Скачать презентацию The Partnership to Promote Healthy Eating Active Скачать презентацию The Partnership to Promote Healthy Eating Active


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The Partnership to Promote Healthy Eating & Active Living, Inc. Mission: To promote healthy The Partnership to Promote Healthy Eating & Active Living, Inc. Mission: To promote healthy nutrition and physical activity lifestyle behaviors through a public/private multi-disciplinary partnership grounded on consumer understanding

History of the Partnership § Could a public/private partnership be a catalyst for promoting History of the Partnership § Could a public/private partnership be a catalyst for promoting healthy lifestyles? § Could multiple disciplines develop a framework to guide innovative approaches by this partnership and others? § Could the focus be on consumers? consumers

Summit on Promoting Healthy Eating and Active Living: Developing a Framework for Progress Summit on Promoting Healthy Eating and Active Living: Developing a Framework for Progress

Framework for determinants of physical activity and eating behavior food industry transportation system Secondary Framework for determinants of physical activity and eating behavior food industry transportation system Secondary leverage points Primary leverage points Behavioral settings Lifestyle Enablers of choice architecture & building codes political advocacy/ lobbying Social exercise, physical activity & sports industry Cultural local government food stores developers family Psycho-biological Core recreation industry property owners food stores health club home community activity providers social trends seasonality health care industry restaurants and food outlets workplace restaurants convenience social roles habits accessibility life stage self identities ethnic identities pleasure genetics hierarchy of needs physiology beliefs values interpersonal relationships situation or context – physical and social nonprofit providers community vehicle of transport cost neighborhood knowledge information industry government health care providers school board, districts day care local school shopping malls time safety labor-saving device industry parks, recreation centers, senior centers life experience socioeconomic status entertainment industry non-government organizations religious, community and non-government organizations source of information educational attainment education system recreation facilities employer April 20, 2000

Lessens learned from previous social change movements § § § Tobacco control Auto restraint Lessens learned from previous social change movements § § § Tobacco control Auto restraint devices: seatbelts, child car seats Recycling Breastfeeding International efforts in nutrition, physical activity, obesity control

Economics: The politics of self-interest § Detailed cost-benefit analyses § Economic incentives/disincentives § Economics Economics: The politics of self-interest § Detailed cost-benefit analyses § Economic incentives/disincentives § Economics of technology § Funding to develop solutions

An Economic Analysis of Eating and Physical Activity Behaviors: Exploring effective strategies to combat An Economic Analysis of Eating and Physical Activity Behaviors: Exploring effective strategies to combat obesity • Convened meeting in April 2003 • 125 experts in economics, public health, nutrition, physical activity, community design and other disciplines • Developed an economic framework for consumer choices re: eating and physical activity • Began exploring approaches to changing behavior through leveraging economics • Will be published in American Journal of Preventive Medicine in Fall

Measuring AOM Success: ROI 1. New AOM members, affiliates, delivery partners, sponsors 2. Reach Measuring AOM Success: ROI 1. New AOM members, affiliates, delivery partners, sponsors 2. Reach and penetration of message 3. Changing attitudes 4. Breadth of participation among community partners 5. Indicators of supportive environment 6. Changing eating and activity behaviors 7. Changing health and quality of life indicators

We are unique § We are a true multi-disciplinary partnership, bringing together the public We are unique § We are a true multi-disciplinary partnership, bringing together the public and private sectors § We complement other initiatives with an integrated framework others can use to make an impact on dietary and physical activity behavior § We have a clear plan of action that complements other obesity and healthy lifestyle initiatives § We focus on understanding the consumer

What is America On the Move? • A national initiative helping people of all What is America On the Move? • A national initiative helping people of all ages increase lifestyle activity and eat more healthfully by making small changes adding up to big differences • A fun, easy approach to stop yearly weight gain, that easily integrates into our busy lives • A nationwide network of grassroots affiliates creating and sustaining community change with programs, events, and policy changes • A public-private effort bringing programs to the community schools, worksites, faith-based groups, legislators, etc. • Tested programs with proven results SIMPLE • FUN • FLEXIBLE • EFFECTIVE

Small Changes = BIG Results We can stop the average American’s weight gain of Small Changes = BIG Results We can stop the average American’s weight gain of one to three pounds per year and halt the spread of obesity

AOM Partners and Supporters AOM Partners and Supporters

AOM in the Press AOM in the Press

How AOM Engages Americans Website/1 -800# Affiliates National Delivery Partners America On the Move How AOM Engages Americans Website/1 -800# Affiliates National Delivery Partners America On the Move Programs The Consumer Public/Private Partnerships

AOM Affiliate Network : 2004 California, Santa Barbara County Colorado District of Columbia Florida AOM Affiliate Network : 2004 California, Santa Barbara County Colorado District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Indiana Kansas Louisiana Massachusetts Michigan New Mexico Nebraska New York, Saratoga County Ohio Tennessee Texas Affiliate geographic reach is limited to Virginia county West Virginia

Affiliate Spotlight: Tennessee On the Move (TOM) • Legislative Involvement: Congressman Zach Wamp secured Affiliate Spotlight: Tennessee On the Move (TOM) • Legislative Involvement: Congressman Zach Wamp secured $500, 000 appropriations and attended several TOM events across state • Media Outreach and Events: Partnered with Healthy Memphis for a major public health campaign. Over 1, 000 people participated in kick off event hosted by Dave Price, CBS’ Early Show Weatherman. The Early Show also ran coverage of event. • Education: PSAs ran during televised University of Tennessee (UT) football games • Programs at worksites: Entire UT system implemented TOM as a worksite program and subsidized the purchase of stepcounters for employees • Programs for children: TOM is working with the Girl Scouts to develop a TOM-specific badge promoting healthy living

AOM National Delivery Partners Like-minded nonprofits broaden AOM’s reach: • • Bring AOM programs AOM National Delivery Partners Like-minded nonprofits broaden AOM’s reach: • • Bring AOM programs to life in local communities across the nation. Collaborate with AOM to activate customized programs - Academy of Family Physician’s (AAFP) - American Diabetes Association (ADA) - American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) - National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity (NCPPA) - National Council of La Raza (NCLR) – in development - National Urban League (NUL) – in development

AOM Programs 2004 Worksites/Organizations – Companies include: Pepsi. Co, Mayo, Guidant Corporation, Cargill Health AOM Programs 2004 Worksites/Organizations – Companies include: Pepsi. Co, Mayo, Guidant Corporation, Cargill Health Professionals – AOM “Kit” to reach patients through Physicians and other Health Care professionals – Working with American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) to implement AOM for physician office staff Schools – Lesson plans teaching elementary and middle school children energy balance concepts Walking Groups – Families and self-initiated neighborhood walking clubs

 AOM Reaches Consumers with its Sponsors Examples of Sponsors creating consumer-reaching programs together AOM Reaches Consumers with its Sponsors Examples of Sponsors creating consumer-reaching programs together with AOM: • Colorado On the Move is promoted through statewide Nick N Willy’s Pizza chain (sign up for AOM in store, educational materials, stepcounter incentive with purchase of healthy pizza toppings • AOM is integrated into Pepsi. Co’s 2005 national launch of Smart. Spot products (i. e. , FSCIs, in-store promotions and take-one materials, presence at Affiliate events) • AOM registration is part of Quaker Oats Quakes walking promotion (pedometer give-aways, 6 walking destination grand prizes with AOM registration, inclusion of AOM small change messages on package)

AOM Long Term Vision • Teach children and adults Energy Balance skills and provide AOM Long Term Vision • Teach children and adults Energy Balance skills and provide tools needed to manage their weight in the current environment • Create and implement tangible, culturally relevant solutions and products for all populations, groups and individuals • Drive scientific research around small changes that add up to big differences • Incorporate and recognize private and public sector efforts addressing overweight and obesity • Create sustainable community efforts that support individual changes

Contact Information: Laura Simonds, M. S. , M. Ed. Executive Director The Partnership to Contact Information: Laura Simonds, M. S. , M. Ed. Executive Director The Partnership to Promote Healthy Eating & Active Living, Inc. 617 -367 -6886 laura@americaonthemove. org