- Количество слайдов: 32
The Parts of Speech By: Janine Witte
Witte’s Wonderful World of Writing (and Grammar)
Take out your English notebooks.
The 8 Parts of Speech n Noun n Verb n Adjective n Adverb n Pronoun n Preposition n Interjection n Conjunction
Noun n. Names a person, place, thing or idea
Forms of Nouns n Common/Proper n Singular/Plural n Concrete/Abstract n Direct n Objects of the Preposition n Predicate Nouns
Verb n. Shows action or a state of being
Examples of Verbs n Action Verbs n Linking Verbs n Helping Verbs n Transitive Verbs
Adjective n. Describes a pronoun a noun or
Adjectives answer… n. What kind? n. Which one? n. How many?
Adverb n. Describes a verb, adjective or another adverb
Adverbs answer… n. How? n. When? n. Where? n. Usually ends in -ly
Pronoun n. Takes noun the place of a
Pronoun Examples n. Subject Pronouns n. Object Pronouns
Preposition n. Connects a noun or pronoun to the rest of the sentence
Preposition Examples… n The book is on the table. n The book is beneath the table. n The book is leaning against the table. n The book is beside the table. n She held the book over the table. n She read the book during class
Interjection n. Shows strong emotion
Interjections… n. Interjections are usually followed by exclamation marks
Conjunction n. Connects phrase a word or
Conjunction Examples… n FANBOYS F A N B O Y S For And Nor But Or Yet So
You think English/Grammar doesn’t matter? Don’t be this guy!
Fun Links… n n n Parts of Speech Game http: //eslus. com/LESSONS/GRAMMAR /POS/pos. htm Grammar Gorillas Parts of Speech Game http: //www. funbrain. com/grammar/inde x. html Shurley English http: //www. shurley. com/
Sources… n Grammar Police Picture n n I Has a Grammar Picture n n http: //www. chomp. com/terms/coordinatingconjunction. htm Grammar House Rock Videos n n http: //svana. org/sjh/images/various/knuth_don_has_a_grammar. jpg FANBOYS Conjunctions n n http: //www. tonystarkz. com/Grammar. Police. gif http: //www. youtube. com/ Parts of Speech Definitions n http: //www. usingenglish. com/glossary/parts-of-speech. html