Скачать презентацию The Muon Acceleration R D Experimental Program NUFACT 08 Скачать презентацию The Muon Acceleration R D Experimental Program NUFACT 08


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The Muon Acceleration R&D Experimental Program NUFACT `08 Valencia, Spain July 3, 2008 Harold The Muon Acceleration R&D Experimental Program NUFACT `08 Valencia, Spain July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk Brookhaven National Laboratory

The IDS Baseline MERIT MICE EMMA NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. The IDS Baseline MERIT MICE EMMA NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

The Neutrino Factory Target Concept Maximize Pion/Muon Production l Soft-pion Production l High-Z materials The Neutrino Factory Target Concept Maximize Pion/Muon Production l Soft-pion Production l High-Z materials l High-Magnetic Field NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

The MERIT Experiment Purpose: To provide a proof-ofprinciple for the NF/MC 4 -MW target The MERIT Experiment Purpose: To provide a proof-ofprinciple for the NF/MC 4 -MW target concept. To study the effects of high-magnetic fields on the beam/jet interaction. MERcury Intense Target NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

MERIT at the CERN TT 2 Line 14 and 24 Ge. V proton beam MERIT at the CERN TT 2 Line 14 and 24 Ge. V proton beam from the PS l Up to 30 x 1012 protons (TP) per 2. 5 s spill l Proton beam spot with r ≤ 1. 5 mm rms l 1 cm diameter Hg Jet l Hg Jet/proton beam off solenoid axis l Hg Jet 33 mrad to solenoid axis l Proton beam 67 mrad to solenoid axis l Test 50 Hz operations-20 m/s operation Experiment Run Oct/Nov 2007 l 15 -T pulsed solenoid l NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Sectional view of the MERIT Experiment Secondary Containment Syringe Pump Solenoid Jet Chamber Proton Sectional view of the MERIT Experiment Secondary Containment Syringe Pump Solenoid Jet Chamber Proton Beam 4 Hg Jet NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 3 2 1 Beam Window Harold G. Kirk

Influence of the Magnetic Field Jet Velocity is 15 m/s 0 T 10 T Influence of the Magnetic Field Jet Velocity is 15 m/s 0 T 10 T 5 T 15 T NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

15 TP 14 Ge. V Proton Beam Oct. 27, 2007 Solenoid Field at 5 15 TP 14 Ge. V Proton Beam Oct. 27, 2007 Solenoid Field at 5 T Viewport 2 Beam 5016, Hg 15 m/s, 100μs/frame, Total 1. 6 ms NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Viewport 3: Jet/proton interaction Shot 16014 • 14 Ge. V • 12 x 10 Viewport 3: Jet/proton interaction Shot 16014 • 14 Ge. V • 12 x 10 12 protons/pulse • B-field 10 T • 500μs/frame 1 cm Disruption Length =16. 5 cm NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Extent of Jet Disruptions 14 Ge. V Note influence of B on threshold NUFACT Extent of Jet Disruptions 14 Ge. V Note influence of B on threshold NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 24 Ge. V Harold G. Kirk

The 24 Ge. V 30 TP shot Beam pulse energy = 115 k. J The 24 Ge. V 30 TP shot Beam pulse energy = 115 k. J (A CERN PS record) B field = 15 T Jet Velocity = 20 m/s Disruption Length = 17 cm We will replace 2 interaction lengths (28 cm) (for Hg λI = 14 cm) Then the jet transport time is 28 cm/20 m/s = 14 ms èRep rate of 70 Hz èProton beam power at that rate is 115 k. J *70 = 8 MW NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Disruption Development 24 Ge. V Proton Beam 10 TP 50μs at 0 T (agrees Disruption Development 24 Ge. V Proton Beam 10 TP 50μs at 0 T (agrees with AGS E 951 result) 150μs at 15 T (new result) NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Influence of Beam Structure Results of altering the delivered beam structure from the PS Influence of Beam Structure Results of altering the delivered beam structure from the PS 14 Ge. V Proton Beam B=5 T Harmonic 8 Harmonic 16 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

4 TP + 4 TP Delay Study at 14 Ge. V Single Turn Extraction 4 TP + 4 TP Delay Study at 14 Ge. V Single Turn Extraction 0 Delay 4 TP Probe extracted on subsequent turn 3. 2 μs Delay 4 TP Probe extracted after 2 nd full turn 5. 8 μs Delay B field at 7 T Target supports 14 Ge. V 4 TP beam at 172 k. Hz rep rate without disruption NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Initial MERIT Results Influence of magnetic field on beam/jet interactions l Jet surface instabilities Initial MERIT Results Influence of magnetic field on beam/jet interactions l Jet surface instabilities substantially reduced l Jet disruption diminished l Jet disruption threshold increased l Jet disruption delayed Influence of proton beam structure on beam/jet interactions l Higher beam harmonic structure yields greater disruption l Beam pulses ≥ 6μs arrive as independent new pulses NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

The MERIT Bottom Line The Neutrino Factory/Muon Collider target concept has been validated for The MERIT Bottom Line The Neutrino Factory/Muon Collider target concept has been validated for 4 MW 50 Hz operations. NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) Purpose: To demonstrate the technology required to reduce The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) Purpose: To demonstrate the technology required to reduce the produced muon phase space Challenges: l High-gradient, low-frequency (201 MHz) rf cavities operating in high-magnetic fields (~3 T) l Design and safely operated LH 2 absorbers NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

MICE at RAL ISIS accelerator MICE experimental hall NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 MICE at RAL ISIS accelerator MICE experimental hall NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

The MICE Experimental Components Time of Flight Counters Cherenkov Detector µ/ PID LH 2 The MICE Experimental Components Time of Flight Counters Cherenkov Detector µ/ PID LH 2 Absorbers RF Cavities e shower detector Particle Trackers Schedule l Tracking Modules 2008 l Beam characterization 2009 l Initial LH 2 absorbers; RF cavities 2010 l Final LH 2 absorbers; RF cavities 2011 First Results—NUFACT`11 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

The MICE Beam Line 800 Me. V protons in ISIS collide with titanium target The MICE Beam Line 800 Me. V protons in ISIS collide with titanium target producing pions. Pions captured in 1 st quadrupole triplet Two dipole magnets steer beam. Pions decay to muons captured in decay solenoid. Muon beam transport through l l NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 2 nd and 3 rd quadrupole triplets Lead diffuser Harold G. Kirk

The MICE Beam MICE Internal Target Sweep of the 2 nd Dipole First Beam The MICE Beam MICE Internal Target Sweep of the 2 nd Dipole First Beam March 30, 2008 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Fixed Focus Alternating Gradient Concept Why FFAGs ? Large chromatic acceptance (2 to 3 Fixed Focus Alternating Gradient Concept Why FFAGs ? Large chromatic acceptance (2 to 3 X) No ramping Fast acceleration (2 to 3) x E 0 Scaling Tune independent of momentum Large magnets Low frequency RF E 0 Non-Scaling Momentum dependent tunes Smaller less expensive magnet Can use higher frequency RF NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

EMMA at Darsbury Laboratory Purpose: Demonstrate the non-scaling FFAG concept Challenge: No non-scaling FFAG’s EMMA at Darsbury Laboratory Purpose: Demonstrate the non-scaling FFAG concept Challenge: No non-scaling FFAG’s have previously been designed, built and operated EMMA is an electron analog machine designed for 10 -20 Me. V/c operation NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

The EMMA Lattice 1. 3 GHz RF Cavities QF QD Magnet Prototypes delivered March The EMMA Lattice 1. 3 GHz RF Cavities QF QD Magnet Prototypes delivered March 2008 4 EMMA Cells NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

The EMMA Injection System 75 l/s Ion pump Screen 75 l/s Ion pump In The EMMA Injection System 75 l/s Ion pump Screen 75 l/s Ion pump In je Cavity ct io Kicker NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 n Septum 72 O Harold G. Kirk

EMMA Tune Study NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk EMMA Tune Study NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Translation of the EMMA Quads In order to vary the tunes one must vary Translation of the EMMA Quads In order to vary the tunes one must vary the F and D quad strengths ……. But in addition the dipole fields must also be properly adjusted ……. Each F and D quad is mounted on precision translators NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

EMMA Vacuum Chamber Apertures Magnet translation - 2. 611 mm R 37 Magnet translation EMMA Vacuum Chamber Apertures Magnet translation - 2. 611 mm R 37 Magnet translation - 5. 297 mm +2. 698 mm 7. 514 mm +14. 511 mm R 53 40 mm 34. 048 mm F Magnet Section RF Cavity Section D Magnet Section NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

EMMA Schedule Component delivery Ring Assembly Beam Commissioning Experimental Run 2008 2009 Late 2009 EMMA Schedule Component delivery Ring Assembly Beam Commissioning Experimental Run 2008 2009 Late 2009 2010 First Results NUFACT `10 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

The Future: Presentation to U. S. P 5 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 The Future: Presentation to U. S. P 5 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Possible Demonstration Experiments 6 D Cooling Helical Cooling Channel Guggenheim FOFO Snake Ultra-low Cooling Possible Demonstration Experiments 6 D Cooling Helical Cooling Channel Guggenheim FOFO Snake Ultra-low Cooling Extreme high-field Solenoids (50 T) l Multiple Coulomb Scattering in high-B field l Liquid Li Lenses l NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

The NF/MC Vision NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk The NF/MC Vision NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Summary MERIT has achieved it’s goals of: l Examining the influence of high-B field Summary MERIT has achieved it’s goals of: l Examining the influence of high-B field on beam/jet interactions l Validating the NF/MC target concept for 4 MW, 50 Hz operation MICE is proceeding toward a technical demonstration of Ionization Cooling by 2011 EMMA is on-track for a ground-breaking demonstration of the NSFFAG concept by 2010 The International R&D program for the production, collection, and acceleration of intense muon beams is proceeding vigorously. NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Backup Slides NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk Backup Slides NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Proton Beam Characteristics PS was run in a harmonic 4, 8, and 16 mode Proton Beam Characteristics PS was run in a harmonic 4, 8, and 16 mode l Fast extraction can accommodate entire 2. 5 s PS fill. l Full single turn extraction at 24 Ge. V l Partial/multiple extraction possible at 14 Ge. V l First Beam on Target October 17 2007 l NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

Installed in the CERN TT 2 a Line Before Mating After Mating and Tilting Installed in the CERN TT 2 a Line Before Mating After Mating and Tilting NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

The Pump/Probe Detectors ACEM (Aluminum Cathode Electron Multiplier) Diamond +/- 10 degrees Behind dump The Pump/Probe Detectors ACEM (Aluminum Cathode Electron Multiplier) Diamond +/- 10 degrees Behind dump in beam line +/- 20 degrees In beam line, upstream of target 16 March 2018 M. Palm, CERN - AB/ATB/EA NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 37 Harold G. Kirk

MERIT Beam Shots • 30 x 1012 protons/pulse!!! • 24 Ge. V • 115 MERIT Beam Shots • 30 x 1012 protons/pulse!!! • 24 Ge. V • 115 k. J !!! a PS record 300 250 200 150 Hg target OFF 100 Hg target IN 50 0 3 37 39 63 9 73 83 9 8 0 3 39 83 23 9 83 43 9 83 63 9 8 8 3 39 93 03 9 93 23 9 93 43 9 9 6 Integrated beam intensity to MERIT [1013 protons] 350 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk

MERIT Experiment in the TT 2 a Area Material access shaft N 2 Exhaust MERIT Experiment in the TT 2 a Area Material access shaft N 2 Exhaust line Racks & electronics Personnel access Beam dump Solenoid & Hg loop NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Upstream beam elements (new) n Quadrupoles for final focusing n Collimator n Beam profile measurement n Beam intensity measurement Harold G. Kirk

Velocity of Splash Measurements, 24 Ge. V 10 TP, 10 T t=0 20 TP, Velocity of Splash Measurements, 24 Ge. V 10 TP, 10 T t=0 20 TP, 10 T t=0 V = 54 m/s t=0. 075 ms t=0. 175 ms t=0. 375 ms t=0. 175 ms Harold G. Kirk t=0. 375 ms V = 65 m/s t=0. 050 ms NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008

Optics Configuration with respect to Beam/Jet Proton Beam enters Hg jet from below and Optics Configuration with respect to Beam/Jet Proton Beam enters Hg jet from below and exits above Jet/Beam interaction streams by Viewport 3 exit point first Z=0 Harold G. Kirk Brookhaven National Laboratory