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The The "Other Trio": Student Veterans, Prior Learning and STEM Kent Seaver Director of Learning Resources, North Lake College (Irving, TX) kentseaver@dcccd. edu

What EXACTLY Is Prior Learning? “Prior learning isn’t just giving students credit for life What EXACTLY Is Prior Learning? “Prior learning isn’t just giving students credit for life experience. Colleges that choose to offer the credit measure what students know, review how that corresponds with Knowledge learned through independent study, on-the job courses they are required to take and determine training, or experiential learning and translates that learning whether their knowledge merits college credit. ” into college credit that is commonly recognized. Underlying premise of prior learning is college level learning Trish Paterson, can occur outside traditional classroom. Executive Director for College Access Initiatives University System of Georgia

Prior Learning Assessments • Evaluation of Military/Corporate Coursework • Student Portfolios • Course Challenge Prior Learning Assessments • Evaluation of Military/Corporate Coursework • Student Portfolios • Course Challenge Exams • Standardized Tests (CLEP/DSST)

Military Coursework Military Coursework

 Military Coursework/Experience • Military Experience - Allergy Clinician • Civilian Skill - Aseptic Military Coursework/Experience • Military Experience - Allergy Clinician • Civilian Skill - Aseptic and Sterilization Techniques § § § Infectious Diseases (Doctor/Physician) Medication Administration (Doctor/Physician) Patient Assessment (Doctor/Physician) Patient Care (Doctor/Physician) Treatment Evaluation (Doctor/Physician) Treatment Planning (Doctor/Physician) Source: Military. com Veteran Employment Center, 2015

Written in the first person detailing experience and why college level credit should be Written in the first person detailing experience and why college level credit should be granted. Usually contains 5 or more pieces of documentation detailing experience. Portfolios Narrative describing a specific training. The student must demonstrate a 70% (C) mastery to receive credit. The portfolio is graded on a credit/no credit basis and does not affect the student’s grade point.

http: //www. wiu. edu/distance_learning/bachelor_of_arts_in_general_studies/prospective_students/portfolio. php http: //www. wiu. edu/distance_learning/bachelor_of_arts_in_general_studies/prospective_students/portfolio. php

Course Challenge Exam Earned credit by taking the equivalent of a final exam at Course Challenge Exam Earned credit by taking the equivalent of a final exam at a college/university Used to determine student competency in a specific course of study; each department determines the specific credit award, and the acceptable passing grade, which must be “C” or above Written by the course instructors or academic departments

DANTES/DSST Exams • DSST (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) are credit-by-examination tests originated by DANTES/DSST Exams • DSST (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) are credit-by-examination tests originated by the United States Department of Defense's Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) program. • Over 2, 000 colleges and universities recognize the DSST program and award college credit for passing scores. • The test fee to take a DSST is as low as $80. Administering institutions may charge a test administration fee according to their school policy. • The American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) has evaluated and recommended college credit for all 30+ DSST exams.


What Is CLEP? Ø Over 1, 800 colleges administer CLEP exams Ø 177, 000 What Is CLEP? Ø Over 1, 800 colleges administer CLEP exams Ø 177, 000 exams administered in 2014– 15, including 57, 594 administered to military service members Ø Approximately 3000 schools accept CLEP scores Ø Exam fee = $80. 00 (Colleges charge administrative fees that will vary to administer CLEP) Ø The average college course = $700* *The College Board, August, 2015

33 CLEP Examinations History and Social Sciences Ø Ø Ø American Government History of 33 CLEP Examinations History and Social Sciences Ø Ø Ø American Government History of the United States II Human Growth and Development Introduction to Educational Psychology Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics Introductory Psychology Introductory Sociology Social Sciences and History Western Civilization II Business Ø Ø Ø Information Systems and Computer Applications Principles of Management Financial Accounting Introductory Business Law Principles of Marketing Composition and Literature Ø Ø Ø American Literature Analyzing and Interpreting Literature College Composition Modular English Literature Humanities Science and Mathematics Ø Calculus Ø College Algebra Ø Precalculus Ø College Mathematics Ø Biology Ø Chemistry Ø Natural Sciences Foreign Languages Ø Ø Ø French Language German Language Spanish Language

Who Takes CLEP? First year students looking to accelerate their college path Adults returning Who Takes CLEP? First year students looking to accelerate their college path Adults returning to college Transfer students Students struggling to finance their educations Home-schooled students International students who need to translate their overseas credit Ø Students who are fluent in Spanish, French or German Ø Juniors or seniors who have not met lower-division requirements Ø Veterans – Depending on benefits, exam fees can be reimbursed. Ø Ø Ø

CLEP Test Development Jeffrey Lineman, Ph. D. Professor of Management Northwest Nazarene Univ. “The CLEP Test Development Jeffrey Lineman, Ph. D. Professor of Management Northwest Nazarene Univ. “The CLEP exam process is a solid academic and research validated approach to ensure that individuals have grasped the basic concepts of a specific subject matter. The exams are developed in concert with content experts and the questions are tested, vetted and reviewed throughout the development process to ensure validity and reliability, as well as to ensure coverage of the entire scope of the specific subject matter being tested. ”

CLEP Services for Students and Colleges • CLEP website for professionals: www. collegeboard. com/clep CLEP Services for Students and Colleges • CLEP website for professionals: www. collegeboard. com/clep § Information on test development, administering CLEP exams, advising students, self-paced CLEP 101 tutorials • CLEP website for students: www. collegeboard. com/clep § Exam descriptions, test prep information, test center search, transcript request forms • Order form for free publications for students: www. collegeboard. com/clepresources

Recent Research Validates PLA Ø Study of 48 institutions about prior learning assessment (20012008; Recent Research Validates PLA Ø Study of 48 institutions about prior learning assessment (20012008; 25 and above) Ø Persistence: Ø Completed 80 or more credits within 7 years Ø PLA Student: 56% Ø Non-PLA Student: 22% Ø Time to degree (PLA vs. Non-PLA) Ø Bachelor’s Degree: Saved 2. 5 to 10. 1 months to attain degree Ø Assoc. Degree: Saved 1. 5 to 4. 5 months to attain degree Ø Degree Attainment within 7 years Ø PLA Student: 56% (43% Bachelors; 13% Assoc. ) Ø Non-PLA Student: 21% (15% Bachelors; 6% Assoc)

CLEP & Your Institution “ CLEP is an important recruitment tool for our institution. CLEP & Your Institution “ CLEP is an important recruitment tool for our institution. When students hear that we give credit for CLEP exams, they are interested in exploring studying here. ” Elinor Azenberg Director, Reentry Programs New York University

 CLEP & Your Institution • CLEP/DSST as a Recruiting Tool • Test Centers CLEP & Your Institution • CLEP/DSST as a Recruiting Tool • Test Centers can bring in examinees who are not currently students at your institution. By providing them with an opportunity to get to know your campus and your staff on a personal, helpful level, you are reaching out to them. • According to a recent survey of CLEP candidates, 62% of students not currently enrolled say that the CLEP policies of the institutions they were considering would affect their decision to enroll.

Prior Learning in the Classroom “Many people come to higher education with college-level learning Prior Learning in the Classroom “Many people come to higher education with college-level learning that has taken place outside of the traditional higher education structure. Think of all the learning that takes place at employer training facilities, in the military, or other means. Some of that experiential learning is equivalent to what takes place in the classroom, and the learning outcomes are measurable. That’s important to remember: this is not simply giving credit for experience, but for the learning outcome”. • Amy Sherman, • Associate Vice President for Policy and Strategic Alliances Council for Adult and Experiential Learning •

Prior Learning in the Classroom Montclair State University, NJ • Checklist for Inclusive Teaching Prior Learning in the Classroom Montclair State University, NJ • Checklist for Inclusive Teaching in STEM Disciplines § Accurate Problem Definition Clearly identify goals, rationales, starting conditions, appropriate design, and principles of implementation to achieve optimal learning outcomes*. *Reddick, L. A. , Jacobson, W. , Linse, A. , & Yong, D. (2007). An inclusive teaching framework for science, technology, engineering, and math.

Prior Learning in the Classroom • Montclair State University, NJ • Accurate Solution ü Prior Learning in the Classroom • Montclair State University, NJ • Accurate Solution ü ü Identifying problem-solving procedures as goals and creating exams that focus on recall of detailed facts. Establish students’ prior knowledge and skills coming into a course.

CLEP & the Military CLEP & the Military

Anthony Dotson Veterans Resource Center Coordinator University of Kentucky Anthony Dotson Veterans Resource Center Coordinator University of Kentucky "I’m a huge proponent of Prior Learning, in fact I CLEP’ed my freshman year of college. I encourage all incoming veterans to consider taking CLEP exams to their arrival at UK. Especially if they have not left active duty, as the exams are at no cost to them. CLEP can allow these nontraditional students to enter college a little better prepared and not as far behind their traditional student peers. “

CLEP/DSST for Military Personnel Are available to eligible military personnel to assist them in CLEP/DSST for Military Personnel Are available to eligible military personnel to assist them in meeting their educational goals The Defense Activity for Non. Traditional Education Support (DANTES) funds CLEP exams for eligible military service members and eligible civilian employees

Military personnel (active duty, Spouses & civilian employees reserve, National Guard): of: Air Force Military personnel (active duty, Spouses & civilian employees reserve, National Guard): of: Air Force Reserve, Air National Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Guard, Army National Guard, Corps, U. S. Coast Guard, National Army Reserve, Coast Guard(s), and their designated (active and reserve). Reserves. The U. S. Government funds CLEP exams (one attempt per title) for these groups Department of Defense Acquisition Personnel

CLEP for Military Personnel Veterans can receive reimbursement for CLEP exams and exam administration CLEP for Military Personnel Veterans can receive reimbursement for CLEP exams and exam administration by completing & submitting the “Application for Reimbursement of National Exam Fee Form 22 -0810” http: //www. vba. va. gov/pubs/forms/VBA-22 -0810 -ARE. pdf

CLEP for Military Personnel CLEP for Military Personnel

 The Need for STEM Dr. Robert S. Lapiner Associate Vice Chancellor for Global The Need for STEM Dr. Robert S. Lapiner Associate Vice Chancellor for Global Continuing Education New York University The real dilemma is how much countries like Russia, India, China, and others nations are increasing the numbers of citizens attending higher education institutions, especially in the crucial STEM fields. Those countries’ rates of economic growth and ascension in research and technology innovation in the knowledge economy are closely mirrored in the investments they are making in educating their citizens. That is the real threat to the U. S. in the STEM arenas.

 Why the Military? • According to the National Action Council for Minorities in Why the Military? • According to the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, preparation is a key ingredient to solving the problem of continued career shortages, particularly those in STEM. • The Non-Traditional Emerging Workforce (i. e. returning Vets) are technically trained and can benefit from additional STEM training through degrees, certificates, and later the workforce.

 Why the Military? • A great opportunity exists to tap into the veteran Why the Military? • A great opportunity exists to tap into the veteran population to encourage veterans to utilize their GI Bill benefits to pursue postsecondary degrees in STEM fields and build upon the technical skill sets gained through intensive military training and experience. • Tapping into this skilled and experienced population could prove to be mutually beneficial to both the strength of the U. S. STEM workforce and the postmilitary success of the targeted veteran population. The Florida State Senate, Committee on Military Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security, September 2011.

Military & STEM “Military service has imbued many of these veterans with valuable practical Military & STEM “Military service has imbued many of these veterans with valuable practical and technical skills and with qualities of focus, discipline, motivation, and maturity often lacking in students with less worldly experience, all of which can translate into STEM success”. * *Veterans’ Education for Engineering and Science, Report of the National Science Foundation Workshop on Enhancing the Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Benefit, April 2009.

Meg Mitcham Director, Veterans’ Programs American Council on Education June, 2013 “Partnerships need to Meg Mitcham Director, Veterans’ Programs American Council on Education June, 2013 “Partnerships need to be developed among institutions of higher education, relevant federal agencies, workforce development organizations, relevant associations and foundations, and other key stakeholders to explore military STEM occupations. ”

As a young boy, Nathan Scherrer enjoyed taking things apart and putting them back As a young boy, Nathan Scherrer enjoyed taking things apart and putting them back together. He was fascinated by a cyborg in the "Terminator" movie series. His six-year stint in the U. S. Navy (2002 -08), which included antipiracy and anti-terrorism work on two deployments to the Persian Gulf aboard the USS Milius, whet his appetite for more.

I was always good at math and loved anything mechanical, so going into a I was always good at math and loved anything mechanical, so going into a technical area like sonar was a "nobrainer, " Scherrer said. "The field involves acoustics, fluid mechanics and computers and I got to track submarines. " When the time came to extend his passion for discovery with a college education, Scherrer enrolled in the engineering program of the University of San Diego (USD). Scherrer, who graduated in May 2013, was able to finish his degree sooner than many of his classmates due to revisions made by USD to ensure appropriate academic credit and better recognition for prior learning, including military experiences and education*. *National Science Foundation, May 27, 2013

Vets to the Valley Initiative The number of new scientists and engineers graduating from Vets to the Valley Initiative The number of new scientists and engineers graduating from U. S. universities is significantly declining. The coinciding of the current shortage of scientists and engineers in the U. S. and the flux of technically-trained departing servicemen out of the military offers an important opportunity for the Tennessee Valley Corridor.

Vets to the Valley Initiative “Due to their maturity, technical training, and hands-on experiences, Vets to the Valley Initiative “Due to their maturity, technical training, and hands-on experiences, these individuals separating from the military in the next five years provide an excellent nearterm source of potential engineers for the country”.

Veterans in Advanced Manufacturing • Partnership between Drexel University and 5 surrounding community colleges Veterans in Advanced Manufacturing • Partnership between Drexel University and 5 surrounding community colleges in the Philadelphia area • Designed a program that would allow for easy access to education and training options and to create opportunities for veterans to be employed in our regional economy • Lead to increased student veteran enrollment • Created pilot program training in a number of fields that include composite fabrication training for the rotorcraft industry, PV solar technology, welding for shipbuilding and repair, and fiber optic training for engineering

Army Corps of Engineers Ø According to 2012 data from the Organization for Economic Army Corps of Engineers Ø According to 2012 data from the Organization for Economic and Co-operation and Development, the U. S. ranks 26 th in the world in math competency and 21 st in the world for science competency among its high school-age students, with no significant change in these performances over time. Ø This trend is a major reason why the Corps promotes STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) outreach nationally at local schools and universities who have a strong student veteran presence. Army Corps of Engineers, February 21, 2014

Army Corps of Engineers • According to 2012 data from the Organization for Economic Army Corps of Engineers • According to 2012 data from the Organization for Economic and Co-operation and Development, the U. S. ranks 26 th in the world in math competency and 21 st in the world for science competency among its high school-age students, with no significant change in these performances over time. • This trend is a major reason why the Corps promotes STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) outreach nationally at local schools and universities who have a strong student veteran presence. Army Corps of Engineers, February 21, 2014

Gen. Richard B. Myers Biomedical Equipment Technology Program at DCCCD Ø The colleges of Gen. Richard B. Myers Biomedical Equipment Technology Program at DCCCD Ø The colleges of DCCCD are partnering with Medi. Send to offer the Gen. Richard B. Myers Veterans Biomedical Equipment Technology Program. The program will offer veterans a challenging, accelerated training program that prepares you to install, calibrate, operate, maintain and troubleshoot sophisticated medical devices and instrumentation used in health care delivery. Ø Once you complete the training, you'll be prepared to install and repair medical equipment like: electrocardiographs, defibrillators, patient monitors, ventilators, ultrasound systems and clinical laboratory analyzers.

Gen. Richard B. Myers Biomedical Equipment Technology Program at DCCCD “We help veterans focus Gen. Richard B. Myers Biomedical Equipment Technology Program at DCCCD “We help veterans focus the skills they already have—in electronics, engineering, math—and help them build areas of expertise, so they can make a difference in the world. ” – Nick Hallack, President and CEO of Medi. Send International.

NLC Student Veteran CLEP/STEM Retention: A Case Study • In the Fall of 2012, NLC Student Veteran CLEP/STEM Retention: A Case Study • In the Fall of 2012, 67 NLC student veterans tested via CLEP and were placed into at least one of the following STEM-related classes: § § § College Algebra 1314 Precalculus 2412 Calculus 2413 Chemistry 1405 Biology 1406

NLC Student Veteran CLEP/STEM and Retention: A Case Study • Fall 2014: “PLA-Vet/CLEP” students NLC Student Veteran CLEP/STEM and Retention: A Case Study • Fall 2014: “PLA-Vet/CLEP” students retained: 57 (85%) • By contrast, the retention percentage of those 1196 students was roughly 58%. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CLEP-VET/STEM NLC/STEM

NLC Student Veteran PLA/STEM and Retention: A Case Study Ø PLA student GPA 3. NLC Student Veteran PLA/STEM and Retention: A Case Study Ø PLA student GPA 3. 23 Ø NLC Student GPA 2. 78

NLC Student PLA/STEM & Retention A Case Study Ø CLEP/STEM student GPA in subsequent NLC Student PLA/STEM & Retention A Case Study Ø CLEP/STEM student GPA in subsequent STEMrelated course - 3. 22 Ø Cohort of 57 Ø Non CLEP/STEM student GPA in subsequent STEM-related course - 2. 83 Ø Cohort of 439 Ø Group sampled were classmates of the 47 students spread across 5 classes.

Student Success Students who earn college credit via PLA are more likely to: Ø Student Success Students who earn college credit via PLA are more likely to: Ø persist through college, which creates higher retention rates for your school Ø have higher GPA’s when they graduate or transfer Ø save money while pursuing their degree

Interesting Articles • Credit for Prior Learning: Why all the Controversy? http: //higheredtoday. org/2014/06/17/credit-for-prior-learning-whyallthecontroversy/ Interesting Articles • Credit for Prior Learning: Why all the Controversy? http: //higheredtoday. org/2014/06/17/credit-for-prior-learning-whyallthecontroversy/ • Proactive on Prior Learning http: //www. insidehighered. 207 elmp 01. blackmesh. com/news/2014/04/15/accept-moocs-creditflorida-international-u-may-set-prior-learning-assessment#sthash. i 6 WVi 26 B. dpbs • Change From Within http: //www. insidehighered. 207 elmp 01. blackmesh. com/news/2013/03/04/ace-doubles-down-priorlearning-assessment#sthash. unyk 2 DXe. dpbs

Questions? Questions?

Kent Seaver Director of Learning Resources, North Lake College kentseaver@dcccd. edu Kent Seaver Director of Learning Resources, North Lake College kentseaver@dcccd. edu