Скачать презентацию The New CGEA main changes n New Скачать презентацию The New CGEA main changes n New


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The New CGEA main changes The New CGEA main changes

n New lower level (Course in Initial General Education for Adults) – at NRS n New lower level (Course in Initial General Education for Adults) – at NRS 1 n Splitting of reading and writing (and numeracy and mathematics) into shorter modules (Units) of either reading or writing in one domain only.

n ‘Create texts for ………. . Purposes’ is one short unit ( 15 – n ‘Create texts for ………. . Purposes’ is one short unit ( 15 – 20 hours) n ‘Engage with texts for …………. Purposes’ is another short unit ( 15 – 20 hours) n Numeracy and Mathematics units (45 – 60 hours)

New terminology n n n Engage with texts………. . was ‘ READ’ Create Texts………………was New terminology n n n Engage with texts………. . was ‘ READ’ Create Texts………………was ‘ WRITE’ Personal purposes………. similar to self expression Employment purposes…. . similar to practical purposes Community purposes……. similar to public debate Learning purposes……… similar to knowledge

Unit format and language: Elements and performance features n Required Skills and Knowledge n Unit format and language: Elements and performance features n Required Skills and Knowledge n Range and conditions n Critical aspects of evidence n

Changes in structure and hours n Core (must be completed) n Develop a learning Changes in structure and hours n Core (must be completed) n Develop a learning plan n Complete a project ( not required at initial level) n Core Skills n Core skills reading (4 units) n Core Skills writing (4 units) n Core skills numeracy and mathematics (3 units)

n Special interest electives n Can use units from any TP as electives (at n Special interest electives n Can use units from any TP as electives (at appropriate AQF level) n No GCO – Employability skills are embedded in all units

n Assessment requirements detailed at beginning of document AND in unit n Performance demonstrated n Assessment requirements detailed at beginning of document AND in unit n Performance demonstrated on more than one occasion – separated by time n Performance ( of required skills and knowledge ) demonstrated through at least 2 (Initial & Intro) or 3 ( Cert I, II & III) text types.

Course in Initial General Education for Adults n NRS level 1 for reading and Course in Initial General Education for Adults n NRS level 1 for reading and writing, contributes to NRS level 1 for numeracy and mathematics n Core and Core skills: 190 hours n Special Interest electives: 60 – 70 hours n Total hours: 250 - 260

Certificate I (Introductory) in General Education for Adults n NRS level 2 for reading Certificate I (Introductory) in General Education for Adults n NRS level 2 for reading and writing, NRS level 1 for Numeracy and mathematics n Core and Core skills: 270 hours n Special Interest electives: 80 - 100 hours n Total hours: 350 – 370 hours

Certificate I in General Education for Adults n NRS level 3 for reading and Certificate I in General Education for Adults n NRS level 3 for reading and writing and NRS level 2 and contributed partially to NRS level 3 for Numeracy and Mathematics n Core and Core skills: 280 hours n Special Interest electives 70 - 90 hours n Total hours: 350 - 370

Certificate II in General Education for Adults n NRS level 4 for reading and Certificate II in General Education for Adults n NRS level 4 for reading and writing and numeracy and mathematics n Core and Core skills: 240 hours n Special Interest electives: 60 - 80 hours n Total hours: 300 - 320

Certificate III in General Education for Adults n NRS level 5 for reading and Certificate III in General Education for Adults n NRS level 5 for reading and writing and numeracy and mathematics n Core, Core skills and Special interest electives: 240 - 260 hours n Must select a least 4 units from core skills in reading or writing or numeracy and mathematics

Numeracy & maths - criteria n New initial level n Choice of units n Numeracy & maths - criteria n New initial level n Choice of units n Smaller units n Numerical information n Fewer assessment (performance) criteria crucial

Numeracy & maths - benefits n Chance to update/improve/simplify n Has given more flexibility Numeracy & maths - benefits n Chance to update/improve/simplify n Has given more flexibility and choice n More hours/time to achieve the same/similar outcomes

Numeracy & maths - minuses n Less coverage and breadth of maths n Construct Numeracy & maths - minuses n Less coverage and breadth of maths n Construct of different numeracies lost n Structure of assessment criteria lost (maths knowledge/skills; language; interpretation)

Numeracy & maths – relation to the old/current CGEA n Time, money & directions Numeracy & maths – relation to the old/current CGEA n Time, money & directions = old Numeracy for Personal organisation n Measurement & design = old Numeracy for Practical Purposes n Interpret numerical and statistical information = old Numeracy for Interpreting Society n Engage with mathematical techniques = old Numeracy for Knowledge

Working with the new CGEA Professional development priorities Working with the new CGEA Professional development priorities

Working with the document n Unpacking the language and structure of ‘unit’ format? n Working with the document n Unpacking the language and structure of ‘unit’ format? n Program structure and electives? n Identifying other possible electives?

Assessment n Example tasks at different levels? n Interpreting the requirements? n Designing new Assessment n Example tasks at different levels? n Interpreting the requirements? n Designing new tasks?

Moderation n for ILP and Complete a project? n New coversheets? n Electives? Moderation n for ILP and Complete a project? n New coversheets? n Electives?

Resources n Where are the gaps? n What can be adapted? Resources n Where are the gaps? n What can be adapted?