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the mystery of stonehenge the mystery of stonehenge

the plan An introduction to Stonehenge. Architectural plan. Myths about the Henge. Phenomena of the plan An introduction to Stonehenge. Architectural plan. Myths about the Henge. Phenomena of Stonegenge. Stonehenge as a place to visit.

introduction to Stonehenge A strange place. Radial shapes of stones, placed in field. Their introduction to Stonehenge A strange place. Radial shapes of stones, placed in field. Their age, impossible to estimate, varies between three and five thousands of years. What was the reason, for our ancestors of that day, to cut the rock and to trail it for miles? An observatory? Druids temple? UFO landing site, or even a gate to another dimensions? Or all together? Answers later, now all hail the Stonehenge!

stonehenge in a nutshell The first, unfinished circle is made of 5 trilites. This stonehenge in a nutshell The first, unfinished circle is made of 5 trilites. This is the visit card of the place. The second circle – 30 pillars, also covered by plates. Next two rings, with 40 and 53, 4 metres in diameter, are made of 30 pits, where cremated corpses once were. The next ring, made of 56 holes and 88 metres in diameter, is named after G. Aubrey, the first researcher of the site. Next two circles are diametred with 100 and 115 metres thereafter. The entrance to the site is marked by the heel stone, which has a legend about it.

the Myth of stonehenge Theretheory says, v One is also a version, that the the Myth of stonehenge Theretheory says, v One is also a version, that the Stonehenge is that the Henge was the Sun temple of once used as an hiperboreans, observatory. described by Diodor the Sicillian. The next says: it was a temple a v It was also calledfor druids. temple of the Snake, of Anareth thought, It is also and other gods. the site was a that v A legend also says that demonstration of the Henge was built builders artistry by Merlin. and might.

Phenomena of stonehenge Stonehenge was a world-used observatory? It was used to track a Phenomena of stonehenge Stonehenge was a world-used observatory? It was used to track a comet? What was the reason for people to build such a thing for more than 500 years?

Children of stonegenge Тут про вудхедж и прочая Children of stonegenge Тут про вудхедж и прочая

stonehenge a place to visit stonehenge a place to visit