Airport flew west into West Virginia turned around & came back circled the Pentagon in 330º 7000’ descending loop – approached the Pentagon’s west side at about 500 mph, knocking over lightpoles – crashed into the west side at an angle at ground level, penetrating 3 of 5 “rings” 5

Pentagon Official Story The route according to the NSTSB 6 Pentagon Official Story The route according to the NSTSB 6

Pentagon Official Story Versions of 330º approach loop 7 Pentagon Official Story Versions of 330º approach loop 7

Pentagon Official Story Approach path 8 Pentagon Official Story Approach path 8

Pentagon Official Story Path through building Note that E-D-C rings are joined on the Pentagon Official Story Path through building Note that E-D-C rings are joined on the lower levels 9

Pentagon: Official Story Path through building, showing column damage 10 Pentagon: Official Story Path through building, showing column damage 10

What time is it? • • • Official story 9: 37 Stopped Pentagon clock What time is it? • • • Official story 9: 37 Stopped Pentagon clock 9: 32 Alberto Gonzales (WH council) 9: 32 FAA (9/17) 9: 32 Robert Andrews 9: 35 (act asst So. D Spec Ops, keeps his watch fast, describing violent event at) • April Gallop’s watch stopped 9: 30 11

Pentagon Official Story Damage to face of Pentagon 12 Pentagon Official Story Damage to face of Pentagon 12

Pentagon Official Story Damage to face of Pentagon 13 Pentagon Official Story Damage to face of Pentagon 13

Pentagon Official Story Damage to face of Pentagon 14 Pentagon Official Story Damage to face of Pentagon 14

Pentagon Official Story Damage to face of Pentagon 15 Pentagon Official Story Damage to face of Pentagon 15

Pentagon Official Story Damage to face of Pentagon 16 Pentagon Official Story Damage to face of Pentagon 16

The Pentagon: Damage 17 The Pentagon: Damage 17

Pentagon Official Story Damage lawn (none) 18 Pentagon Official Story Damage lawn (none) 18

The Pentagon Collapse The collapse initiated at the fifth floor along the building expansion The Pentagon Collapse The collapse initiated at the fifth floor along the building expansion joint, proceeded continuously and was completed within a few seconds, at 9: 57 (19 minutes after alleged impact) -- Pentagon building performance report 19

The Pentagon: Collapse 20 The Pentagon: Collapse 20

The Pentagon: Collapse 21 The Pentagon: Collapse 21

The Cameras 22 The Cameras 22

The Cameras • 9/11: Within minutes, FBI confiscates security videotapes from Pentagon, Citgo station, The Cameras • 9/11: Within minutes, FBI confiscates security videotapes from Pentagon, Citgo station, and Doubletree Hotel (staff watching in horror) • 2001 -2006: FBI releases none • 2002: 5 frames leaked (w/ Sept 12 date) • 2004: various FOIA suits started, FBI fights them all the way • 9/2005: FBI acknowledges 85 tapes “potentially responsive, ” only two show impact • 12/2006: at Moussawi trial, FBI releases – Pentagon (2, neither shows a plane, no time stamp) – Citgo station (mostly interior) – Doubletree (shows explosion, but not Pentagon itself) • WHY? ? http: //911 research. wtc 7. net/pentagon/evidence/footage. html 23

The Cameras Released Pentagon Camera 1 24 The Cameras Released Pentagon Camera 1 24

The Cameras Released Pentagon Camera 2 25 The Cameras Released Pentagon Camera 2 25

The Cameras Released Pentagon Camera 2 “with plane” 26 The Cameras Released Pentagon Camera 2 “with plane” 26

The Cameras Doubletree Hotel camera 27 The Cameras Doubletree Hotel camera 27

The Cameras Citgo Gas Station camera 28 The Cameras Citgo Gas Station camera 28

Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect • Was it a plane, a missile, a bomb Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect • Was it a plane, a missile, a bomb -any or all of these? • If it a plane was involved – Was it a Boeing 757? – Was it AA 77? – How did it approach the Pentagon? – Did it actually hit the Pentagon? 29

Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect The central point: • The “other” side is either Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect The central point: • The “other” side is either – Deliberately creating dysinformation or – Carelessly ignoring relevant facts • Either way, it’s – Creating discord within the movement, & – Discrediting the movement in public eyes: “Those people can’t get their act together” 30

Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect We now have the correctly decoded digital flight data Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect We now have the correctly decoded digital flight data from Flight 77 and it’s time for more people to get behind the call to reason on the Pentagon issue leading up to the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks! There is nothing wrong with supporting the parts of the “official story” of 9/11 that are most likely true. The team at Visibility 9 -11 believe, as does Dr Legge, that it actually helps the interested public and especially the scientific community to see us as reasoned and balanced truth advocates when we do exactly that. Lets stop being what we are labeled as “conspiracy theorists” and become “conspiracy factulists!” -- 9/11 visiblity 31

Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect Methods of Marginalization (most often used by debunkers, but Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect Methods of Marginalization (most often used by debunkers, but sometimes by doubters) • Straw man -- picking a minor or not-widely held point and portraying it as characteristic or vital to opponents position • Evidence -- ignoring/omitting evidence inconsistent with one’s own position or supporting opponent’s • Personal attacks -- beyond legitimate questioning of qualifications (including questions of financing) • Language -- snide, vitriolic, drowning-out • “Balance” -- presenting two sides but deliberately damaging one • Outright censorship or suppression 32

Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect Methods of Marginalization • Allegations – – Junk science Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect Methods of Marginalization • Allegations – – Junk science Disinformation Dysfunctional focus Impossibility • Examples – – Architects/Engineers <---> Wooders Architects/Engineers <---> Pilots Wooders ---> Steven Jones 9/11 Blogger locking out Pilots 33

Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect Methods of Marginalization Cognitive Infiltration (Cass Sunstein, 2008) 1. Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect Methods of Marginalization Cognitive Infiltration (Cass Sunstein, 2008) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conspiracy theory: asserts an event is caused by machinations of powerful people who hide their role CT can be true -- government sometimes does bad things -- but usually not. 911 Truth believes government knew and allowed, destroyed WTC and covered up They accept this not because of mental illness, but lack of good sources (“crippled epistemology”) Demonstrably false, unjustified, weak/nonexistent evidence, leads to “degenerating research program” (continued) Summary from Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory (David Ray Griffin) 34

Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect Methods of Marginalization Cognitive Infiltration (continued: #6 -10) 1. Pentagon: 911’s most controversial aspect Methods of Marginalization Cognitive Infiltration (continued: #6 -10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9/11 Truth are extremists who will become violent -- or at least spread skepticism and dampen government support, undermine democratic debate Conspiracy theories hard to undermine/dispel, but if dangerous, government should do so Undermine by • Demand: inoculate public against it • Supply: debias or disable believers Presenting credible evidence won’t work: theory is “self-sealing” and resistant to contrary evidence Can’t ban theory or punish proponents, so must “engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories” 35

Crash, Bomb, Both? 36 Crash, Bomb, Both? 36

No Plane? Witnesses claimed: • Absence of jet-fuel • No luggage, seats, passengers • No Plane? Witnesses claimed: • Absence of jet-fuel • No luggage, seats, passengers • No plane parts -- “Where’s the plane? ” 37

No Plane? Building face damage • Much controversy over this – Entrance hole too No Plane? Building face damage • Much controversy over this – Entrance hole too small? – Not enough damage sideways or above to indicate wing or tail contact 38

No Plane? High-speed plane crash into wall Test of F-4 Phantom hitting reinforced concrete No Plane? High-speed plane crash into wall Test of F-4 Phantom hitting reinforced concrete wall at 500 mph. A C-130 trying to land (slow) in Iran hit an apartment building, 1/3 of wing and engines left, otherwise very small pieces 39

Was the path right : No Citizens Investigation Team Interviewed Pentagon police sergeants Legasse Was the path right : No Citizens Investigation Team Interviewed Pentagon police sergeants Legasse and Brooks 40

Was the path right : No Citizens Investigation Team North of Citgo (CIT) vs. Was the path right : No Citizens Investigation Team North of Citgo (CIT) vs. South of Citgo (official) 41

Was the path right : No Citizens Investigation Team CIT interviewed Arlington Cemetery employees Was the path right : No Citizens Investigation Team CIT interviewed Arlington Cemetery employees and store owner, all of whom saw plane go North of Citgo station 42

Was the path right : Yes Light poles knocked over 43 Was the path right : Yes Light poles knocked over 43

Was the path right : Yes Light poles knocked over 44 Was the path right : Yes Light poles knocked over 44

Was the path right : Yes Cable hit by falling light pole CIT interviewed Was the path right : Yes Cable hit by falling light pole CIT interviewed Lloyd, the cab driver, took him back to the spot (he disagreed where it was), got very ambiguous answers 45

Was the path right : Yes Cable spools and generator Cable spools, an emergency Was the path right : Yes Cable spools and generator Cable spools, an emergency generator and fence in the official approach path were appropriately knocked around and damaged 46

Was it a 757 : Yes Identifiable pieces found Fuselage piece, American Airlines markings Was it a 757 : Yes Identifiable pieces found Fuselage piece, American Airlines markings 47

Was it a 757 : Yes Identifiable pieces found Apparent 757 engine rotor 48 Was it a 757 : Yes Identifiable pieces found Apparent 757 engine rotor 48

Was it a 757 : Yes Identifiable pieces found Apparent 757 wheel 49 Was it a 757 : Yes Identifiable pieces found Apparent 757 wheel 49

Was it a 757 : No • Newsman: said only tiny pieces that could Was it a 757 : No • Newsman: said only tiny pieces that could be picked up in the hand; later changed story • Plane weighs about 100, 000 pounds. Debris accounts for only a small proportion of that • Pilots for 9/11 Truth – To clear Virginia DOT communications antenna and then drop to hit the Pentagon first floor would involve 13 G force, far more than necessary to pull the plane apart 50

Was it Flight 77? Origin of the identification Dulles ATC: saw plane at 9: Was it Flight 77? Origin of the identification Dulles ATC: saw plane at 9: 25, speed and maneuverability seemed like military plane ABC 10: 32: F 77 hijacked, no mention of coming back toward DC Fox: hit by Air Force flight First: Pentagon website that day: hit by “commercial airliner, possibly hijacked” “Flight 77” spreads through media that afternoon (LA Times: came from military officials speaking on condition of anonymity) Ted/Barbara Olson supposed phone calls 51

Was it Flight 77? : No Failure of identification • Serial numbers on Time Was it Flight 77? : No Failure of identification • Serial numbers on Time Change Parts – Every commercial airliner has hundreds of parts that are identified by serial number. FBI has never released any of these. • Passengers – FBI claims to have identified every passenger and the supposed hijackers by DNA analysis, but has never provided evidence – Arlington County coroner (the person with normal jurisdiction) was denied access 52

Was it Flight 77? : No Flight Data Recorder • Identification -- NTSB always Was it Flight 77? : No Flight Data Recorder • Identification -- NTSB always lists FDR serial numbers in crash reports, did not do so for any of the 9/11 flights. • Finding – – News reported it found at about 4 AM, Friday, Sept 14 NTSB helped FBI create the report Time stamp on report was before midnight, Thursday, Sept 13 News reports: Found near entry; Pentagon building report: 300’ in • Pilots for 9/11 Truth – Got copy of binary report file from NTSB – Met secretly in hotel room with employee from company that makes the FDR, he converted binary file to spreadsheet • Oddities 53

Was it Flight 77? : No Flight Data Recorder Info • Pilots for 9/11 Was it Flight 77? : No Flight Data Recorder Info • Pilots for 9/11 Truth – Got copy of binary report file from NTSB – Met secretly in hotel room with employee from company that makes the FDR, he converted binary file to spreadsheet • Oddities -- many, e. g. , – Approach was too high to hit light poles – Cockpit door (checked every 4 secs) was never open • Later a different report was released with different data. 54

Was it a Bomb? Bomb Toronto BLEVE When a high-explosive explodes, the shockwave moves Was it a Bomb? Bomb Toronto BLEVE When a high-explosive explodes, the shockwave moves out at tremendous speed, causing water vapor in the air to condense in a cloud (usually white, but 55 sometimes orange).

A Bomb? Witness descriptions • Bomb-sniffing dogs in Pentagon metro that morning • Lt. A Bomb? Witness descriptions • Bomb-sniffing dogs in Pentagon metro that morning • Lt. Col. Victor Correa: thought someone planted bombs because “we saw these holes” • Steve Vogel (Pentagon history): no one thought it was a plane, all thought it was a bomb • Hundreds of people running for the entrance saying bomb had gone off • Several described smell of cordite, not jet fuel 56

A Bomb? Pattern of Deaths in Pentagon • E, D, C: Plane supposedly penetrated A Bomb? Pattern of Deaths in Pentagon • E, D, C: Plane supposedly penetrated E, D, and C rings, stopped there • B: Many Do. D people rushed to what appeared most damaged area, B ring between 4 th and 5 th corridors • A: Robert Andrews, on way to find out what happened, stepped over bodies in A (innermost) ring 57

A Bomb? April Gallop 58 A Bomb? April Gallop 58

A Bomb? Fire (non) Damage But of course the collapse happened after the fireball. A Bomb? Fire (non) Damage But of course the collapse happened after the fireball. . . 59

A Bomb? Possible combination? • Could have been used in combination with a plane A Bomb? Possible combination? • Could have been used in combination with a plane impact, either to destroy evidence or as the principal tool with the plane as a cover • Would explain reports of outward-bent material. 60

A Bomb? Watch Barbara Honneger’s presentation at the 2011 Toronto Hearings, Day 2 61 A Bomb? Watch Barbara Honneger’s presentation at the 2011 Toronto Hearings, Day 2 61

No warning? • FAA notified NORAD informally of Flight 77 fairly early • Formal No warning? • FAA notified NORAD informally of Flight 77 fairly early • Formal notification at 9: 24 • No alarms or evacuation of Pentagon 62

No Warning? Where’s Dick? (re: Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC)) • 9/11 Commission -- No Warning? Where’s Dick? (re: Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC)) • 9/11 Commission -- Cheney got there ~10: 00 – Secret Service: entered corridor at 9: 37 then talked on phone to Bush, joined by wife, still talking to Bush at 9: 55 (but supportive data no longer available) • Despite testimony that – Mineta: arrived at ~9: 20, Cheney there – Rice: told Clarke she was going to PEOC to be with Cheney, ~9: 15 – Clarke: told Mineta he should go to PEOC to be with Cheney (also ~9: 15) • Cheney (on Meet the Press): was already in PEOC when Pentagon hit 63

No Warning? Where’s Rummy? • 9/11 Commission – DR meets with CIA briefer after No Warning? Where’s Rummy? • 9/11 Commission – DR meets with CIA briefer after WTC, until Pentagon strike – Went to see what was going on, back at 10: 00 – DR had no “situational awareness” until 10: 40 • Donald Rumsfeld – DR heard explosion, went and helped out with injured until came back to office half hour later • Richard Clarke (counter-terrorism czar) – DR in videoconference that started at 9: 10 • Robert Andrews (Asst Secy Defense for Special Ops) – DR went to Executive Support Center (videoconf) room after 9: 03 WTC 2 hit – Was there talking with White House immediately after Pentagon hit 64

No Warning? Mineta Testimony 65 No Warning? Mineta Testimony 65

No Warning? The E-4 B Doomsday Plane 66 No Warning? The E-4 B Doomsday Plane 66

No Warning? The E-4 B Doomsday Plane • CNN Video (18 min) – E-4 No Warning? The E-4 B Doomsday Plane • CNN Video (18 min) – E-4 B appears at 6: 20 – Pentagon smoke appears at 8: 40 • Genl. Clyde Vaughn (Dir. Military Support) Pentagon hit a few minutes after he saw E-4 B loitering over Georgetown (9/13) • Channel 4 UK (9/13) reports of military plane circling Capitol minutes before Pentagon hit 67

No Warning? The E-4 B Doomsday Plane • Response by military – Air Force: No Warning? The E-4 B Doomsday Plane • Response by military – Air Force: no knowledge – Pentagon: not a military aircraft – Off record: it was a military aircraft • Significance: If it was flying over DC over 2 minutes before Pentagon hit, the Pentagon knew about the incoming plane. 68

Recommended For further insights: http: //911 research. wtc 7. net/pentagon/ http: //pilotsfor 911 truth. Recommended For further insights: http: //911 research. wtc 7. net/pentagon/ http: //pilotsfor 911 truth. org/ 69