Скачать презентацию The mission and the organization of CNR-SPIN An Скачать презентацию The mission and the organization of CNR-SPIN An


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The mission and the organization of CNR-SPIN An overview Carlo Ferdeghini Geneva, November, 2015 The mission and the organization of CNR-SPIN An overview Carlo Ferdeghini Geneva, November, 2015

Our story… … Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia 2004 February 2010 Our story… … Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia 2004 February 2010

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italian National Research Council CNR SPIN network Genova (headquarter) - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italian National Research Council CNR SPIN network Genova (headquarter) - main focus: superconductivity, innovative materials Department of Physical Science and Technologies of the Matter Corso F. M. Perrone, 24 16152 Genova, Italy University of Genova Physics Department www. spin. CNR. it Deputy Director: Daniele Marrè Napoli - main focus: superconducting devices/oxide and organic electronics GE Salerno - main focus: superconductivity and magnetic hybrids University of Napoli Federico II Physical Science Department CNR Area 3, Pozzuoli University of Salerno Physics Department Deputy Director: Giovanni Piero Pepe AQ RM NA Deputy Director: Antonio Vecchione L’Aquila - main focus: ferroics and multiferroics SA University of L’Aquila Physics Department Deputy Director: Gianni Profeta Roma - main focus: oxide thin films/optical properties University of “Tor Vergata” University of “La Sapienza” Deputy Director: Carmela Aruta

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italian National Research Council Department of Physical Science and Technologies Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italian National Research Council Department of Physical Science and Technologies of the Matter Mission Superconductors and other innovative materials for electronic devices and for energetics Activities Basic experimental and theoretical studies on superconducting and magnetic materials, strongly correlate oxides, ferroics, multiferroics and other innovative materials Material preparation (bulk, single crystals, thin films, multilayers, epitaxial superlattice, tapes and wires) Headquarter Genova, Villa Balbi-Brignole Advanced material characterization based on radiation-matter interactions (also at Syncrotron Radiation Facilities), transport and electronic properties measurements also in presence of high external fields. Micro/nano superconducting electronic devices (for quantum computation and other applications), electronic devices based on oxides (“oxide electronics”) and other innovative materials.

the International Advisory Board Agnes Barthelemy University of Paris Sud advises scientific strategies David the International Advisory Board Agnes Barthelemy University of Paris Sud advises scientific strategies David Larbalestier Applied Superconductivity Center, Florida evaluates scientific results Petra Rudolf University of Groningen Alexey Ustinov University of Karlsrhue Jeroen Van Den Brink Dresden University of Technology Ruggero Vaglio University of Napoli Federico II, CNR-SPIN

staff some numbers… 208 personale SPIN 78 dipendenti 7 nuovi ingressi 108 8 ICIB staff some numbers… 208 personale SPIN 78 dipendenti 7 nuovi ingressi 108 8 ICIB / INO/ISM associati 20 + supporto ufficio 22 parasubordinati

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italian National Research Council Department of Physical Science and Technologies Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italian National Research Council Department of Physical Science and Technologies of the Matter Researchers Activity A. Malagoli (Ge), C. Bernini, V. Braccini, C. Ferdeghini, G. Lamura, A. Gerbi (50%), A. Martinelli, A. Massone, I. Pallecchi (50%) M. Putti, A. Varlamov, P Manfrinetti, A Palenzona, M. Piana, A Siri (50%), E Galleani D'agliano, P Dore, MR Cimberle GENOVA-ROMA Materials and mechanisms of superconductivity and power applications GE-SA-RM G. Grimaldi (Sa), F. Giubileo, , U. Gambardella, S. Pace, M. Polichetti, A. Nigro, P. Romano SALERNO P. Lucignano (Na), , A. Porzio, M. Valentino, C. De Lisio, L. Parlato, G. P. Pepe, F. Tafuri A. Tagliacozzo, A. Andreone, S. De Nicola. NAPOLI C. Cirillo (Sa), N. Martucciello, C. Attanasio, F. Bobba, G. Carapella, A. Cucolo, S. Pagano SALERNO C. Camerlingo, R. Cristiano, M. Ejrnaes, M. Lisitski , C. Nappi, E. Sarnelli NAPOLI M. Cuoco (Sa), A. Vecchione R. Fittipaldi, , C. Noce, A. Romano D. Paparo (Na), F. Miletto, A. Marino, V. Tkachenko X. Wang, S. Amoruso, G. Ausanio, R. Bruzzese, V. Iannotti, L. Lanotte, L. Marrucci, U. Scotti di Uccio, G. Abbate NAPOLI S. Picozzi (Aq), A. Stroppa, A. Ciattoni (Aq), P. Calvani, A. Nucara, P. Maselli, L. Ottaviano, G. Profeta E. Bellingeri (Ge), , F. Bisio, R. Buzio, A. Gerbi (50%), R. Moroni, L. Pellegrino, I. Pallecchi (50%), G. Costa, D. Marré, M. Ferretti, A Siri (50%) GENOVA P. Orgiani (Sa), C. Aruta, V. Foglietti, A. Kavokin, G. Balestrino, D. Di Castro, L. Maritato, A. Tebano SA-RM M. Barra (Na), S. Lettieri, M. Salluzzo, A. Cassinese, F. Bloisi, P. Maddalena, R. Vaglio, L. Vicari, G. Ambrosone, R. di Capua, G. Ghiringhelli, L. Braicovich NAPOLI G Cantele (NA), A. Fierro, M. Pica Ciamarra, A. Coniglio, V. Cataudella, D. Ninno, R Citro, A. De Candia, G. De Filippis, M. Nicodemi, C. A. Perroni NAPOLI-SALERNO M. Sassetti (Ge), A. Braggio, P. Solinas GENOVA Superconducting, hybrid and quantum devices and nanostructures NA-SA Cooperative phenomena in advaced materials with magnetic and/or electric dipolar order SA-NA-AQ-RM Innovative multifunctional materials and devices for electronics and energetics GE-SA-NA-RM Dinamic, electronic and transport properties in complex systems and functional materials NA-GE-SA

some numbers … network analysis GE SA AQ NA RM some numbers … network analysis GE SA AQ NA RM

some numbers … R&D projects started in the last 3 years: Budget: About 6 some numbers … R&D projects started in the last 3 years: Budget: About 6 M€/Year 2, 5 1, 3 5% SPIN overhead … 1, 4 1, 3 funds 2013 2014 2015 (Oct) EU / International 629 k€ 435 k€ 424 K€ National 619 k€ 869 k€ 730 k€ Regional 75 k€ 61 k€ 100 k€ + 2, 5 M€ / 77 K€ / Other Equipment (Regione Campania)

some numbers … Publications: results and trend some numbers … Publications: results and trend

main events main events

technology transfer activities SPIN is traditionally involved in industrial networks and in initiatives characterized technology transfer activities SPIN is traditionally involved in industrial networks and in initiatives characterized by a close collaboration between research and industry. Some examples: Some initiatives: R&D Clusters and Districts Joint Infrastructures tecnobionet District for Polymeric and Composite Materials Engineering The large set of advanced scientific equipment and the expertise of the SPIN researchers allow the Institute to provide wide professional services activities, main of which are related to SEM/EDS analyses, investigations and measurements. Main collaborations:

Higlights on Superconductivity Related Projects: Super. Iron (FP 7): Fe-based, coordinator (M. Putti) Iron. Higlights on Superconductivity Related Projects: Super. Iron (FP 7): Fe-based, coordinator (M. Putti) Iron. Sea (Fp 7): Fe-based (S. Pagano, E. Bellingeri) Magdrive (Fp 7): HTS bearings (C. Ferdeghini) BSCCO (Fondazione S. Paolo) (A. Malagoli) SC for Energy (CNR) (V. Braccini) Mg. B 2 - MAE Italy-Israel (M. Vignolo) Mg. B 2 MRI Cryogen-free (MIUR) (A. S. Siri) SC materials for application (CNR) (M. Vignolo) Regional project on Mg. B 2 (C. Ferdeghini) Regional project on Fe-Based (C. Ferdeghini) Mg. B 2 (industrial) (A. Malagoli) Mg. B 2: Fundamental: M. Putti, Observation of the crossover from two-gap to single-gap superconductivity PRL 2006 (50 cit) V. Braccini, Highfield superconductivity in alloyed Mg. B 2 thin films PRB 2005 (150 cit) Applied: A. Grasso: Large transport critical currents in unsintered Mg. B 2 superconducting tapes APL 2001(300 cit) Technology transfer: A. S. Siri, C. Ferdeghini, A. Malagoli Columbus superconductors foundation A. S. Siri, M. Vignolo precursors development Fe-Based: Fundamental: E. Bellingeri, T-c=21 K in epitaxial Fe. Se 0. 5 Te 0. 5 thin films with biaxial compressive strain APL 2010 (100 cit), A. Martinelli, From antiferromagnetism to superconductivity in Fe 1+y. Te 1 -x. Sex. PRB 2010 (80 cit) Applied: M. Putti New Fe-based superconductors: properties relevant for applications SUST 2010 (cit 100), C. Tarantini, Significant enhancement of upper critical fields by doping and strain in fe-based SC, PRB 2011 (40 cit) Technology transfer: PIT technique, C. C. on metal tapes. . Bi-2212: Fundamental: M. R. Cimberle, Crossover between Aslamazov-Larkin and short-wavelength fluctuation regimes in HTS PRB 97 (40 cit) Applied: A. Malagoli Evidence for long range movement of Bi-2212 within the filament bundle on melting and its significant effect on J(c) SUST 2011 (20 cit) Technology transfer: A. Malagoli New concept for the development of Bi-2212 wires for high field applications SUST 2015

conclusions CNR context: New Statute New Rules of Organization Decreasing budget for research 30 conclusions CNR context: New Statute New Rules of Organization Decreasing budget for research 30 June-1 July 2014 CNR-SPIN meeting New SPIN scientific structure in progress…… New «Consiglio di Istituto» New International Advisory Board National and international context: Increase the SPIN inpact on: Regional networks and initiatives Horizon 2020 initiatives International collaborations Bilateral collaboration with emerging countries Collaboration with Industries

organization services network Personnel Management Central SPIN Administration GE Office of Administrative & Technical organization services network Personnel Management Central SPIN Administration GE Office of Administrative & Technical Support (shared with NANO and IOM Institute) AQ RM Administration Support RM - General services Recruitment of temporary and atypical staff Legal services Institutional provisions Management of tenders and contracts Fund raising Funded projects Technology transfer Management Support NA SA

some numbers … seed projects 2012 2013 2014 37. 100, 00 € 49. 000, some numbers … seed projects 2012 2013 2014 37. 100, 00 € 49. 000, 00 € 39. 900, 00 € Is weak localization detected by 1/f noise? Carlo Barone (SA) – 14 k€ Exploring multiferroicity and magnetoelectric effects in melilite oxides Paolo Barone (AQ) – 10 k€ Metalorganic frameworks, new routes to multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity: a joint theoretical and experimental study Alessandro Stroppa (AQ) – 3, 5 k€ Growth of Nd 2 -x. Cex. Cu. O 4 -δ ultra-thin films for superconducting photon detectors Anita Guarino (SA) – 12 k€ Stability and transport properties of edge states in two dimensional topological insulators Dario Ferraro (GE) – 7 k€ Spin density wave and superconductivity in Fe. Te thin films: their control by oxygen doping and their effect on the induction of a charge density wave Shrikant Kawale (GE) – 7 k€ Charge transfer mechanism in superconducting Ca. Cu. O 2/Sr. Ti. O 3 superlattices Davide Innocenti (RM) – 12, 6 k€ Study of macroscopic quantum phenomena and dissipation in HTS and hybrid Josephson systems Davide Massarotti (NA) – 10 k€ Polar-nonpolar oxide interfaces charge dynamics investigated by a single Pump double Probe experiment Andrea Rubano (NA) – 10 k€ Infrared Study of oxide interfaces Leonetta Baldassarre (RM) – 6 k€ Charge separation and charge transport in hybrid solar cells Raffaele Pastore (NA) – 12 k€ Heat transport in topological devices Giacomo Dolcetto (GE) – 11, 4 k€ Synthesis, experimental and theoretical investigation of Ca-112 a new family of iron based superconductors Federico Caglieris (GE) – 10, 5 k€