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The National Integrated Land System (NILS) Status 9/11/07
Agenda • Overview of NILS – Survey Management/Measurement Management – Parcel Management – Geo. Communicator • Status
Overview of NILS has multiple components • Enterprise database • Transition Applications • SM/MM - Survey management/measurement management • PM - Parcel management • Publication Application: Geocommunicator • Land & Mineral Use Records • Federal Land Stewardship • Land Survey Information System • Site Mapper (Secure National Abandoned Mine Land Inventory)
OMB Circular A-16 Describes Specific GIS Framework Data Layers and Assigns Agency Responsibility • • Geodetic Control Cadastral & Land Records Governmental Units Transportation Elevation and Bathymetry Hydrography Orthoimagery – Plus 27 others…
BLM Spatial Data Layers • Land Survey Information • Federal Land Stewardship • Land & Mineral Use Records These framework data layers are being collected, maintained, and made available to the public through components of NILS.
NILS Components Survey Management Measurement Management Parcel Management Geo. Communicator
Vertically Integrated Land Fabric Concept LDF Geometry is the basis for Parcels Parcel Fabric OR 4285 D/C Surveys update boundaries in LDF New control, new survey etc Land Description Fabric P 2 3 P 22 P 24 P 25 Survey Network
Energy Bill SEC. 363 CONSULTATION REGARDING OIL AND GAS LEASING ON PUBLIC LAND (a) In General--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture shall enter in to a memorandum of understanding regarding oil and gas leasing on Public and National Forest System lands
Energy Bill (b) Contents. - The memorandum of understanding shall include provisions that(5) establish a joint geographic information system mapping system for use in(A) tracking surface resources values to aid in resource management; and (B) processing surface use plans of operation and application for permits to drill
BLM & USFS National Integrated Land System: Integrating Data Assets & Business Processes NILS
NILS Architecture Browser Presentation Tier NILS Geo. Communicator SOA / Network Publishing Tier Web Services Map Services NILS Publication Geo. Database Publish NILS Publication Model Authoring Tier Desktop Parcel Management LR 2000 Measurement Management National Lease Sales System Facility Mgt. System LR 2000 & NILS Interface via Web Services to provide a complete Business Solution NILS Transaction Model LR 2000 Non-Spatial Database NILS Transactional Geo. Database NILS Workflow Manager NILS Publication is Hosted by Arc. Web Services
NILS Facts and Figures BLM Surface Management 264. 000 acres Sub-surface Management 700. 000 acres Parcels/Cases 130. 000 cases Surveys: Public Land Surveying System (PLSS) 215 years collection > 44. 000 townships Eastern States – PLSS/M&B > 22. 000 Townsites / Land Grants 417 / 792 USFS Surface Management 193. 000 acres Estimated BLM/USFS users Parcel Management > 900 Cadastral Surveys > 250
National Integrated Land System NILS transaction NILS publication www. geocommunicator. gov • NILS comprises transactional and publication components: – The Arc. GIS implementation for creating and maintaining Survey, LD, and Parcel data is the transactional component – The Arc. IMS implementation for viewing, querying, and downloading data is the publication component
Survey Management and Measurement Management
Measurement Management Data Model Tiers PARCEL FABRIC LEGAL DESCRIPTION FABRIC MEASUREMENT NETWORK Provides the foundation for the legal description and parcel fabric tiers. Integrated maintenance of cadastral data is made much more efficient when geometry can be shared. Interpretation of (1) the reliability of each point position and (2) where data editing is needed. New data can be added, and data elements that do not contribute to the optimal solution can be removed. 1 SURVEY Any area can be selected and readjusted, e. g. to update point positions affected by newly-added data.
Populating the NILS Geodatabase Feature Classes LD – Importer GCDB Coverages Provisional Boundary GCDB. region. twp GCDB. region. sect GCDB. region. quarter Special Survey Division Special Survey Re-project PLSS Irregular Division Pre-Process GCDB. region. ladesc GCDB. arc Merge Corner Points GCDB. node PLSS Sub Division of Sections Convert Coverages Validate topology PLSS First Division PLSS Second Division PLSS Township CTRL. point Record boundary Measured Coordinates SFF – importer GMM Flat Files. RAW. CON. DEF. SID. LX Re-project Corner COGO Construction Survey to Feature Linking Convert Measurements. ADD. IRR. NOT Convert Survey Information Merge Survey Projects Merge Survey Points
Table 1: Land Description (LD) Data Imported to NILS Database As of June 30, 2007 Total LD Town ships LD Townships that Failed Preproces sing LD Towns hips that Failed to Import AZ 3418 3 2 3413 CA 3316 149 4 3163 CO 3022 39 1 2982 ES 875 7 5 863 ID 2294 1 0 2293 MT 5949 2 2 5945 NM 3877 2 48 3827 NV 3130 8 9 3113 OR 2660 12 5 2643 UT 2441 103 0 2338 WY 2782 4 1 2777 33, 764 330 77 33, 357 Admin S ta te Totals LD Town ships Imported
Table 2: Survey (SFF) Data Imported to NILS Database As of June 30, 2007 Total SFF Townshi ps SFF Township s that Failed Import SFF Townships Imported AZ 3414 125 3289 CA 3340 97 3243 CO 3038 101 2937 ES 892 156 736 ID 2287 87 2200 MT 5950 79 5871 NM 3972 169 3803 NV 3137 164 2973 OR 2636 130 2506 UT 2557 296 2261 WY 2258 23 2235 33, 481 1, 427 32, 054 Admin St ate Totals
PLSS and PFAS LD available by NILS R. 4. 04. 1 (PFAS) Parcel Fabric Alternate Source
PFAS Eastern States area cover by NILS R. 4. 04. 1
Parcel Management
Parcel Management Provides a process for managing land records and cadastral feature data stored in the database model. Provides custom feature classes, tools, and procedures for editing land records in a transactional, history-tracking environment. Allows users to construct and edit legal description fabrics and to create required parcel fabrics from them. Parcel fabrics may include ownership, land use rights, tax assessment, and others. Legal Description Fabric Measurement Network Parcel Fabric 14 -29 - 3 34 10 PARCEL FABRIC 10 NW SW 11 35 2 11 NE SE 1 36 12 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FABRIC
Legal Land Description Collection of Public Land Survey System Data (PLSS) Township/Range/Section/Aliquot, special survey, geopolitical information
Creating Case Parcel Features from LR 2000 Case and Status Data LR 2000 Legal Descriptions EXTRACT Generate Case Land XML & Attributes Select LD Fabric Case Attributes Geo. Communicator EXTRACT Case Parcel Feature Classes NILS GDB CREATE Create Case Features Assign PID L. D. Fabric
Creation of the LD Fabric features from SM/MM and LD Fabric features with Alternate Source data
• • • • u PM Data Cases That Affect Land Status Mining Claim Oil & Gas Agreements Oil & Gas Leases Coal Leases Solid Mineral Leases Right of Ways Geothermal Leases Geothermal Agreements Use Leases and Permits Mineral Materials Disposal Surface Management Agency Parcel Fabric Alternate Source Stipulations Range Allotment Legal Description (LD) Fabric Case Parcel Features Derived from LR 2000 Databases Collected from other agencies, states GCDB and NILS SMMM module
Case lifecycle in the automated Create process NILS Workflow PM Jobs LR 2000 Create Extract Via p. GDB Supported Survey Types and Case Groups Fail LR 2000 Statistics Data Model Brio Queries NILS Trans NILS Publ Fail PM Township Status Report PM Create Counts NILS Review Site Geocommunicator Land Mineral Records Viewer Geocommunicator
PFAS Parcel Creation Current AS_PLSSTownship & AS_Sections Partial Oil/Gas Lease Case
PFAS Parcel Creation Brand New AS_PLSSTownship & AS_Sections (Risk Management Agency LD) Partial Oil/Gas Lease Case Full Township Geometry
PFAS Parcel Creation Brand New AS_PLSSTownship & AS_Sections (Risk Management Agency LD) Oil/Gas Lease Case after being run thorough Maintain with brand new Legal Full Township Geometry
Not All Data is in NILS • Unsupported Survey Types – – – – – Z – Unsurveyed / Protracted H - Homestead Entry Survey G - Land Grant X - Exchange Survey P - Parcel Q - Donation Land Claim T - Tract F - Farm Unit J - Small Holding Claim • Will provide support for remainder in FY 07 • Missing Legal Descriptions • • Poorly formed and complex legal descriptions • • Errors on the case records • BLM Cleanup Will add alternate source data to LD fabric Will provide tools for Manual reconciliation
Idaho showing regulated uses
Land Status and Cases that Affect Land Status
Land Status Map showing Subsurface Mineral Estate for Wyoming
New SMA Layer – turn on/off individual layers – new layers state, state/county/regional parks
Integration of BLM and USFS
The Forest Service menu in LR 2000 includes access for creating new cases as well as updating existing ones.
Case name Local id Here is a converted Region 4 case with 6 Documents. Please note that we will also provide query capability by case name and local id. (The forest name has not yet been extracted from NILS. )
Stipulations • LR 2000 – Input of textual data through Case Recordation – Geometries created through create/maintain process OR • NILS PM – Create geometries through work flow/tack assistant – Integrate spatial data directly
Status • Survey Fabric: 29, 000 townships (95% of GCDB in PLSS in the western states) • Land Description Fabric: 30, 000 townships (99% of GCDB in PLSS in the western states) • Alternate Source Land Description Fabric for creating parcel geometries: approximately 42, 000 townships • Parcel Fabric: 4+ million cases (80%)
NILS Geo. Communicator Data Sources LR 2000 ->NILS/PM Cases That Affect Land Status - Conveyances Mining Claim Oil & Gas Agreements Oil & Gas Leases Coal Leases Solid Mineral Leases Rights of Way Geothermal Leases Geothermal Agreements Use Leases and Permits Mineral Materials Disposal Stipulations Public Data BLM/agencies->NILS Federal SMA Alt Source PLSS Stipulations Range Allotment O&G Sale Parcels GCDB->NILS/SM/MM Land Description (LD) Fabric - PLSS Map Services ->USGS, MS Terraserver Road, Rivers, Streams Urban Areas Ortho-imagery Topo maps Internal BLM FAMSBLM Roads Recreation Site Admin Sites Buildings Roads condition and assessment Interagency access via Password National Mine Land Inventory
Data Currency LR 2000 (Public Reports) NILS (transaction applications) Geo. Communicator (Internal-web) (Public-www) Enhancements 1 day old 2 day old 3 days old 2 -3 weeks old Every 6 weeks
E-government • General Land Office Records (GLO) (http: //www. glorecords. blm. gov/) • LR 2000 (http: // www. blm. gov/lr 2000) • NILS/Geo. Communicator (http: // www. geocommunicator. gov) (http: //web. geocommunicator. gov
Geo. Communicator: Gateway to NILS Data http: //www. geocommunicator. gov Land Survey Information to Download PLSS Land & Mineral Use Records – mineral leasing, withdrawals, classifications, mining claims, title, range allotments Federal Surface Management Agency
NILS Provides Improved Accessibility to Federal Land Information
Cases Affecting Land Status
Links with Land & Mineral Use Records
Grazing Allotments and Pastures
Map Services
NILS Map Services (Image) in Arc. Map