- Количество слайдов: 25
I. PREAMBLE Renewable energy (NLTT) is a valuable national resource, the development and usage of this resource are the implement diversification the energy supply source, lower the dependence on fossil fuels. The use of renewable energy is the use of national resource to provide energy effectively for the economy and reduce import energies, contribute to enhance energy security, reduce green house gases emission, implement green development.
II. CURRENT STATUS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPLOITATION AND USAGE IN VIETNAM 2. 1. Summary of exploit potential and capacity of renewable energy sources in Viet Nam. Type of source 1. Small hydropower 2. Wind power 3. Solar power Potential Exploit, produce capacity (MW) > 4. 000 MW + Techical: >4. 000 + Economic: 2. 200 + Need finance supports for more exploitation. Mountain Areas: North East; North West, North Central; South Central; Western Highlands. For electric-grid connection and mini electric-grid > 30. 000 MW + Economy: Not profitable at current selling prices. Need supports + Central, Western Highlands, islands + Coastal areas and other places that has terrain wind 4 -5 k. Wh/m 2/day > 15 MW for outside- + Solar thermal: All residents areas grid areas. + Solar power: Outside-grid residents + Need support for areas development. Areas/usage targets
2. 1. Summary of exploit potential and capacity of renewable energy sources in Viet Nam(cont) Type of source 4. Bio mass +Firewoods +Agricultural Residues 5. Bio +Biogas Potential 600 -700 MW Exploit, produce capacity (MW) + Husk: 197 - 225 + Basage: 221 - 276 58 Unconfirmed 1 mil. T/n < 400 MW +Biofuels > 570 triệu m 3 + Not economical with current prices. Need support > 100 MW Unconfirmed 6. Geothermal 7. Tide 8. Biological waste 350 MW 222 Areas/Usage target Households, small handicrafts in provinces Husk: Mekong river plain areas Basage: Sugar processing areas + Country side households + Farms, processing areas + Transportation + Electric producing Central, North West areas Coastal areas Urban areas
COMMENTS The renewable energy potential in Viet Nam is diversity and abudance but hasn’t get to be fully assessmented, surveyed, lacks information to assessment the potential, the usage part is still small compare with the potential. Power planning VII has orienated that the main renewable energy producing sources will be wind power, small hydropower and Biomass, which is justifiable.
2. 2. Current renewable energy usage situation 1) Small hydropower, has been exploited 50% economical potential, TCS around 1000 MW, the other sources are at rural, unfavorable areas, have high exploit costs. Further more, the small hydropower potentail is descending due to watershed forest areas are being shrinked, climate changes, annual precipitation is lessened, drought in many areas make the future potential of this source will not so much; This is a long “story”! 2) Windpower, with the current price of 6, 5 m/s windspeed and the frequency of wind with speed more than 6 m/s from 20 - 25% above are assessment around 9 USc/k. Wh (depending on technology). So, that the Power Planning VII orienated that windpower will has high proportion of renewable energy sources in the peroids of 2011, 2020 and 2030 is based. To present there are windpower projects are being established and implemted; With total capacity of 52 MW.
2. 2. Current Renewable Enegry Usage Situation The building hyrdoplants movements have caused heavy concequences. Picture: Hydropower plant dam IA KREL 2 -Đuc Co district, Gia Lai province, broken at 6 -2013, destroyed many people’s crops. Photographer: Cao Nguyen
2. 2. Current Renewable Enegry Usage Situation (cont) Bạc Liêu windpower connected 10 x 1, 6 MW, 25 -6 -2013
2. 2. Current Renewable Enegry Usage Situation (cont) 3) Solar Energy. - The main energy produce in Viet Nam is from solar batteries source installed at countrysides, moutainious, rurals, and sea islands areas. The solar batteries system were present at 38 provinces, city in the country. However, the present suất investment is high so the solar energy price is still very high compared with the people’s income (over 20 USc/k. Wh). Total capaicity around 3 MW. - Using solarthermal, solar water heater has been able to competive with thoses using electric, gas; which is most developed at the Sourthen provinces
2. 2. Current Renewable Enegry Usage Situation (cont) The solar using project at Thuong Trach district, Bo Trach, Quang Binh. Capacity of 11 k. Wp, cost 160. 000 USD, funded by Sues Foundation
2. 2. Current Renewable Enegry Usage Situation(cont) 4) Biofuels 20/11/2007, the Prime Minister official approved “Đề án development of biofuels to 2015, with vision to 2025 proposal”, in which proposed the goal to 2010, to produce 100. 000 tons of E 5 gasoline per year and 50. 000 tons of B 5 per year, ensure 0, 4% of the nation’s fuels needs and to 2025, will have those two products output sastify 5% national market needs. The proposal also show 6 important solutions to develop Bio energy and establish the market to bring this industry intergation with the world step by step.
2. 2. Current Renewable Enegry Usage Situation (cont) Summary of the building ethanol fuels Factories project at Viet Nam Factory Capacity Investor Đai Loc factory, Quang Nam 100 millions litres/years Đồng Xanh company Cu-Dut factory, Đac Nong 50 millions litres/year Dai Viet company Was put into operation Tam Nong factory, Phú Thọ 100 millions litres/year PVB company, belongs to PV Oil Begin operated at 9/2009. 80% complete in account for 1/2012 Dung Quat factory 100 millions litres/year Petrosetco NMLD Binh Son of Petrovietnam Produced the first batch at 3/2/2012 Binh Phuoc factory 100 millions litres/year Xuan Loc factory 60 millions litres/year Join venture of ITOCHU Japan and PV Oilq Tung Lam limited liability company Progress Put into operation at 2/4/2011 Begin operated at 20/3/2010 Being examined before test operation at 2/2012 Operated at 2010
2. 2. Current Renewable Enegry Usage Situation (cont) Dong Xanh ethanol producing factory -Quang Ngai
2. 2. Current Renewable Enegry Usage Situation (cont) 5) About biomass usage In case of power generating from biomass energy, some typical project in Viet Nam are themorelectric generators technology using husks and basage. In particular are: themorelectric generators using basage equipment at sugar factories with total capacity around 150 MW; Electric generating using husk at Can Tho city và An Giang province are started to be developed. 6) About geothermal energy, at 9/2012, Quang Tri province has licensed the investment of build the first geothermal energyplant project at Đakrong with capacity of 25 MW, begin the explotation of new energy source in near future.
2. 2. Current Renewable Energy Usage Situation (cont) Powerplant using basage-biomass
2. 2. Current Renewable Energy Usage Situation (cont) Summary of renewable energy usage for electric generating to 2012 STT Type of source Capacity (MW) 1 Small Hydropower 2 Windpower 52 3 Solarpower 3 4 Biomass 5 Domestic waste Total 1. 000 152 8 1. 215
2. 2. Current Renewable Energy Usage situation(cont) Comments - The development of renewable energy usage overall is still slow. - Lack development planning, encourage policy - The development of renewable energy project still by State agencies play a major role from organize to investment fund ( including investment fund managed by State). - The role of private sector participate in renewable energy project is improved, private sector‘s investment has played an important role rencently (still not consider the main) in the development of such as small hydropower, windpower, biofuels; it is based to belived that now on with the mechanisms, policíes, suitable prices, will be able to attacts more investement from private sectors, both national and international, participate in diversification develop renewable energy investment.
III. PLAN ON RENEWABLE ENERGY USAGE OUTLOOK 1) Expected development of renewable energy follow QHĐ VII (base plan) Category Units 2010 2020 2030 Total electric power demands Capacity Power MW Tỷ k. Wh 24. 000 100 75. 000 330 146. 800 695 Total renewable energy Capacity %HT MW %HT Tỷ k. Wh 4 960 2 2 5, 6 4. 200 4, 5 16, 5 9, 4 13. 724 6, 0 41, 7 Capacity Power MW %HT 52 - 1000 0, 7 6. 200 2, 4 Capacity Power MW %HT 150 500 0, 6 2. 000 1, 1 MW 900 2. 700 5. 600 103 tons 1. 200 8. 910 25. 020 Power There in: - Windpower - Biomass - Other source Reduce CO 2 potential
2) Assessment of develop renewable energy investment expected by QHĐ VII Category Windpower -Capacity -Investment -Required land area Biomass -Capacity -Investment Other source -Capacity -Investment Total investment Units 2020 2030 MW Mil. USD Ha 1. 000 2. 200 5. 000 6. 200/5. 000 9. 000 31. 000 MW Mil. USD 500 650 2. 000/1. 500 1. 650 MW Mil. USD 2. 700 4. 050 5. 600/2. 900 4. 350 Mil. USD 6. 900 15. 000
3) Estimates plan with renewable energy proportion of 6%; 10% total required at 2020 and 2030 Category Total required E (correction plan) Unit 2020 2030 Billions KWh 235 460 % total Billions k. Wh 4, 5 10, 5 6, 0 27, 6 % total MW 5, 6 4. 000 9, 4 9. 800 Millions USD 7. 200 13. 720 Estimates Renewable Energy A- With Renewable Energy proportion as QHĐVII and Green Growth Strategy - Power(E) - Capacity(P) - Total investment
3) Estimates plan with renewable energy proportion of 6%; 10% total required at 2020 and 2030 Category Unít 2020 2030 % Tỷ KWh 6 14, 1 10 46, 0 % 5. 600 15. 000 Triệu USD 10. 000 21. 000 103 tấn 8. 460 27. 000 B- Forecast with better renewable energy proportion - Power E - Capacity P - Total investment - Reduce CO 2 emission
Comments. According to the numbers of QHĐVII, 2020 require total renewable energy capacity 4200 MW, power of 16, 5 tyrk. Wh, required investment of 6, 9 billions USD, reduce emission capacity 8, 9 mil. tons CO 2; 2030 repsectively is 13. 720 MW; 41, 7 billions k. Wh; 15 billions USD; 25 mil. tons CO 2. This plan is calculated with high equipment capacity usage hours, 3900 h/n for 2020 and 3040 h/n for 2030. . In case of higher renewable energy proportion, 6% at 2020; 10% at 2030 but lower QHĐVII, năm 2020 require total renewable energy capacity of 5600 MW, power 14, 1 billions k. Wh, investment of 10 billions USD, Reduce ability of 8, 46 mil. tons CO 2; 2030 respectively is 15. 000 MW; 46 billions k. Wh; 21 billions USD; 27 mil. tons CO 2. This plan adjust with lower renewable energy usage hours, 2500 h/y at 2020 and 3000 h/y at 2030.
IV. Conclusions and proposals. Our tradition energy source are getting lower duo to limited stocks yet usage needs are getting more and more, simultaneously the consumption of minerals energy is causing severly enviroment pollution. Viet Nam has great potential in renewable energy, develop and use renewable energyphaansfcontributed to reduce coal, oil, gas co đồng thời giảm phát thải khí nhà kính, sạch môi trường. Vì thế, Việt Nam cần xây dựng và hoàn thiện luật, chiến lược, quy hoạch, chính sách, cơ chế tổ chức, cần tăng cường đầu tư nhân tài vật lực và hỗ trợ phát triển NLTT. . Trong bối cảnh hiện nay của Việt nam và xu thế chung của thế giới, đề nghị Chính phủ, Bộ Công thương, Bộ TN&MT tổ chức nghiên cứu xây dựng kịch bản phát triển NLTT cao hơn so với QHĐVII, Chiến lược QG về tăng trưởng xanh. Kịch bản nghiên cứu có thể hướng tới NLTT đảm bảo 6%, 10% tổng nhu cầu điên năng quốc gia tương ứng cho 2020, 2030 và cao hơn sau đó.