- Количество слайдов: 41
The Muon Acceleration R&D Experimental Program NUFACT `08 Valencia, Spain July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk Brookhaven National Laboratory
The IDS Baseline MERIT MICE EMMA NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
The Neutrino Factory Target Concept Maximize Pion/Muon Production l Soft-pion Production l High-Z materials l High-Magnetic Field NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
The MERIT Experiment Purpose: To provide a proof-ofprinciple for the NF/MC 4 -MW target concept. To study the effects of high-magnetic fields on the beam/jet interaction. MERcury Intense Target NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
MERIT at the CERN TT 2 Line 14 and 24 Ge. V proton beam from the PS l Up to 30 x 1012 protons (TP) per 2. 5 s spill l Proton beam spot with r ≤ 1. 5 mm rms l 1 cm diameter Hg Jet l Hg Jet/proton beam off solenoid axis l Hg Jet 33 mrad to solenoid axis l Proton beam 67 mrad to solenoid axis l Test 50 Hz operations-20 m/s operation Experiment Run Oct/Nov 2007 l 15 -T pulsed solenoid l NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Sectional view of the MERIT Experiment Secondary Containment Syringe Pump Solenoid Jet Chamber Proton Beam 4 Hg Jet NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 3 2 1 Beam Window Harold G. Kirk
Influence of the Magnetic Field Jet Velocity is 15 m/s 0 T 10 T 5 T 15 T NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
15 TP 14 Ge. V Proton Beam Oct. 27, 2007 Solenoid Field at 5 T Viewport 2 Beam 5016, Hg 15 m/s, 100μs/frame, Total 1. 6 ms NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Viewport 3: Jet/proton interaction Shot 16014 • 14 Ge. V • 12 x 10 12 protons/pulse • B-field 10 T • 500μs/frame 1 cm Disruption Length =16. 5 cm NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Extent of Jet Disruptions 14 Ge. V Note influence of B on threshold NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 24 Ge. V Harold G. Kirk
The 24 Ge. V 30 TP shot Beam pulse energy = 115 k. J (A CERN PS record) B field = 15 T Jet Velocity = 20 m/s Disruption Length = 17 cm We will replace 2 interaction lengths (28 cm) (for Hg λI = 14 cm) Then the jet transport time is 28 cm/20 m/s = 14 ms èRep rate of 70 Hz èProton beam power at that rate is 115 k. J *70 = 8 MW NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Disruption Development 24 Ge. V Proton Beam 10 TP 50μs at 0 T (agrees with AGS E 951 result) 150μs at 15 T (new result) NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Influence of Beam Structure Results of altering the delivered beam structure from the PS 14 Ge. V Proton Beam B=5 T Harmonic 8 Harmonic 16 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
4 TP + 4 TP Delay Study at 14 Ge. V Single Turn Extraction 0 Delay 4 TP Probe extracted on subsequent turn 3. 2 μs Delay 4 TP Probe extracted after 2 nd full turn 5. 8 μs Delay B field at 7 T Target supports 14 Ge. V 4 TP beam at 172 k. Hz rep rate without disruption NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Initial MERIT Results Influence of magnetic field on beam/jet interactions l Jet surface instabilities substantially reduced l Jet disruption diminished l Jet disruption threshold increased l Jet disruption delayed Influence of proton beam structure on beam/jet interactions l Higher beam harmonic structure yields greater disruption l Beam pulses ≥ 6μs arrive as independent new pulses NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
The MERIT Bottom Line The Neutrino Factory/Muon Collider target concept has been validated for 4 MW 50 Hz operations. NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) Purpose: To demonstrate the technology required to reduce the produced muon phase space Challenges: l High-gradient, low-frequency (201 MHz) rf cavities operating in high-magnetic fields (~3 T) l Design and safely operated LH 2 absorbers NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
MICE at RAL ISIS accelerator MICE experimental hall NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
The MICE Experimental Components Time of Flight Counters Cherenkov Detector µ/ PID LH 2 Absorbers RF Cavities e shower detector Particle Trackers Schedule l Tracking Modules 2008 l Beam characterization 2009 l Initial LH 2 absorbers; RF cavities 2010 l Final LH 2 absorbers; RF cavities 2011 First Results—NUFACT`11 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
The MICE Beam Line 800 Me. V protons in ISIS collide with titanium target producing pions. Pions captured in 1 st quadrupole triplet Two dipole magnets steer beam. Pions decay to muons captured in decay solenoid. Muon beam transport through l l NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 2 nd and 3 rd quadrupole triplets Lead diffuser Harold G. Kirk
The MICE Beam MICE Internal Target Sweep of the 2 nd Dipole First Beam March 30, 2008 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Fixed Focus Alternating Gradient Concept Why FFAGs ? Large chromatic acceptance (2 to 3 X) No ramping Fast acceleration (2 to 3) x E 0 Scaling Tune independent of momentum Large magnets Low frequency RF E 0 Non-Scaling Momentum dependent tunes Smaller less expensive magnet Can use higher frequency RF NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
EMMA at Darsbury Laboratory Purpose: Demonstrate the non-scaling FFAG concept Challenge: No non-scaling FFAG’s have previously been designed, built and operated EMMA is an electron analog machine designed for 10 -20 Me. V/c operation NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
The EMMA Lattice 1. 3 GHz RF Cavities QF QD Magnet Prototypes delivered March 2008 4 EMMA Cells NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
The EMMA Injection System 75 l/s Ion pump Screen 75 l/s Ion pump In je Cavity ct io Kicker NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 n Septum 72 O Harold G. Kirk
EMMA Tune Study NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Translation of the EMMA Quads In order to vary the tunes one must vary the F and D quad strengths ……. But in addition the dipole fields must also be properly adjusted ……. Each F and D quad is mounted on precision translators NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
EMMA Vacuum Chamber Apertures Magnet translation - 2. 611 mm R 37 Magnet translation - 5. 297 mm +2. 698 mm 7. 514 mm +14. 511 mm R 53 40 mm 34. 048 mm F Magnet Section RF Cavity Section D Magnet Section NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
EMMA Schedule Component delivery Ring Assembly Beam Commissioning Experimental Run 2008 2009 Late 2009 2010 First Results NUFACT `10 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
The Future: Presentation to U. S. P 5 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Possible Demonstration Experiments 6 D Cooling Helical Cooling Channel Guggenheim FOFO Snake Ultra-low Cooling Extreme high-field Solenoids (50 T) l Multiple Coulomb Scattering in high-B field l Liquid Li Lenses l NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
The NF/MC Vision NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Summary MERIT has achieved it’s goals of: l Examining the influence of high-B field on beam/jet interactions l Validating the NF/MC target concept for 4 MW, 50 Hz operation MICE is proceeding toward a technical demonstration of Ionization Cooling by 2011 EMMA is on-track for a ground-breaking demonstration of the NSFFAG concept by 2010 The International R&D program for the production, collection, and acceleration of intense muon beams is proceeding vigorously. NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Backup Slides NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Proton Beam Characteristics PS was run in a harmonic 4, 8, and 16 mode l Fast extraction can accommodate entire 2. 5 s PS fill. l Full single turn extraction at 24 Ge. V l Partial/multiple extraction possible at 14 Ge. V l First Beam on Target October 17 2007 l NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
Installed in the CERN TT 2 a Line Before Mating After Mating and Tilting NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
The Pump/Probe Detectors ACEM (Aluminum Cathode Electron Multiplier) Diamond +/- 10 degrees Behind dump in beam line +/- 20 degrees In beam line, upstream of target 16 March 2018 M. Palm, CERN - AB/ATB/EA NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 37 Harold G. Kirk
MERIT Beam Shots • 30 x 1012 protons/pulse!!! • 24 Ge. V • 115 k. J !!! a PS record 300 250 200 150 Hg target OFF 100 Hg target IN 50 0 3 37 39 63 9 73 83 9 8 0 3 39 83 23 9 83 43 9 83 63 9 8 8 3 39 93 03 9 93 23 9 93 43 9 9 6 Integrated beam intensity to MERIT [1013 protons] 350 NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Harold G. Kirk
MERIT Experiment in the TT 2 a Area Material access shaft N 2 Exhaust line Racks & electronics Personnel access Beam dump Solenoid & Hg loop NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008 Upstream beam elements (new) n Quadrupoles for final focusing n Collimator n Beam profile measurement n Beam intensity measurement Harold G. Kirk
Velocity of Splash Measurements, 24 Ge. V 10 TP, 10 T t=0 20 TP, 10 T t=0 V = 54 m/s t=0. 075 ms t=0. 175 ms t=0. 375 ms t=0. 175 ms Harold G. Kirk t=0. 375 ms V = 65 m/s t=0. 050 ms NUFACT ‘ 08 July 3, 2008
Optics Configuration with respect to Beam/Jet Proton Beam enters Hg jet from below and exits above Jet/Beam interaction streams by Viewport 3 exit point first Z=0 Harold G. Kirk Brookhaven National Laboratory