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The Middle East Regents Review The Middle East Regents Review

Geography of the Middle East n The Middle East is comprised of parts of Geography of the Middle East n The Middle East is comprised of parts of three different continents: Europe, Asia, and Africa. n The region has been called, “the Crossroads of the world, ” and “SWASIA. ”

Geography of the Middle East n The most valuable resource in the Middle East Geography of the Middle East n The most valuable resource in the Middle East for the last 50 -60 years has been oil. n OPEC – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

Society of the Middle East n Monotheistic Religions: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. n Scattering Society of the Middle East n Monotheistic Religions: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. n Scattering of Jews, minority group due to monotheism: Diaspora n Diaspora is the idea that Jews have been expelled from their homeland scattered throughout the world, where they have been persecuted throughout history.

History of the Middle East Early Civilizations: - Tigris-Euphrates River Valley or Mesopotamia; Current History of the Middle East Early Civilizations: - Tigris-Euphrates River Valley or Mesopotamia; Current day Iraq (Bagdhad) - Also referred to as the “fertile crescent. ” - The Nile River Valley Civilization in Egypt

The Crusades n 1095 -1291 C. E. n Attempts by Europeans to take over The Crusades n 1095 -1291 C. E. n Attempts by Europeans to take over Jerusalem and other Christian Holy Sites from the Muslims. n Christians vs. Muslims over the Holy Land

The Crusades n Muslims win to a Golden Age and pay respect to the The Crusades n Muslims win to a Golden Age and pay respect to the Christians. n Cultural Diffusion occurred between the Muslims and Christians during the crusades. n There was an awakening from the Dark Ages in Europe.

Zionism n Movement to give Jews a homeland in the Middle East. n Leader Zionism n Movement to give Jews a homeland in the Middle East. n Leader – David Ben-Gurion

Creation of Israel n In 1948, the UN divides Palestine to create Israel for Creation of Israel n In 1948, the UN divides Palestine to create Israel for Jews. n Palestinian Muslims and other nations angry. n PLO created to regain land. (Palestine Liberation Organization) Led by Yasser Arafat.

Turkey n Modernize, westernize, Europeanize - Kemel Ataturk. n Ataturk is given title, “Father Turkey n Modernize, westernize, Europeanize - Kemel Ataturk. n Ataturk is given title, “Father of Turkey”

Suez Canal n Dispute between Egypt and Israel over the ownership of the Suez Suez Canal n Dispute between Egypt and Israel over the ownership of the Suez Canal.

Islamic Fundamentalism Strict, radical belief in Islam. n Hatred for freedom and “the west” Islamic Fundamentalism Strict, radical belief in Islam. n Hatred for freedom and “the west” n Use of terrorism against non-Muslims worldwide. n Examples: -Hostage Crisis in Iran -Taliban in Afghanistan -Al-Qaeda today n

IRAQ n Persian Gulf War to remove Iraq from Kuwait. n Also known as IRAQ n Persian Gulf War to remove Iraq from Kuwait. n Also known as Operation Desert Storm. It occurred in 1991 and lasted 6 weeks. n Second Iraq war to remove Saddam Hussein from power. n Civil war today between Sunni Muslims, Shi’ite Muslims, and Kurds for control of Iraq. Meanwhile, the U. S. trying to restore stabilityl.