The Past Indefinite Tense Королевство «Прошедшее Неопределенное Время». Действия в нем происходили вчера, два дня назад, в прошлом году, на прошлой неделе, месяц назад или давно.
Правят королевством Yesterday Yesterday – вчера, Two days ago – два дня назад, Last year – в прошлом году, Last week – на прошлой неделе, A month ago – месяц назад.
I We You They He She It Первые лица королевства I - я We - мы You - ты, вы They - они He - он She - она It - оно, она, он 1-е л. ед.ч. мн.ч. 2-е л. ед. и мн.ч. 3-е л. мн.ч. 3-е л. ед.ч.
The Verb Утвердительное предложение I I played football yesterday. We . We watched TV two hours ago. You You wanted to sleep yesterday evening. They + V ed They washed up after dinner. He He added some salt. She She listened to that song last week. It It stopped ringing two years ago. I, We, You, They -ed He, She, It
Чтение окончания –ed [t]: washed, stopped; [d]: played, listened; [id]: wanted, added. The Verb -ed
not Отрицательное предложение The Verb I, We, You, They did He, She, It I I did not play football yesterday. We We did not watch TV two hours ago. You You did not want to sleep yesterday evening. They + did not + V1 They did not wash up after dinner. He (didn’t) He did any salt. She She did not listen to that song last week. It It did not stop ringing two years ago.
Вопросительное предложение The Verb I, we, you, they, ? I Did I play football yesterday? we Did we watch TV two hours ago? you Did you want to sleep yesterday evening? Did + they + V1 ? Did they wash up after dinner? he Did he add any salt? she Did she listen to that song last week? it Did it stop ringing two years ago? Did he, she, it
Утвердительное предложение с неправильным глаголом I (We, You, They, He, She, It) + V2 I went to America last year. I, We, You, They He, She, It The second form of the verb
not Отрицательное предложение The Verb I, We, You, They did He, She, It I (We, You, They, He, She, It) + did not + V1 I did not (didn’t) go to America last year.
Вопросительное предложение The Verb I, we, you, they, ? Did + I (we, you, they, he, she, it) + V1 ? Did you go to America last year? Did he, she, it