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The New Frontier and the Great Society President John F. Kennedy’s efforts to confront The New Frontier and the Great Society President John F. Kennedy’s efforts to confront the Soviet Union and address social ills are cut short by his assassination. President Lyndon B. Johnson spearheads civil rights legislation and declares a “war on poverty. ” Lyndon B. Johnson being sworn in as president of the United States after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Jacqueline Kennedy (right) witnesses the oath (November 22, 1963). NEXT

The New Frontier and the Great Society SECTION 1 Kennedy and the Cold War The New Frontier and the Great Society SECTION 1 Kennedy and the Cold War SECTION 2 The New Frontier SECTION 3 The Great Society NEXT

Section 1 Kennedy and the Cold War The Kennedy administration faces some of the Section 1 Kennedy and the Cold War The Kennedy administration faces some of the most dangerous Soviet confrontations in American history. NEXT

Advanced Organizer: • In groups of 3 or less, appoint a writer and a Advanced Organizer: • In groups of 3 or less, appoint a writer and a • Presenter and create a Web of any details your group knows about the life of JFK or events during his presidency. Try for genius level to get above 10! Use your phones if needed! • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=f 4 YE 7 p. Tf Tz. I

Photo Analysis #1 Similarities and Differences between these 2 gentlemen? Photo Analysis #1 Similarities and Differences between these 2 gentlemen?

Photo Analysis #2 Photo Analysis #2

Photo Analysis #3 Photo Analysis #3

SECTION 1 Kennedy and the Cold War The Election of 1960 The Televised Debate SECTION 1 Kennedy and the Cold War The Election of 1960 The Televised Debate Affects Votes • • John F. Kennedy discusses Catholicism openly, allays public worries, • First televised presidential debate between Kennedy, Richard Nixon • Nixon is foreign policy expert • Kennedy coached by TV producers, comes across better than Nixon https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=z. HGs 4535 W_o Kennedy and Civil Rights Image • JFK takes stand on arrest of Martin Luther King, Jr; wins black vote NEXT

SECTION The Camelot Years 1 The Kennedy Mystique • Kennedy wins presidency in close SECTION The Camelot Years 1 The Kennedy Mystique • Kennedy wins presidency in close election • Critics argue his smooth style lacks substance • Kennedy White House known as Camelot for its glamour, culture, wit • First Lady admired for her elegance; constant articles about family The Best and the Brightest • JFK’s advisers called “the best and the brightest” • Brother Robert Kennedy named attorney general NEXT

SECTION 1 A New Military Policy Defining a Military Strategy • JFK believes must SECTION 1 A New Military Policy Defining a Military Strategy • JFK believes must redefine nation’s nuclear strategy • Flexible response—fight conventional wars, keep nuclear arms balanced Purpose: to fight (and win) in limited wars around world… • JFK increases defense spending in three areas: - strengthens conventional forces - creates army Special Forces (Green Berets) - triples nuclear capabilities NEXT

SECTION 1 Crises over Cuba The Cuban Dilemma • Revolutionary Fidel Castro declares himself SECTION 1 Crises over Cuba The Cuban Dilemma • Revolutionary Fidel Castro declares himself communist leader - seizes U. S. properties; Eisenhower cuts off diplomatic relations • 10% of Cuban population goes into exile; mostly to U. S. The Bay of Pigs 1 st Presidential Prob for JFK • Cuban exiles, CIA plan invasion to topple Castro • USA hoped Cuban people would rise up (they didn’t!) • Plans go wrong; exile forces killed, taken prisoner • JFK pays ransom in food, medicine; mission is public embarrassment • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=8 q. XZp 8 bxp. NY Image Continued. . . NEXT

SECTION 1 continued Crises over Cuba The Cuban Missile Crisis • Nikita Khrushchev sends SECTION 1 continued Crises over Cuba The Cuban Missile Crisis • Nikita Khrushchev sends weapons to Cuba, including nuclear missiles • JFK warns Soviets that missile attack will trigger war on U. S. S. R. • USA sets up NAVAL blockade of Cuba…. . Interactive • Soviets avoid confrontation at sea; reach agreement with U. S • they pull missiles out of Cuba in exchange we secretly pull missiles out of Turkey 6 months later. • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=H 5 Zz. L 9 Ksy PY • Die Roll Warmup! NEXT

Kennedy and Khrushchev Take the Heat • Khrushchev’s prestige severely damaged in U. S. Kennedy and Khrushchev Take the Heat • Khrushchev’s prestige severely damaged in U. S. S. R. • JFK criticized for brinkmanship, also for not ousting Castro • Castro bans flights to and from Miami

Crisis over Berlin SECTION 1 The Berlin Crisis • By 1961 20% of Germans Crisis over Berlin SECTION 1 The Berlin Crisis • By 1961 20% of Germans flee to West Berlin; economic drain on East • Khrushchev wants to close access roads to West Berlin; JFK refuses • Soviets isolate West Berlin from East Germany with Berlin Wall TO STOP EAST GERMANS from leaving…. • SHOW BERLIN WALL VLA: (die roll details • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Ld. ZVs. Fj. Wnb. I Image NEXT

Searching for Ways to Ease Tensions • Khrushchev, Kennedy conscious of danger of quick Searching for Ways to Ease Tensions • Khrushchev, Kennedy conscious of danger of quick decisions • Establish hot line—direct phone between White House, Kremlin • Limited Test Ban Treaty bans nuclear tests in atmosphere

Video review Clips Challenge! In Groups of 3 or 2 appoint one fast but Video review Clips Challenge! In Groups of 3 or 2 appoint one fast but neat writing person to be a recorder to record details your group observed as you watch the following clips: After watching, collaborate as a team and create the ultimate list or Web of details your group noted. Minimum of 10 Genius level is 15 plus ! Cuban Missile crisis: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Ckuw. S 9 E-FLo Berlin Wall: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Ld. ZVs. Fj. Wnb. I JFK Assassination: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=2 Z 5 pjbv 8 p. RE JFK Conspiracies…. How many have you heard? What is a conspiracy… https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Wxrmyfg. ALUc

Section 2 The New Frontier While Kennedy has trouble getting his ideas for a Section 2 The New Frontier While Kennedy has trouble getting his ideas for a New Frontier passed, several goals are achieved. NEXT

Pre Question: • Survey your group: 1. Should the US spend millions of dollars Pre Question: • Survey your group: 1. Should the US spend millions of dollars each year on Space exploration or is that a waste of money? • 2. Would any in your group want to go into space for a 2 year mission to Mars? Why or why not?

SECTION 2 The New Frontier The Promise of Progress Kennedy’s Vision of Progress • SECTION 2 The New Frontier The Promise of Progress Kennedy’s Vision of Progress • New Frontier—policies of the Kennedy administration • Continued. . . NEXT

SECTION 2 continued The Promise of Progress Addressing Poverty Abroad • Peace Corps—volunteers assist SECTION 2 continued The Promise of Progress Addressing Poverty Abroad • Peace Corps—volunteers assist developing nations; great success • Alliance for Progress—economic, technical assistance to Latin America - in part meant to deter spread of communism in Latin America Chart Continued. . . NEXT

SECTION 2 continued The Promise of Progress Race to the Moon /Space Race Image SECTION 2 continued The Promise of Progress Race to the Moon /Space Race Image • April 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri A. Gagarin is first man in space • Soon after, U. S. puts man in space, uses satellite communications • July 1969 U. S astronaut Neil Armstrong is first man to walk on moon • University science programs grow; new industries, technologies arise NEXT

SECTION 2 Tragedy in Dallas Four Days in November Image • November 22, 1963, SECTION 2 Tragedy in Dallas Four Days in November Image • November 22, 1963, JFK shot, killed riding in motorcade in Dallas • Jack Ruby shoots alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald • Vice president Lyndon Johnson succeeds JFK Unanswered Questions • Warren Commission investigates, concludes Oswald acted alone • 1979 reinvestigation concludes Oswald part of conspiracy NEXT

Video Review Clips » JFK Camelot: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Kr 99 d. ZP Video Review Clips » JFK Camelot: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Kr 99 d. ZP 8 ld. Y » Space race JFK Speech: » http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=g 25 G 1 M 4 EXr. Q » JFK assassination : http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=r. EVf. KKj. ODBg

Sec 3: Great Society Warmup: Group Discussion: Pre Question: : 1. What are some Sec 3: Great Society Warmup: Group Discussion: Pre Question: : 1. What are some reasons people are poor? (brainstorm at least 3) 2. Can we ever end poverty in this country? Why or why not? 3. Should the richest people in society HAVE to give up some of their money to take care of the nation’s poor? Is this fair or sensible? 4. INCLUDE 1 page per group with group answers written to all three of the above…appoint a writer , a presenter and ALL be thinkers!

Section 3 The Great Society The demand for reform helps create a new awareness Section 3 The Great Society The demand for reform helps create a new awareness of social problems, especially on matters of civil rights and the effects of poverty. NEXT

Photo Analysis #1 Photo Analysis #1

Photo Analysis #3 Photo Analysis #3

SECTION 3 The Great Society LBJ’s Path to Power From the Texas Hills to SECTION 3 The Great Society LBJ’s Path to Power From the Texas Hills to Capitol Hill • As Congressman, Lyndon Baines Johnson mentored, helped by FDR • 1948, LBJ narrowly wins Senate seat A Master Politician • 1955, LBJ becomes Senate majority leader • “LBJ treatment”—ability to persuade senators to support his bills • Gets Civil Rights Act of 1957 passed—voting rights measure • LBJ helps Kennedy win key Southern states in presidential election NEXT

SECTION 3 Johnson’s Domestic Agenda The War on Poverty • 1964 tax cut spurs SECTION 3 Johnson’s Domestic Agenda The War on Poverty • 1964 tax cut spurs economic growth; lowers federal deficit • 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination, allows enforcement • LBJ declares “War on poverty” • WAR on Poverty: directly attacks the housing, health and nutritional problems of the poor. Chart • Economic Opportunity Act: education, training, small business loans • Includes Job Corps, VISTA, Head Start, Community Action Program Continued. . . NEXT

The Great Society • Great Society—LBJ’s legislation to end poverty, discrimination • Johnson gets The Great Society • Great Society—LBJ’s legislation to end poverty, discrimination • Johnson gets Congress to pass 206 of his bills Chart Education • Elementary and Secondary Education Act funds school materials Healthcare • Medicare—low-cost medical, hospital insurance for senior citizens • Medicaid—health insurance for welfare recipients Continued. . . NEXT

SECTION 3 continued Reforms of the Warren Court Rights of the Accused • Warren SECTION 3 continued Reforms of the Warren Court Rights of the Accused • Warren Court rulings expand rights of people accused of crimes: - illegally seized evidence cannot be used in court - courts must provide legal counsel to poor - suspect must be read rights before questioning Add: Miranda v Arizona 1966 (Miranda Rights!) • Some praise protection of right to a fair trial • Others think rulings handicap police investigations NEXT

SECTION 3 Impact of the Great Society Social and Economic Effects • Post-WW II, SECTION 3 Impact of the Great Society Social and Economic Effects • Post-WW II, LBJ extends federal power more than all other presidents • Poverty drops from 21% of population in 1962 to 11% in 1973 • Massive tax cut spurs economy; Great Society contributes to deficit • Debate over finances, effectiveness of programs, government role Chart NEXT

Video Review Activity: Create A We. B labeled LBJ at the center and collaborate Video Review Activity: Create A We. B labeled LBJ at the center and collaborate in groups of 2 -3 for as many facts about him (6 minimum for a b!) as you can recall from the following clip: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=YWfxa 3 q. BZBk 2 nd Web: Great Societ. Y : Make a list as many details as your group of 2 -3 can recall. Appoint someone as the fast and neat writer! http: //www. youtube. com/wat ch? v=zn. QKue. SDpv. I

Review/Summarization Activity: In groups of 2 or 3, appoint a writer and then review Review/Summarization Activity: In groups of 2 or 3, appoint a writer and then review sections 1 through 3 and create a master list of 15 questions (5 questions from each section) with answers that your group agrees will be on a quiz for chapter 28 JFK and LBJ. Be ready to share your “zingers” and challenge your classmates or Teacher! Sign all names by the questions you designed on your papers and make sure EVERYONE creates at least 5 questions.

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