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The oil and gas industry Group 3095. 1 Student: Ufimtsev George Lecturer: Mikhaylova Irina TOMSK 2015
Contents v. Oil production v. Oil Transportation v. Refining v. Corruption in the oil sector v. Russian oil company
Introduction The oil and gas industry- sector of the economy engaged in the production, processing, transportation, storage and sale of natural mineral oil and related petroleum products. To adjacent industries include Geophysics, drilling, production of oil and gas equipment. The basis of the oil industry are vertically integrated oil companies.
Oil production- the complex production process, including exploration, well drilling and repairing, cleaning of produced oil from water, sulfur, paraffin and much more. Oil is engaged in oil and gas management - the company responsible for mining and pumping the crude oil and gas prior to metering. In the infrastructure of oil and gas production usually consists BPS (booster pumping station), sewage (cluster pumping stations), separation (installation of preliminary water discharge), in -field pipelines (pipelines).
Burovye platform
Oil Transportation Oil transportation- this engineering structures, pipeline transport, intended for transportation of oil. There are main and field pipelines. The construction and maintenance of the pipeline is very costly, but nevertheless it is the cheapest way to transport gas and oil.
Refining The objective of oil processing (refining) the production of petroleum products, primarily different fuels (road, aviation, boiler rooms, etc. ) and raw materials for subsequent chemical processing. Gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and technical oils are divided into different grades depending on chemical composition. The final stage of the refinery production is mixing the components to obtain finished products of desired composition.
The main products of oil refining The Petrochemicals (Plastics) Asphalt Diesel fuel Oil Gasoline Petroleum oils Lubricants
Corruption in the oil sector The risk of corruption in the oil sector is associated with the following characteristics: vvolume of transactions — transactions in the industry are associated with very large amounts of money; vthe complexity of the technology, industry structure, legal and tax mechanisms help the corrupt officials to conceal their activities; vconcentration of financial flows and consequently reducing the accountability of receiving the revenues of government agencies to the population;
The types of corruption that are typical for the industry Political corruption Administrative corruption Patent corruption Commercial corruption Large-scale corruption
The main participants in corruption schemes in the industry Government Oil companies and companies servicing the oil sector Influential merchants Banks
Russian oil company Rosneft LUKOIL TNK-BP Surgutneftegas Gazprom Neft Tatneft Slavneft Bashneft
Conclusion Oil today is the feedstock for the chemical industry, which produces necessary consumer goods: polyethylene, bitumen, wide range of different plastics, artificial fabrics, etc. So the oil produce all countries in the depths of which she found. Oil producers are among the most notable are the Arabian Gulf: , EAD, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia. As well as such major countries and regions as the USA and the former USSR. Many countries the oil exporters combined in different communities: OPEC and OECD. However, the large profits it brings not only production, but also oil refining. Many countries, occupies a transit position on the way of transportation of oil, I prefer to organize on its territory of oil refineries that brings them huge profits. But the most advantageous is the processing of oil at point of use, because in this case one has to use a lot of different carrying food transports, and one: carrying oil. Among the countries consumers of oil secreted by the USA (the first place on consumption and the second extraction), Japan (the second highest consumption of imported oil) and the territory of the USSR (the third highest consumption). These countries occupy a leading place in power the refinery. Therefore it is clear that I believe that our planet for many years and explored enough refining gravitates to places of consumption. undiscovered oil, but humanity must learn to use other alternative sources of raw materials for its industry, otherwise our civilization will avoid future environmental disaster.
References http: //promplace. ru/neftegazovayapromyshlennost-staty/ http: //www. infobaza. by/transport/8969. ht ml http: //geographyofrussia. com/neftyanayapromyshlennost-rossii/
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