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Bases of the New Order The end of the Cold War Caused: -Free elections in the communist bloc -Better relations between the USA and the USSR (Russia) -Independent policies in countries like France and Germany. National interests instead of ideological cooperation. -USA : Only superpower but not powerful enough to impose its policies to all the countries.
New Order USA: Militar and economical superpower Rusia: Militar power but not economical Germany and Japan: Very strong economies but not great armies. EU: Strong economy but no political importance Arab world: Crucial because of the oil but always in conflict. South America and Africa: Raw materials, no political importance Asia: Emerging Economy
Political systems and conflicts I EUROPE Democracy rules after the fall of Berlin’s wall Different types of states and governments (Monarchies, republics…) In the last years there is a climate of distrust from the citiens to the politicians due to corruption In Eastern Europe we found flawed democracies (repression against the oposition and the press, tv…)
Political systems and conflicts II The EU It was the key to give Europe a single voice in foreign affaires. After Maastricht Treaty it seemed possible but in the last years: Problems because of the last countries that have become part of the EU (poorer than most) Tensions between countries (FRA and GER rejected Irak’s war while GB and Spain supported the US) Failure of the European Constitution, rejected by The Nederlands and France. This could have created a political union in Europe (not only economical) THE CRISIS. Economical. More Euroscepcicism.
Political systems and conflicts II Problems (Europe) Terrorism: IRA: End in 1998. Irish catholics agains Protestants and British in Northern Ireland. ETA: End in 2011. Islamism (First organised groups, the lonely wolfs): Madrid 2004 (11 M) London 2005 (The Tube and buses) Toulouse 2012 (school for jewish children) Londres 2013 (soldier killed) Yugoslavian War (1991 -1995) GER and The Vatican supported the catholic nationalists in Croatia and Slovenia Serbian nationalism by Milosevic Muslim’s genocide in Bosnia NATO’s intervention
Political systems and conflicts III USA Main role in international relations Different policies depending on the president: G. W. Bush I. International cooperation. War of the Gulf. B. Clinton. International cooperation. He achieved the end of Yugoslavian conflicts, peace conversations between Israel and Palestine. G. W. Bush II (son) Only allied with Israel. Invasions of Afghanistan and Irak. After September 11 th he invented the Global War against terrorism. B. Obama: International cooperation. End of Irak war.
Political systems and conflicts IV RUSIA Capitalist economy. The ex-leaders of the Communist Party and the KGB became the owners of the greatest russian companies. Great differences between rich and poor people. Flawed democracy. Putin is recovering the Russian Nationalism, seeking for the areas of influence lost in the last years of the USSR Foreign affaires: First they cooperated with the US. Then they tried to oppose them alongside with Germany and France. Conflicts: Chechenia, Osetia, Crimea-Ukraine
Political systems and conflicts V CHINA CAPITALISM+AUTHORITARIAN COMMUNIST REGIME Great differences between poor and rich people INDIA Emerging country Most populated democracy Modern industry Computing Steel Automobile People starving
Political systems and conflicts VI ARAB WORLD Energetic resources In conflict Radical Islam (Al Qaeda, enemy of the USA though this superpower supported them during the Cold War against the USSR) Gulf War (1990 -1991) Israel vs. Palestine (1947 -…) Afghanistan war (2001 -…) Irak (2003 -2011) Bin Laden was killed but it was not Al Qaeda’s end because it has a lot of sub sections with other leaders.
Political systems and conflicts VI ARAB WORLD Arab “Springs”: • Revolutions against authoritarian and western-friendly or moderate islamic regimes • Egypt, Tunisia • Democratic experiments that have quickly turned into more radical religious regimes. • In Egypt the Army is back in the government after the victory of the Muslim Brothers Party. Civil Wars in Lybia and Syria
Political systems and conflicts VII AFRICA Economic war to control the raw materials. 3 Democratic countries (Ghana, Senegal, South African Republic) AIDS Wars Somalia (1991 -…) Great Lakes’ genocide (1994) Tutsis vs. Hutus (Ruanda and Burundi) Darfur (2004) Islamic vs black tribes to control the oil African World War (1998 -…) A lot of African countries fight to control the coltan supported by China and the US
Political systems and conflicts VIII SOUTH AMERICA 80’s- Democracy 90’s – Neoliberalism/Neocolonialism 21 st Cent. Left winged Populism (Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador) They have in common their opposition against the US policies in South America. Others like Brazil and Colombia are closer to western countries. Conflicts Colombia vs. FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) Mexico vs narcotráfico
21 st Century Breakdown (or not) It seems that the world is evolving to a bipolar system, with the north rich and stable and the south poor and in constant conflict. Globalization (unity of culture, economy and society thanks to the communications, transport…) Global War Against Terrorism that seem to justify that the governments can cut people’s rights down with the excuse of being protecting them.