Скачать презентацию The Odyssey The hero Odysseus return home from Скачать презентацию The Odyssey The hero Odysseus return home from


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The Odyssey The hero Odysseus’ return home from the War at Troy http: //en. The Odyssey The hero Odysseus’ return home from the War at Troy http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Odyssey

http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Beginning_Odyssey. svg http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Beginning_Odyssey. svg

Intro to the story Epic History Of the poem Of Trojan War Homer Main Intro to the story Epic History Of the poem Of Trojan War Homer Main Characters Map http: //1. bp. blogspot. com/_IVSCWl. HLcro/ TGcma. Y 22 k. ZI/AAAABWs/WJ 1 s 0 u HDNec/s 1600/odyssey-suitors. jpg

http: //mytholog yapfive. wikisp aces. com/file/v iew/odyssey_ map. jpg/2168 61166/odysse y_map. jpg http: //mytholog yapfive. wikisp aces. com/file/v iew/odyssey_ map. jpg/2168 61166/odysse y_map. jpg

The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Telemachus (Odysseus’ son) and Penelope (Odysseus’ wife) have waited 20 The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Telemachus (Odysseus’ son) and Penelope (Odysseus’ wife) have waited 20 years for the king to come home 10 years at Troy 10 years at sea http: //www. nesseler. org/pages/uploaded_images/ulysses_ship-781628. jpg

The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Suitors are invading his home http: //karenswhimsy. com/public-domain-images/the-odyssey/images/the-odyssey-3. jpg The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Suitors are invading his home http: //karenswhimsy. com/public-domain-images/the-odyssey/images/the-odyssey-3. jpg

"Penelope and the Suitors. " Painting by John William Waterhouse, 1912 http: //www. shmoop. com/media/images/large/penelope-suitors. jpg

http: //images. perseus. tufts. edu/images/1993. 01. 2/1993. 01. 0667 http: //images. perseus. tufts. edu/images/1993. 01. 2/1993. 01. 0667

The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Athena helps Telemachus decide how to look for his father The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Athena helps Telemachus decide how to look for his father http: //www. fjkluth. com/t. d/odyssey 1_130. jpg

The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Telemachus takes a ship to find and talk to the The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Telemachus takes a ship to find and talk to the war heroes who fought with his dad at Tory. http: //mythologyapfive. wikispaces. com/space/showlogo/1302700956/logo. jpg

The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Telemachus travels to Pylos find Nestor, a war buddy of The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Telemachus travels to Pylos find Nestor, a war buddy of his dad. http: //www. nadasisland. com/odyssey/map-odyss. gif

The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY He meets Nestor in Pylos http: //0. tqn. com/d/ancienthistory/1/5/6/g/2/Telemachus_and_Mentor. JPG The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY He meets Nestor in Pylos http: //0. tqn. com/d/ancienthistory/1/5/6/g/2/Telemachus_and_Mentor. JPG Really that’s Mentor, not Nestor

The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Telemachus travels from Pylos to Sparta to meet Menealaus. http: The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Telemachus travels from Pylos to Sparta to meet Menealaus. http: //www. adnax. com/images/ maps/odysseus 0101. jpg

The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Menelaus tells Telemachus of his own journey back from Troy. The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Menelaus tells Telemachus of his own journey back from Troy. He met Proteus off the Egyptian island of Pharos. Menelaus wrestled the shape-shifting water-god. The hero won, and Proteus told Menalaus that Odysseus was a captive of Calypso http: //static. enotes. com/images/enotes/8860/OD 6. JPG

The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Menelaus also tells the story of the murder of his The Odyssey TELEMACHUS’ STORY Menelaus also tells the story of the murder of his brother Agamemnon at the hands of Clytemnestra, Agamemnon’s wife and the sister of Menelaus’ wife, Helen. http: //www. flickr. com/photos/operaatelier/3987496151/

http: //www. didaskalia. net/issues/vol 5 no 1/taplin/agcly 02 fs. jpg http: //www. didaskalia. net/issues/vol 5 no 1/taplin/agcly 02 fs. jpg

http: //3. bp. blogspot. com/_gm. Dxc WMSx. EY/TKd. Z 5 RDkns. I/AAAAAA 1 Q/Zp. http: //3. bp. blogspot. com/_gm. Dxc WMSx. EY/TKd. Z 5 RDkns. I/AAAAAA 1 Q/Zp. Tsj 08 Ph. OM/s 1600/Aga memnons+bad. jpg

The Odyssey ODYSSEUS’ STORY Begins very close to the end: Odysseus is captive of The Odyssey ODYSSEUS’ STORY Begins very close to the end: Odysseus is captive of Calypso

Odysseus and Calypso http: //0. tqn. com/d/ancienthistory/1/5/S/g/2/800 px-Arnold_Bocklin_008. jpg Odysseus and Calypso http: //0. tqn. com/d/ancienthistory/1/5/S/g/2/800 px-Arnold_Bocklin_008. jpg

The Odyssey http: //fc 04. deviantart. net/fs 71/i/2011/238/f/7/calypso_and_odysseus_by_dewmanna-d 47 y 4 kj. jpg The Odyssey http: //fc 04. deviantart. net/fs 71/i/2011/238/f/7/calypso_and_odysseus_by_dewmanna-d 47 y 4 kj. jpg

http: //rockintheodyssey. wikispaces. com/file/view/assante-odysseus_and_calypso. jpg http: //rockintheodyssey. wikispaces. com/file/view/assante-odysseus_and_calypso. jpg

The Odyssey http: //www. deviantart. com/download/112765927/Calypso_and_Odysseus_by_tenshiketsueki 100 The Odyssey http: //www. deviantart. com/download/112765927/Calypso_and_Odysseus_by_tenshiketsueki 100

The Odyssey ODYSSEUS’ STORY Hermes persuades Calypso to release Odysseus http: //www. enotes. com/odyssey/pictures/three-8787 The Odyssey ODYSSEUS’ STORY Hermes persuades Calypso to release Odysseus http: //www. enotes. com/odyssey/pictures/three-8787

http: //upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/f/f 4/Hubert_Maurer_-_Hermes_bei_Calypso_und_Odysseus. jpg http: //upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/f/f 4/Hubert_Maurer_-_Hermes_bei_Calypso_und_Odysseus. jpg

The Odyssey ODYSSEUS’ STORY Odysseus sails off on a raft, and is marooned in The Odyssey ODYSSEUS’ STORY Odysseus sails off on a raft, and is marooned in the land of the Phaeacians. Their princess, Nausicaa, shows him hospitality http: //static. enotes. com/images/enotes/8860/OD 10. JPG

http: //upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9 e/Odysseus_And_Nausica%C 3%A 4_-_Project_Gutenberg_e. Text_13725. jpg/800 px-Odysseus_And_Nausica%C 3%A 4__Project_Gutenberg_e. Text_13725. jpg http: //upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9 e/Odysseus_And_Nausica%C 3%A 4_-_Project_Gutenberg_e. Text_13725. jpg/800 px-Odysseus_And_Nausica%C 3%A 4__Project_Gutenberg_e. Text_13725. jpg

Odysseus and Nausicaa, Christoph Amberger, 1619. Alte Pinakothek, Munich. http: //0. tqn. com/d/ancienthistory/1/0/W/g/2/Odysseus_and_Nausicaa. jpg Odysseus and Nausicaa, Christoph Amberger, 1619. Alte Pinakothek, Munich. http: //0. tqn. com/d/ancienthistory/1/0/W/g/2/Odysseus_and_Nausicaa. jpg

The Odyssey ODYSSEUS’ STORY Odysseus is invited to a feast, where he hears songs The Odyssey ODYSSEUS’ STORY Odysseus is invited to a feast, where he hears songs about the Trojan War

The Odyssey ODYSSEUS’ STORY Odysseus reveals his identity (because he gets emotional) and he The Odyssey ODYSSEUS’ STORY Odysseus reveals his identity (because he gets emotional) and he tells his own story Ulysses at the court of Alcinous Francesco Hayez http: //upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/ 6/63/Francesco_Hayez_028. jpg

The Odyssey The Trojan Horse Trojan horse. Istambul Museum of Archaeology http: //en. wikipedia. The Odyssey The Trojan Horse Trojan horse. Istambul Museum of Archaeology http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Troj_Horse. JPG

The Odyssey Detail from The Odyssey Detail from "The Procession of the Trojan Horse in Troy" by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Theprocessionofthetrojanhorseintroybygiovannidomenicotiepolo. jpg

The Odyssey The The Odyssey The "wooden horse" from the 2004 film Troy, preserved on the seafront at Çanakkale, Turkey. Digital photo by Ross Burgess, 20 th october 2004. http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Trojan_horse_%C 3%87 anakkale. jpg

The Odyssey Raid on Cicones http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Odrysian. Kingdom. jpg The Odyssey Raid on Cicones http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Odrysian. Kingdom. jpg

Odyssey The Bad Storms http: //naveedsheikh. dyndns-web. com/_Ref. Files/storm. gif Odyssey The Bad Storms http: //naveedsheikh. dyndns-web. com/_Ref. Files/storm. gif

The Odyssey Lotus-Eaters: almost loses two men The Odyssey Lotus-Eaters: almost loses two men

http: //0. tqn. com/d/ancienthistory/1/G/1/X/2/lotus_th. jpg http: //0. tqn. com/d/ancienthistory/1/G/1/X/2/lotus_th. jpg

http: //2 vancouver. com/Images/lotus-land-vancouver. jpg http: //2 vancouver. com/Images/lotus-land-vancouver. jpg

The Odyssey 18 th-century French engraving of Odysseus on the island of the lotus-eaters The Odyssey 18 th-century French engraving of Odysseus on the island of the lotus-eaters http: //upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Lotus-eaters. png

The Odyssey Polyphemos (a Cyclops son of Poseidon) http: //en. wikipedia. org/wi ki/File: Cyclops_P The Odyssey Polyphemos (a Cyclops son of Poseidon) http: //en. wikipedia. org/wi ki/File: Cyclops_P 611008 6. JPG

http: //www. greeka. com/ionian/ithacamyths/odysseus-cyclops. jpg http: //www. greeka. com/ionian/ithacamyths/odysseus-cyclops. jpg

The Odyssey Odysseus in the Cave of Polyphemus Jakob Jordaens Odysseus’ men are trapped The Odyssey Odysseus in the Cave of Polyphemus Jakob Jordaens Odysseus’ men are trapped in the cyclops’ cave http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Jakob_Jordaens_009. jpg

The Odyssey They blind the Cyclops to escape. http: //www. davidclaudon. com/odyssey/poly. jpg The Odyssey They blind the Cyclops to escape. http: //www. davidclaudon. com/odyssey/poly. jpg

http: //www. freewebs. com/odysseynewman 2008/polyphemus_being_blinded_by_Odysseus. bmp http: //www. freewebs. com/odysseynewman 2008/polyphemus_being_blinded_by_Odysseus. bmp

http: //0. tqn. com/d /ancienthistory/1/ 5/z/b/2/Odysseus http: //0. tqn. com/d /ancienthistory/1/ 5/z/b/2/Odysseus

The Odyssey Odysseus and four of his men thrust a wooden spike into the The Odyssey Odysseus and four of his men thrust a wooden spike into the Cyclops' eye http: //static. enotes. com/images/enotes/8860/OD 8. JPG

The Odyssey Poseidon is furious! http: //images. protopa ge. com/view/952744 /cpj 9 k 0 The Odyssey Poseidon is furious! http: //images. protopa ge. com/view/952744 /cpj 9 k 0 iqt 3 oy 4 mj 23 j m 7 dvc 9 u. jpg

The Odyssey Aeolus Bag of Winds http: //images. protopa ge. com/view/952744/ ez 7 mseopciyo The Odyssey Aeolus Bag of Winds http: //images. protopa ge. com/view/952744/ ez 7 mseopciyo 5 j 9 ynr 22 euahm. jpg http: //farm 3. static. flickr. com/242 8/3575002893_4127 fa 7 f 0 a. jpg Men think bag is full of gold >>> blown off course

The Odyssey http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Laestrygonians_Hurling_Rocks_at_the_Fleet_of_Odysseus. jpg Laestrygonians • cannibals • Loses 11 The Odyssey http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Laestrygonians_Hurling_Rocks_at_the_Fleet_of_Odysseus. jpg Laestrygonians • cannibals • Loses 11 (out of his 12) ships Late 1 st century BC Wall painting from the Odyssey Landscapes, Musei Vaticani,

http: //farm 4. static. flickr. com/3060/2832588525_5 c 1 f 95 e 385_o. jpg http: //farm 4. static. flickr. com/3060/2832588525_5 c 1 f 95 e 385_o. jpg

The Odyssey http: //medievalandrenaissancestudies. vassar. edu/images/ulysses. jpg The Adventures of Ulysses: The Contest with The Odyssey http: //medievalandrenaissancestudies. vassar. edu/images/ulysses. jpg The Adventures of Ulysses: The Contest with the Laestrygonians

The Odyssey http: //0. tqn. com/d/ancienthistory/1/0/6/Z/2/Laestrygons. png The Odyssey http: //0. tqn. com/d/ancienthistory/1/0/6/Z/2/Laestrygons. png

The Odyssey Laestrygonians by Jordan Crane The Odyssey Laestrygonians by Jordan Crane

The Odyssey Laestrygonians (detail) by Jordan Crane The Odyssey Laestrygonians (detail) by Jordan Crane

The Odyssey Laestrygonians (detail) by Jordan Crane The Odyssey Laestrygonians (detail) by Jordan Crane

The Odyssey Laestrygonians by Jordan Crane The Odyssey Laestrygonians by Jordan Crane

The Odyssey http: //blogs. sch. gr/makarono/files/2008/04/laistrygones-320 x 200. jpg The Odyssey http: //blogs. sch. gr/makarono/files/2008/04/laistrygones-320 x 200. jpg

The Odyssey http: //nc. water. usgs. gov/about/presentations/Emerging. Contaminants/odyssey. gif The Odyssey http: //nc. water. usgs. gov/about/presentations/Emerging. Contaminants/odyssey. gif

The Odyssey Circe • Men are turned to swine http: //www. maryaliceharley. com/circe. htm The Odyssey Circe • Men are turned to swine http: //www. maryaliceharley. com/circe. htm

The Odyssey http: //static. enotes. com/images/enotes/8860/OD 15. JPG Circe drugged the men's wine and The Odyssey http: //static. enotes. com/images/enotes/8860/OD 15. JPG Circe drugged the men's wine and touched them with her wand, transforming them into pigs.

http: //ithaka. wikispaces. com/file/view/Circ e_turning_men_into_swine. jpg/53694684 /Circe_turning_men_into_swine. jpg http: //ithaka. wikispaces. com/file/view/Circ e_turning_men_into_swine. jpg/53694684 /Circe_turning_men_into_swine. jpg

The Odyssey Circe • Hermes gives moly to Odysseus Snowdrop, perhaps the herb moly The Odyssey Circe • Hermes gives moly to Odysseus Snowdrop, perhaps the herb moly http: //edu. glogster. co m/media/4/22/70/65/ 22706502. jpg http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Snowdrop_Galanthus_elwesii. jpg

The Odyssey They stay with Circe for a year Circe Offering the Cup to The Odyssey They stay with Circe for a year Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus, by John William Waterhouse. http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Circe_Offering_the_Cup_to_Odysseus. jpg

The Odyssey Land of the Dead Sacrifice http: //3. bp. blogspot. com/-v 287 dg. The Odyssey Land of the Dead Sacrifice http: //3. bp. blogspot. com/-v 287 dg. Udspo/Tb. CP 8 u. Fq_n. I/AAAAAes/kb. ZMq. DH 2 xj. Q/s 1600/Passover%2 BLamb. jpg

Odysseus and his men prepared a drink offering for the spirits in a shallow Odysseus and his men prepared a drink offering for the spirits in a shallow pit.

The Odyssey Land of the Dead: • Tiresias >> directions home to Ithaca • The Odyssey Land of the Dead: • Tiresias >> directions home to Ithaca • Odysseus’ mom >> news of the suitors back home • Agamemnon >> Clytemnestra murdered Agamemnon • Achilles >> lack of glory in Hades

The Odyssey http: //www. rbhs 208. org/ mancoff/tiresias. jpg The Odyssey http: //www. rbhs 208. org/ mancoff/tiresias. jpg

The Odyssey Sirens The Siren, by John William Waterhouse (circa 1900), Seirēnes Σειρῆνες Knut The Odyssey Sirens The Siren, by John William Waterhouse (circa 1900), Seirēnes Σειρῆνες Knut Ekwall Fisherman and The Siren http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Knut_Ekwall_Fisherman_and_The_Siren. jpg http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: The_Siren. jpg

The Odyssey Sirens Seirēnes Σειρῆνες http: //www. davidclaudon. com/odyssey/siren. jpg The Odyssey Sirens Seirēnes Σειρῆνες http: //www. davidclaudon. com/odyssey/siren. jpg

The Odyssey http: //www. greeknewstanea. com/History. Mythology/ODYSSEUS_files/sh apeimage_5. png The Odyssey http: //www. greeknewstanea. com/History. Mythology/ODYSSEUS_files/sh apeimage_5. png

http: //www. mlahanas. de/Greeks/Gods/Homer. Stamps/Sirens. jpg http: //www. mlahanas. de/Greeks/Gods/Homer. Stamps/Sirens. jpg

The Odyssey Ulysses and the Sirens John William Waterhouse (1891) http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: The Odyssey Ulysses and the Sirens John William Waterhouse (1891) http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: John_William_Waterhouse_-_Ulysses_and_the_Sirens_(1891). jpg

http: //3. bp. blogspot. com/_qyh. Z 9_e. XCHM/St. JXBi. Ow. V 0 I/AAAACx. Q/Xx. http: //3. bp. blogspot. com/_qyh. Z 9_e. XCHM/St. JXBi. Ow. V 0 I/AAAACx. Q/Xx. WP 6 s. Z 2 TBc/s 400/sirens-and-ulysses-1153493224. jpg

The Odyssey Scylla & Charybdis The painting is an Italian fresco dating to 1560 The Odyssey Scylla & Charybdis The painting is an Italian fresco dating to 1560 C. E. http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Caught_between_a _rock_and_a_hard_place. jpg

http: //loki. stockton. edu/~kinsellt/pr ojects/ulysses/story. Reader$11_fil es/picture 46. jpg http: //loki. stockton. edu/~kinsellt/pr ojects/ulysses/story. Reader$11_fil es/picture 46. jpg

http: //www. hellenica. de/Griechenland/Mythos/Bild 2/Scylla. jpg http: //www. hellenica. de/Griechenland/Mythos/Bild 2/Scylla. jpg

Odyssey The http: //www. freebenholt. org/scylla. jpg Odyssey The http: //www. freebenholt. org/scylla. jpg

The Odyssey An 1840 steel engraving of the Strait of Messina by A. H. The Odyssey An 1840 steel engraving of the Strait of Messina by A. H. Payne http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Scylla_and_Charybdis. jpg

The Odyssey A map of the wanderings of Aeneas, showing the positions of Charybdis The Odyssey A map of the wanderings of Aeneas, showing the positions of Charybdis and Scylla (underlined in red), from an edition of The Aeneid of Virgil, Book III, edited by Philip Sandford, London: Blackie & Son. 1900 http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Strait_of_Messina. jpg

The Odyssey Cattle of Helios http: //www. maryaliceharley. com/cattle-of-the-sun. jpg The Odyssey Cattle of Helios http: //www. maryaliceharley. com/cattle-of-the-sun. jpg

The Odyssey Cattle of Helios http: //img. chogger. com/c/1 KYKn/main. png The Odyssey Cattle of Helios http: //img. chogger. com/c/1 KYKn/main. png

The Odyssey Cattle of Helios Ignoring warnings, the starving crew kill and eat the The Odyssey Cattle of Helios Ignoring warnings, the starving crew kill and eat the holy cattle http: //www. summitcds. org/ashcraft/odyss 182. jpg

The Odyssey Cattle of Helios All men (except Odysseus)are drowned http: //img. chogger. com/c/1 The Odyssey Cattle of Helios All men (except Odysseus)are drowned http: //img. chogger. com/c/1 KYKn/main. png

The Odyssey Calypso is a water-witch. Odysseus shipwrecked on Calypso’s island The Odyssey Calypso is a water-witch. Odysseus shipwrecked on Calypso’s island "Odysseus und Calypso" by Hilmar Wild http: //www. elfw ood. com/art/h/i/ hilmar//odysseu s_und_calypso web. jpg

 Hermes convinced Calypso to let him go, and now Odysseus is reliant on Hermes convinced Calypso to let him go, and now Odysseus is reliant on the Phaeacians’ hospitality. http: //www. fjklut h. com/t. d/odyss ey 1_49. jpg

http: //www. marvunap p. com/Appendix/her mesmr 1. jpg http: //www. marvunap p. com/Appendix/her mesmr 1. jpg

http: //www. mediastorehouse. com/image/ calypso_and_hermes_4322874. jpg http: //www. mediastorehouse. com/image/ calypso_and_hermes_4322874. jpg

"Hermes Ordering Calypso to Release Odysseus" by Gerard de Lairesse, 1670 http: //img. blog. yahoo. co. kr/ybi/1/54/64/koramsohn@sbcglobal. net/folder/221/img_221_1684_0? 1285535098. jpg

The Odyssey Phaeacians transport Odysseus home to Ithaca Athena disguises Ody as a wandering The Odyssey Phaeacians transport Odysseus home to Ithaca Athena disguises Ody as a wandering beggar from Crete, making his way back from Troy Beggar: http: //t 3. gstatic. com/images? q=tbn: ANd 9 Gc. Qp. IMB_py 1 Woa. RWk. Nii 9 Hltl. Tk 1 yj 1 g 303 TMXwt. Lq. SOwute. QW 68 http: //artmight. com/albums/2011 -02 -07/art-upload-2/J/Jacque-Charles-Emile-The-Swineherd. jpg Eumaeas (a swineherd) takes Ody in

The Odyssey Telemachus returns to Ithaca Goes to Eumaeas’ hut http: //www. kashmirhouseboat s. The Odyssey Telemachus returns to Ithaca Goes to Eumaeas’ hut http: //www. kashmirhouseboat s. com/kashmir-gallery/atypical-village-hut 005 zoo. jpg

Ody reveals himself They plan to kill the suitors, together. http: //www. goddess-athena. org/Museum/Paintings/Troy/Athena_Odysseus_Telemachus. Ody reveals himself They plan to kill the suitors, together. http: //www. goddess-athena. org/Museum/Paintings/Troy/Athena_Odysseus_Telemachus. jpg

The Odyssey Odysseus (still disguised as an old beggar), Telemachus and Eumaeas return go The Odyssey Odysseus (still disguised as an old beggar), Telemachus and Eumaeas return go to Ody’s house The suitors (led by Antinous) • beat up Telemachus • make fun of the old beggar • throw a chair at the old beggar http: //static. enotes. com/images/enotes/8860/OD 14. JPG

The Odyssey http: //www. mlahanas. de/Greeks/M ythology/Images/Antinous. Od. gif The Odyssey http: //www. mlahanas. de/Greeks/M ythology/Images/Antinous. Od. gif

The Odyssey Still in disguise, Odysseus talks to Penelope and tests her faith in The Odyssey Still in disguise, Odysseus talks to Penelope and tests her faith in her missing husband

The Odyssey “Odysseus and Euryclea “ by Christian Gottlob Heyne - Project Gutenberg e. The Odyssey “Odysseus and Euryclea “ by Christian Gottlob Heyne - Project Gutenberg e. Text 13725 http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Odysseus_and_ Euryclea_by_Christian_Gottlob_Heyne__Project_Gutenberg_e. Text_13725. jpg

The Odyssey http: //static. enotes. com/images/enotes/8860/OD 11. JPG The Odyssey http: //static. enotes. com/images/enotes/8860/OD 11. JPG

The Odyssey A house-keeper (Eurycleia) washes Ody’s feet and sees an old scar that The Odyssey A house-keeper (Eurycleia) washes Ody’s feet and sees an old scar that reveals his true identity to her She tries to tell Penelope that Odysseus is home, but Athena blocks her words Odysseus swears Eurycleia to secrecy Feet: http: //villageconnector. com/baltimorecountymd/files/cache/3733_Np. Adv. Hover. jpg Boar: http: //www. animationbuddy. com/Animation/Animals/Pigs/Boar. gif

The Odyssey The next day, Penelope declares to hold an archery competition: http: //www. The Odyssey The next day, Penelope declares to hold an archery competition: http: //www. shmoop. com/media/images/large/penelope-3. jpg

The Odyssey http: //www. mccunecollection. org/images/Odyssey%20 of%20 Homer/%5 B 4 -033%5 D%20 Penelope%20 carrying%20 The Odyssey http: //www. mccunecollection. org/images/Odyssey%20 of%20 Homer/%5 B 4 -033%5 D%20 Penelope%20 carrying%20 bow%20 of%20 Ulysses%20 to%20 the%20 suitors. %20 pg. %2056. jpg

The Odyssey In the archery competition: suitors must: • string Odysseus’s bow • fire The Odyssey In the archery competition: suitors must: • string Odysseus’s bow • fire an arrow through 12 axe heads Bow: http: //www. scottishmist. com/assets/weapons/Bow_Arrow. jpg Arrow: http: //www. animatedgif. net/arrowpointers/arrow. rt. spin_e 0. gif 6 Axe: http: //www. manufacturer. com/cimages/product/www. alibaba. com/1222/o/Sell_Axe_Head. jpg

The Odyssey None of the suitors can string the bow. Odysseus tries and is The Odyssey None of the suitors can string the bow. Odysseus tries and is successful. http: //static. enotes. com/images/enotes/8860/OD 7. JPG

The Odyssey Odysseus fires an arrow through all the slots in the axes. Arrow: The Odyssey Odysseus fires an arrow through all the slots in the axes. Arrow: http: //www. animatedgif. net/arrowpointers/arrow. rt. spin_e 0. gif 6 Axe: http: //www. manufacturer. com/cimages/product/www. alibaba. com/1222/o/Sell_Axe_Head. jpg

The Odyssey http: //www. maicar. com/GML/000 Iconography/Penelope/slides/liebod 06. jpg The Odyssey http: //www. maicar. com/GML/000 Iconography/Penelope/slides/liebod 06. jpg

The Odyssey Odysseus then turns the weapons on the men who’ve invaded his home. The Odyssey Odysseus then turns the weapons on the men who’ve invaded his home. With the help of his allies, Odysseus kills all the suitors, along with his unfaithful servants. It’s a bloodbath!

The Odyssey http: //www. shmoop. com/media/images/large/suitors. jpg Odysseus and the Suitors The Odyssey http: //www. shmoop. com/media/images/large/suitors. jpg Odysseus and the Suitors

The Odyssey http: //0. tqn. com/d/ancient history/1/0/R/g/2/745 px. Mnesterophonia_Louvre_ CA 7124. jpg The Odyssey http: //0. tqn. com/d/ancient history/1/0/R/g/2/745 px. Mnesterophonia_Louvre_ CA 7124. jpg

The Odyssey http: //images. perseus. tufts. edu/images/1993. 01. 2/199 The Odyssey http: //images. perseus. tufts. edu/images/1993. 01. 2/199

The Odyssey hallucinatory re -enactment of Ulysses slaughter of Penelope's suitors http: //www. culture. The Odyssey hallucinatory re -enactment of Ulysses slaughter of Penelope's suitors http: //www. culture. gouv. fr/Wave/image/joconde/ 0002/m 504104_98 de 1077_p. jpg

The Odyssey Odysseus proves his identity to Penelope by describing their bed (made from The Odyssey Odysseus proves his identity to Penelope by describing their bed (made from a living olive tree) http: //karenswhimsy. com/public-domain-images/the-odyssey/images/the-odyssey-7. jpg

The Odyssey Odysseus and son visit Ody’s dad, Laertes Odysseus proves his identity by The Odyssey Odysseus and son visit Ody’s dad, Laertes Odysseus proves his identity by describing, in detail, an orchard that Laertes had given Odysseus http: //static. enotes. com/images/enotes/8860/OD 16. JPG

The Odyssey Odysseus (with Athena) calms the people of Ithaca, who are upset about The Odyssey Odysseus (with Athena) calms the people of Ithaca, who are upset about the deaths of so many citizens (Ody’s shipmates & the suitors) Ody becomes king of his homeland once again.

http: //www. englishtap. com/media_library/images/maps/ancient_greece. gif http: //www. englishtap. com/media_library/images/maps/ancient_greece. gif

In Homer's story, Odysseus was a Greek leader who fought a terrible war (1) In Homer's story, Odysseus was a Greek leader who fought a terrible war (1) the Trojans in Troy. The Greeks finally won, and after the last battle Odysseus wanted to return home to the island of Ithaca. (2) it was only about 500 km, the journey took him a very long time. (3) a strong wind blew him around Crete to a big island where the one-eyed giants called the Cyclops lived. They kept him prisoner, but after many adventures he escaped. (4) of terrible storms, he sailed north again, away from Ithaca, up to the island of the goddess Circe was kind, and sent him (5) to Hades, the land of the Dead, to get help for his journey home. (6) there he went (7) to Circe's island. When he left the island he went (8) the coast past the beautiful but deadly Sirens and (9) the dangerous waters between Cyclops island the mainland, where two terrible monsters lived. With great difficulty, he sailed past them, and finally he sailed across the sea (10) Ithaca. His journey took him ten years - an average of 50 km a year. But all that time, his wife Penelope was still waiting for him ! http: //www. englishtap. com/library/grammar_reference/odysseus. html