Скачать презентацию The Oregon Chapter of the American Meteorological Society Скачать презентацию The Oregon Chapter of the American Meteorological Society


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The Oregon Chapter of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Presents: “What’s new with the The Oregon Chapter of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Presents: “What’s new with the Oregon Climate Service (OCS)” Featuring: Kathie Dello, Deputy Director Tuesday, June 12 th 2012 Old Spaghetti Factory - Clackamas, Oregon

Current 2012/13 Oregon AMS Executive Council President – Steve Pierce Vice President – Bobby Current 2012/13 Oregon AMS Executive Council President – Steve Pierce Vice President – Bobby Corser Secretary – Brian Mac. Millan Treasurer & Web Master – John Rinier Councilors – Mark Nelsen, Thyra Bishop & Tyree Wilde

Around The Room Introductions Around The Room Introductions

 Oregon AMS Mission Statement “The purpose of this society shall be to advance Oregon AMS Mission Statement “The purpose of this society shall be to advance professional ideals in the science of meteorology and to promote the development, exchange and application of meteorological knowledge. ”

 Oregon AMS Updates Oregon AMS yearly membership dues are only $7 per year! Oregon AMS Updates Oregon AMS yearly membership dues are only $7 per year! Please see John Rinier (AMS Treasurer) to renew you dues or to join today. We are continually seeking new members. The Oregon AMS is now the single largest AMS chapter in the country with 165 currently paid members. We host 8 monthly meetings per year along with the annual “Winter Weather Forecast Conference” now in it’s 20 th year. We also host a great season ending summer picnic. We are on Twitter @Oregon. AMS and we are also on Facebook at: facebook. com/oregonams. Our web site is easily found on any search engine. Just type “Oregon AMS!”

 Oregon AMS Updates The “Revised” Annual AMS Summer Picnic Is Back! The Oregon Oregon AMS Updates The “Revised” Annual AMS Summer Picnic Is Back! The Oregon AMS Executive Council recently allocated funds for food, beverage and fun this year, so bring your appetite and your family and/or significant other. When: Saturday, July 14 th 2012, beginning at 4 pm Location: KPTV Ch 12 meteorologist Mark Nelsen’s house in Corbett, Oregon. Exit 22 on I-84. AMS members and their guests only! Watch your e-mail for an invite RSVP soon!

 Oregon AMS Updates Other Great Meetings We Are Planning for Next Season Wednesday, Oregon AMS Updates Other Great Meetings We Are Planning for Next Season Wednesday, September 12 th 7: 00 PM Dr. Nate Mantua – The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) Location: OMSI Saturday, October 13 th 10: 00 AM Columbus Day Storm 50 th Anniversary Location: OMSI Saturday, November 17 th 10: 00 AM 20 th Annual “Winter Weather Forecast Conference” Location: OMSI

 ** Special Announcement ** The Oregon AMS is proud to announce the following ** Special Announcement ** The Oregon AMS is proud to announce the following special information from our national AMS headquarters in Boston…

 Oregon AMS 2011/12 Accomplishments * Hosted eight educational AMS chapter meetings that served Oregon AMS 2011/12 Accomplishments * Hosted eight educational AMS chapter meetings that served more than 1, 400 attendees in 2011/12! * Increased paid membership to 165, up 16% over last season. Seasonal goal was 20%. Increased chapter revenues nearly 225% over last season. * Increased public outreach through local & regional media. * Tackled the tough subject of climate change with two highly anticipated meetings with national media coverage. More than 850 attendees between both meetings. $650 in door donations! * Increased our reach when it comes to regional guest speakers including Dr. Cliff Mass, Dr. Phil Mote & Kathie Dello!

 What about next season? Can we top this season? Wait and see!!! What about next season? Can we top this season? Wait and see!!!

 Now let’s get on with the show! Kathie Dello Now let’s get on with the show! Kathie Dello