
  • Количество слайдов: 19


Outline The MVO seismic network Data acquisition and processing at MVO Quality of data Outline The MVO seismic network Data acquisition and processing at MVO Quality of data Seismic monitoring of SHV • Stations design • Digital telemetry • SCREAM! +Earthworm • SEISAN • Automatic QC procedures • Data QC at MVO • A variety of peculiar seismic signals • Earthquake activity during 13 years of eruption

The MVO seismic network Sites locationandtelemetry 11 DIGITALLY TELEMETERED SITES - Spread spectrum Freewave The MVO seismic network Sites locationandtelemetry 11 DIGITALLY TELEMETERED SITES - Spread spectrum Freewave ® radio modems (900 MHz) at each site - 2 repeater sites equipped with serial-to-IP converters and microwave TCP/IP routers

The MVO seismic network Stationcomposition - Guralp CMG-40 T seismometer – 3 component, T= The MVO seismic network Stationcomposition - Guralp CMG-40 T seismometer – 3 component, T= 30 s - Guralp CMG-DM 24 digitizer – GPS, 100 Hz sampling - Freewave FGR-115 spread-spectrum radio – ~900 MHz - Solar panel, batteries, etc

The MVO seismic network Station design - Custom-built 1. 5 x 1. 5 m The MVO seismic network Station design - Custom-built 1. 5 x 1. 5 m fiberglass® box almost entirely buried in the ground and cemented into place. - Removable lid allows easy access to the instrument. - Seismometer installed on a concrete plinth and tightly wrapped in a thick layer of styrofoam ® (provides thermal insulation and avoids thermal convection around the instrument) - The digitizer is positioned on top of the seismometer housing.

Data acquisition and processing SCREAM! Scream!® software -> Seismometer Configuration, Real time Acquisition and Data acquisition and processing SCREAM! Scream!® software -> Seismometer Configuration, Real time Acquisition and Monitoring - Receive data over TCP/IP link (can handle serial, dial-up links, UDP/IP or any combination of these) - Low-overhead GCF format for data transfer - Display any number of incoming streams with real-time spectrogram calculation - User-friendly interface to Güralp instruments including full mass control, calibration, digitizer output configuration and triggering - Advanced networking capabilities

Data acquisition and processing Earthworm MVO installation of Earthworm includes most of the modules Data acquisition and processing Earthworm MVO installation of Earthworm includes most of the modules that can be downloaded from the web - Original modules modified and recompiled at MVO: , scream 2 ew, ew 2 rsam, waveman 2 disk wave_Server. V, - BGS modules: archman - MVO in-house modules: dirwatch, export_seisan, newheli, newsgram, rsam 2 alarm, scream_alarm, rsam 2 file, sound_alarm, swarm_alarm, test_alarm, weather 2 file.

Data acquisition and processing SEISAN - > earthquake analysis system developed by Jens Havskov Data acquisition and processing SEISAN - > earthquake analysis system developed by Jens Havskov and Lars Ottemöller (Freeware cross-platform portability - ) - Easy to manage data from one network with SEISAN - Comprehensive suite of tools to extract database info in fully automated and semi-automated way are part of the SEISAN installation - Programs for routine observatory seismology practice (earthquake locations, focal mechanisms, event counts and statistics, seismic bulletins, etc. ) - Programs for advanced research tasks (cross-correlation waveform analysis, waveform modeling/moment tensor inversion, coda Q, and many others) At MVO a few other scripts have been developed to interact with SEISAN including: - Plotting tools - Scripts to read phase information and prepare input for other seismic programs

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Data quality control (QC) Seismic data quality control is required for early detection of: Data quality control (QC) Seismic data quality control is required for early detection of: Sensors malfunctions Digitizer & recorder malfunctions Vault problems: tilting, settling, etc Cable & connection problems Telemetry issues Timing problems

Data quality control automated quality control The challenge is to minimize manual analyst work Data quality control automated quality control The challenge is to minimize manual analyst work by automating as many measurements and monitoring systems as possible - Signal RMS -> Long-term (e. g. monthly) can help identifying seasonal effects, Short- term helps identifying sensors/digitizers malfunctioning - Signal mean -> Good diagnostic tool for seismometer mass calibration - Noise PSD/PDF -> Characterize background noise levels - Data Flow -> Mb/day, no channels/day may indicate telemetry dropouts

Data quality control manual quality control Manual quality control procedures at MVO include: - Data quality control manual quality control Manual quality control procedures at MVO include: - Visual review of raw data for triggered events and of raw continuous data - Polarity - GPS time-stamping - Review of measurements and alerts from automated system

Volcano-seismic signals classification - High-frequency (HF) or Volcano-tectonic (VT) - Long-period (LP) - Hybrids Volcano-seismic signals classification - High-frequency (HF) or Volcano-tectonic (VT) - Long-period (LP) - Hybrids or mixed-frequency (Sometimes LP and Hybrids called collectively Low-frequency, LF) - Volcanic tremor - Surface signals

Volcano-seismic signals VT/LP/Hybrids/Rockfalls (Data courtesy MVO and UWI/IPGP) VT (Brittle-failure) Long-period (Volumetric sources) Hybrid Volcano-seismic signals VT/LP/Hybrids/Rockfalls (Data courtesy MVO and UWI/IPGP) VT (Brittle-failure) Long-period (Volumetric sources) Hybrid (Shear failure of magma ? Regular VT + attenuation/patheffects ? ) Rockfall

Volcano-seismic signals surface signals/rockfalls and pyroclastic flows (Photo, courtesy MVO and UWI/IPGP) Volcano-seismic signals surface signals/rockfalls and pyroclastic flows (Photo, courtesy MVO and UWI/IPGP)

Volcano-seismic signals Examples (Data and photo, courtesy MVO and UWI/IPGP) Spectrogram display tremor associated Volcano-seismic signals Examples (Data and photo, courtesy MVO and UWI/IPGP) Spectrogram display tremor associated with venting (SHV, September 11 th 2006)

Volcano-seismic signals Eruption signals (Data courtesy MVO and UWI/IPGP) Helicorder and RSAM displays from Volcano-seismic signals Eruption signals (Data courtesy MVO and UWI/IPGP) Helicorder and RSAM displays from dome collapse on May 20 th , 2006 at SHV

Volcano-seismic signals 12 years of eruption seismicity at SHV (Data courtesy MVO and UWI/IPGP) Volcano-seismic signals 12 years of eruption seismicity at SHV (Data courtesy MVO and UWI/IPGP)

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