The name and location of the University.pptx
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The name and location of the University Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation Address: 190000, Saint-Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya street, 67
Courses taught Katori. what degree you can get. • Level of education Bachelor Academic degree: - Bachelor of engineering and technology - Bachelor of management - Bachelor of economics - Duration of education 4 years Certified specialist Qualification: - Engineer-manager - Engineer-ecologist - Informatician - Marketing specialist - Mathematician-programmer - Manager - Commerce specialist - Information guarding specialist - Taxation specialist - Service specialist - Economist-mathematician - Lawyer Duration of education 5 or 5. 5 years Master Academic degree: - Master of engineering and technology - Master of management - Master of economics Duration of education 6 years
Faculty of aerospace instruments and systems • Faculty of aerospace instruments and systems Faculty of radioengineering, electronics and communications Faculty of information systems and control Faculty of computer systems and programming Faculty of night classes and instruction by correspondence Humanitarian faculty Faculty of military education Faculty of economics and management Faculty of law Faculty of additional professional education
available options : laboratories, research centers libraries, computer centers • Have all the resources.
history of University • January 25, 1941 - Leningrad Aviation Institute (LAI) is created on the base of Leningrad Road. Transport Institute by a decree of the Soviet government
projects in which the University participates • Project Tempus Communication and Information Technology for Improvement Safety and Efficiency of Traffic Flows: EU-RU-UA Master and Ph. D Programs in Intelligent Transport Systems
the quality of education , the rating of the university in Russia and around the world • 2014 Institutions rating Agency Expert RA 2014 10 among universities of St. Petersburg 59 place among universities of Russia
Famous graduates • • Poltavchenko Georgiy Sergeevich (b. 1953) - the Governor of St. Petersburg. · • Khrustalev, Dmitry Yurievich (b. 1979) is a Russian actor, resident of Comedy Club, the leading Woman программы. Comedy. · • Khabensky, Konstantin Yurievich (b. 1972) is a Russian film and theater actor, honored artist of Russia
The name and location of the University.pptx