- Количество слайдов: 14
The national emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is located in the heart of the Eurasian continent, and according to the Census of 2009, and it currently has more than 17 million. people capital: Astana City area: 2 724 000 sq. ëí. population: 17 million language: Kazakh, Russian religion: Islam, Christianity currency: 1 Kazakh tenge = 10 tiyn zone: . kz
Location Kazakhstan is situated at the junction of two continents Europe and Asia, between 45 and 87 degrees East longitude, between 40 and 55 degrees north latitude. The geographical center of the Euro. Asian continent is in Kazakhstan (at the intersection of Meridian and parallel 50 78). Kazakhstan is the ninth largest in the world, after Russia, China, United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India and Australia. About the size of the fact that Kazakhstan could accommodate such countries as France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Greece, Finland Norway.
Kazakhstan shares borders with CHINA-1460 km, Kyrgystan-980 km, Turkmenistan-380 km, Uzbekistan-2300 km, with the Russian Federation-6467 km. The total length of the borders-12187 km.
Flora and fauna 26% of the territory of Kazakhstan occupies the steppe. 167 million ha are desert (44%) and semi deserts (12%) forests cover only 3. 5% (21 million ha) territory of Kazakhstan is mostly coniferous forests, while in the mountains there are birch, Aspen, Apple and arčevniki at the rest of the country distributed grassland-festucae, polynno-polynnosolânkovaâ festucae, and desert vegetation in the Highlands are subalpine and alpine meadows in Kazakhstan there are 250 species of medicinal plants in the South of Kazakhstan is growing not found anywhere else in the world of plants-santoninnaâ or citvarnaâ wormwood.
Customs and traditions Kazakhs hospitable people and love to receive guests. Respect for elders, peacefulness and tolerance, which are laid in childhood, is the leading national feature of Kazakh people. In order to better know and learn about customs and traditions of Kazakh people invite you to come here and see with your own eyes.
Public holidays: 1 January-new year 8 March-International Women's day 22 March -Nauryz. May 1 – Kazakhstan Nations unity holiday May 9 -victory day 6 July-capital day 30 August-Constitution Day December 16 -independence day religious holidays with changing dates: Ramazan Ait Qurban Ayt
Kazakhstan Temir Zholy -State Railways of Kazakhstan. The total length of railroads is 14. 5 thousand km. On the territory of Kazakhstan is the main international railway communication on freight and passenger transport, two of which in the following areas: the trans-Asian-Beijing-Almaty-Istanbul and Eurasian-London-Almaty and Beijing
Currency of Kazakhstan Kazakh National currency is kz tenge, 1 tenge = 100 tiyn. Introduced on 15 November 1993. currently in Kazakhstan participates in cash-money circulation of a banknote face value: 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 tenge, 10000 BN. and coins of face value: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 tenge. Kazakhstan tenge KZT 18 degrees of protection among the most secure currencies.
Kazakhstan-birthplace Khodja Akhmed Yassaui, and the great enlightener Al Farabi. Currently there are over 25 thousand monuments of history, archaeology, architecture and monumental art, 147 museums, historical and cultural sitesmuseums.